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You can't believe this, you got lost. You got lost inside Jeremy's big ass house.

You don't want to trouble Mrs. Teresa and Jeremy any further so you didn't bother getting them for help. Besides if you decided to come and find them, you bet you will get lost more.

You cursed the house as you looked left and right to find where the bathroom could be.

You shouldn't be cursing the house, you should be cursing at yourself for forgetting Mrs. Teresa's instructions and declining her offer to take you there.

Upon seeing a door, you opened it to check if it's your destination but instead was greeted by a large comfortable bedroom.

The comforters were strewn all of the comfortable king-sized bed but overall the luxurious bedroom was clean. It must be Jeremy's, you saw his bag at the study table.

You found yourself sighing, damn Jeremy sure is living such a good life, he even got the master bedroom. You assumed that it is because you don't want to think of how much larger the master bedroom is.

You're sure as heck your bedroom is only as half as big compared to this. You wanted to continue your search but your gut and curiosity are telling you to infiltrate the room.

And so you did, cursing to yourself guilty but you're already inside. You might as well examine his room and leave immediately after, it's not like you're going to steal something.

You pouted as you saw many things you wanted in his room, including the flatscreen, some gaming console, laptop, and some other things.

But what caught your attention was an (f/c) colored cloth peeking from one of the built-in cabinets. You were about to open the cabinet and see what it was but then you heard Jeremy calling out your name.

Your heart thundered in your chest and you immediately ran outside his room and closed it. You sighed when you got successfully out and started to feign innocence, looking left and right.

"Y/N? Why are you here?" Jeremy raised his eyebrow as he caught you just pacing around the hallways, away from his bedroom door. You acted shock and turned around with a sheepish smile.

"I was trying to find the bathroom and then happened to stumble here, y'know cuz I got lost?" You laughed nervously, I mean it's true, you got lost.

Thankfully Jeremy bought it and just shrugged, leading you to where your destination is.


It's Monday and honestly, you feel like sh*t. You feel tired and irritated for no apparent reason at all.

Thankfully, Ian didn't bother teasing you because you look like a wreck. If the sadist took pity on you then you must've looked very worse.

He only sent you a confused look when you entered the class almost looking like a mummy, you found yourself waiting for his smirk and teasing remark to come but it never happened.

You thanked the gods or whoever is inhabiting his body.

There's a rumor going on about a transfer but you didn't care, it wasn't going to be relevant from the timeline. It wasn't your business because you're waiting for the day to end so you can take Christina to the cafe already.

You sighed as you slumped at your seat, waiting for the bell to ring so the first period could start. A little rest wouldn't be bad.

"You look like a zombie," Ian spoke next to you after a few minutes and you groaned. Of course, who are you to assume he won't talk.

"Well gee thanks Mr. Handsome, not everyone could afford to be flawless every day like you y'know.." You rolled your eyes, sarcasm dripping from your voice, and to your surprise, Ian didn't say his answer immediately like he always does.

You sat upright to see if he's not trying anything bad. To your surprise Ian was facing away from you, his left hand covering the lower part of his face.

You noticed that red tint in his ears, you fell in disbelief. He couldn't be blushing at what you said right? It's was sarcasm and yet he took it seriously.

"Yo dude, you know I'm just joking right?" You said with confusion in your voice and Ian cleared his throat at this, quickly composing himself.

"Of course I know restroom girl, I wasn't turning away because of what you said. I was turning away because of how terrible you look." A tick mark appeared on your temple and your eye twitched.

'This bastard.'

"You bitc-" You were about to curse at him and call him a female dog when the bell rang, successfully cutting you off.

As if on cue, your teacher entered and everybody entered after, settling on their designated seats. Your teacher cleared her throat, making everyone pay attention to her.

"Everyone, we have a transfer student and they will be your new classmate. I trust all of you to treat them kindly."

'A transfer student?' Your attention was now fully away from Ian, forgetting to insult him.

The novel didn't mention anything about having a transfer student on this day, the only transfer student mentioned was Alex who was going to transfer here a month later.

Maybe this thing is also irrelevant to the plot so the author didn't bother mentioning it at all.

"You may enter now." With those words, the new student entered and to your surprise and horror, it was Alex.

The timeline changed again and you weren't going to be able to fix it. You cursed, he didn't even meet Christina yet!

You panicked internally, Alex could have waited until tomorrow and now everything is even going in shambles more than it already was.

Now you feel even worse and your mood plummeted. It didn't even help that the moment Alex stood at the front, his eyes landed on you and winked.

'F this sh*t I'm truly out.'

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