Alec's Birthday

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Welcome back everyone and buckle on for a long journey!!!

Today was Alexander Gideon Lightwood-Bane's birthday, it was his 28th birthday, and Magnus as always, wanted to celebrate it big.

But Magnus wanted to make Alec feel special and did something he had never done and would never do to anyone else.

Alec turned in the bed feeling for Magnus and felt the empty space next to him, which made him awake.

He looked around and noticed Magnus was missing, "Magnus?", he called and Magnus came in with a smile on his face.

He had a tray in his hands and Alec saw his favorite pancakes and coffee on it and smiled, "Happy Birthday baby", Magnus said softly placing the tray next to Alec who smiled brightly.

This was a traditional birthday start, Magnus for the past 9 years has been waking Alec like this on his birthday.

Alec always wakes Magnus with a kiss on the forehead and cheek on Magnus's birthday, just like the warlock likes.

"Thank you sweetie", Alec said and kissed Magnus who smiled in that kiss, "You know, I just want to stay in the bed with you right, you don't have to do this", Alec said after breaking their kiss.

"I know, but I want to celebrate the day you were born, without this day I won't have you", Magnus said pouting and Alec chuckled.

Alec quickly kissed Magnus's cheek, who smiled brightly, Alec looked at the tray and noticed three sticky notes.

One on the cup, one on the plate, and one on the tray, "What's this?", he asked unable to read as they were in three different languages.

And that too not in English or Latin or Greek or even in Demonic Language, "That's a message from me in three different languages", Magnus said.

"What do they say?", Alec asked, "Well you have to find out and no using runes", Magnus said with a smile, "But now eat up quickly", Magnus said and Alec did.

Magnus also magicked his food and started eating with his love, soon after eating Alec decided to take a shower.

"Thank you for that lovely food Magnus", Alec said and kissed Magnus, which turned into a make-out.

Magnus broke from it making Alec whine, "Patience Shadowhunter, go get ready", Magnus said and Alec smiled walking to the bathroom.

He closed the door and noticed another sticky note and peeled it, it was another language, he smiled shaking his head at Magnus's antics, and turned to brush his teeth.

There he found another two notes, again with different languages, he went into the shower to find another one.

After he showered he opened his closet to find another one, he laughed as he collected all in a box Magnus had kept on the makeup table, with another note.

"Magnus?", he called as he walked out of the room and stopped seeing at least another fifty notes on the walls and cushions and the tv and table.

He saw Magnus looking at him with a smile on his face, "Baby what is this really?", Alec asked laughing as he collected the notes while trying to read them.

"Like I said Alexander it's a message, but leave it like that for now we are going out", Magnus said taking the box from Alec's hand and keeping it aside.

He pulled Alec with him into a portal as Alec laughed and they started enjoying their day by going to the park and museum and stopping by the institute as Alec wanted to check it.

They came home after having lunch outside, "That was awesome, I loved it", Alec said sitting on the couch with Magnus.

Magnus faced Alec with a smile on his face, "I am glad", he said softly while looking at Alec with so much love in his eyes.

Alec also faced Magnus with the same love in his eyes, "Thank you, today was the best, although I still didn't figure out what these are", Alec said with a chuckle as he peeled the notes on the cushion and table.

"You're welcome, you deserve the best", Magnus said and Alec smiled and kissed Magnus, "Even though I am turning older?", Alec asked breaking the kiss.

This was a sour topic for them, Alec's mortality, which was the only part Alec hated on his birthday.

Magnus was in mortal years, if anyone sees him would think he was 27 and Alec already has passed that today.

"No matter what, you deserve the World", Magnus said after a sigh with a smile on his face and decided to change the topic.

"Come on you need to figure this out before the others arrive", the warlock said and pulled Alec with him, who smiled gratefully at him.

Alec collected the rest of the notes on Magnus's orders and went to change for the party and Magnus snapped his fingers.

Soon the loft was decorated and Magnus also quickly went to change and the couple came outside.

"Magnus this is... beautiful", Alec said in awe and Magnus smiled, Magnus did simple and soothing decorations as Alec liked.

"Thank you honey", Magnus said and Alec picked him up bridal style, "Alexander! What are you doing?", Magnus asked laughing.

"I am going to cuddle with my husband", Alec said settling on the couch with Magnus on his lap and Magnus snuggled into his husband.

"Mhmm... I like this", Magnus said softly and Alec chuckled softly, "I like this too", he said kissing his warlock's head.

Just on cue the bell rang making Alec groan, Magnus chuckled and kissed Alec's nose getting up, "Too bad we have to wrap it up", he said and opened the door.

Their friends pooled in, "Happy Birthday Alec", the four newcomers shouted, "Thank you guys", Alec said hugging each one of them.

~ Later ~

"So Sparkles, what did you give my brother on his birthday?", Jace asked as they were sitting after dinner for the gift passing.

"Why do you care blondie?", Magnus asked from his rightful place, next to Alec, "Just", Jace said, "Actually my gift is still with me, I didn't give it to him yet, I think now will be the right time", Magnus said and got up.

Alec was confused, but Magnus rushed to their bedroom came with a box in his hand, and gave it to Alec.

"Hey first open mine", Jace said, "Shut up Jace", Clary, Izzy, and Simon said together, "Open Magnus's", Izzy said and Alec nodded.


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