Alec's Birthday 2

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"Hey, not fair I only reminded Sparkles about the gift", Jace said as Magnus settled next to Alec, "So, Magnus is his husband", Izzy said.

"I am his parabatai", Jace said and Alec and Magnus rolled their eyes, "Husband is more important than parabatai honey", Clary said.

"Would you like it if I choose you or Izzy?", she asked, "Me", Jace said, "So you want your wife to choose you, while you want Alec to choose his parabatai?", Izzy asked.

"Ookay...", Alec started and the bickering stopped, "Guys I am not choosing anyone, ok? First I'll open Izzy's", Alec said.

Magnus smiled at his diplomatic husband and all nodded, Alec opened Izzy's gift and smiled, it was a coffee mug with words written on it.

'Being my brother is the only gift you need ~Love you~ '

Alec laughed at it and kissed his sister on her head thanking her, "Izzy will pick on whose gift I should open next", Alec said quickly escaping from the option of choosing.

"Smart move big bro, you are the Clave for a reason", Izzy said and Magnus smiled proudly, "Hmm... Simon", she said and Alec did as she said.

Then he opened Jace's gift as Izzy said, "Clary's is special, so open hers last", Izzy said and he did.

Jace had given him a parabatai bracelet, "It's a pair", Jace said showing his's, which was black with blue stone.

"You will have the rose gold one which represents me clearly and I'll have the black one which represents your hair color and the stone represents your eye color", Jace said and Alec smiled

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"You will have the rose gold one which represents me clearly and I'll have the black one which represents your hair color and the stone represents your eye color", Jace said and Alec smiled.

He got up and immediately hugged Jace, "Thank you parabatai", he said and Jace smiled and put the bracelet on Alec's hand.

"That was sweet", Izzy said as Alec settled down, "Ok now-", she was going to say but Clary interrupted her, "Open Magnus's, he was looking for the right time and I think his deserved to be opened now", Clary said.

Alec and Magnus smiled, "Thank you biscuit, but Isabelle said yours was special", Magnus said, "But yours will be more special no matter what Magnus, so Alec should go for it", Clary said.

Magnus looked at Alec who was waiting for a response and Magnus nodded with a smile on his face.

Alec took Magnus's gift and saw another note, this time in Greek, so he understood a bit,

Χρόνια πολλά μπαμπά... and on the next line Σε αγαπώ like the other notes, but this time since Alec understood it a little he sat frozen.

He didn't know whether he read it wrong or Magnus wrote it wrong, he looked at Magnus whose eyes were tearing up a little, and took the note and kept it with the other notes.

He opened the wrapper and again another note was on top of the box, this time in Latin which he understood a little better than Greek,

Felix dies Natalis line te amo, again Alec was shocked and his eyes were tearing up, he kept that note safely and opened the box.

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