Glee reunion and Birthday

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"Harry! We have to go, darling, you can't be late for your Glee reunion", Matt shouted from the living room getting the keys.

"One second", he heard his husband of 4 years from their room, they just celebrated their fourth anniversary.

Soon he saw his beautiful husband walk out with a smile on his face, "I still don't understand why they are keeping the reunion from noon till night, today is my birthday and I want to spend time with my husband and my family", Harry said and Matt smiled.

"I also want that baby, but they are your friends and I know you would regret it if you missed it, also Kat, Dom, Alberto, Em, and Isaiah said they will visit later ", Matt said kissing Harry who smiled.

"You know me so well", Harry said and Matt chuckled, "Come on birthday baby", Matt said and Harry chuckled and they left.

~ At the Party ~

As far as Harry can see, he saw all his cast members with their better halves and it was wonderful for Harry to see them all together.

Although the cast missed Cory, they had a special moment and speech for him too, and soon all started talking with each other.

"Harry!!", a voice called, and the said person with his husband turned to look and saw Matthew Morison.

"Matthew!", Harry also said excitedly and hugged his teacher in role, "How are you it's been so long?", Morison asked.

"Life has been good, especially the past few years, met the love of my life and married him", Harry said indicating Harry.

The two Matthews shook hands, "I heard, I saw your show Shadowhunters and it was awesome, I was so bummed out it had to end", Morison said.

Suddenly the others gathered around, "Harry, man we missed you", Chord said and hugged Harry, "What's up gleeks", they heard Jane's voice.

"You are not Sue, Jane", Morison said as all laughed, "I can't hear you, Morison, your hair is too loud here", Jane said and the two laughed and hugged.

All cheered, "Come on guys let's go sit somewhere", Darren said and all sat at a big table, "Everyone tell us about your lives, how is it going?", Chris asked.

"Well, you have it going well, congrats on your books Chris, I read it and loved it", Dianna said, "Thank you", Chris said.

"Ok this is wonderful, but can we please address the elephant in the room", Naya said and all looked at her.

"Wow you guys are so in your character, still", Matt whispered in Harry's ear who smiled, "Well our characters are a little bit based on us", Harry whispered back.

"And what would that be?", Lea and Jenna asked together and hi-fied, "Our dancer Harry Shum Jr. is gay and is married to the handsome Matthew Daddario", she said and Matt and Harry blushed.

All cheered again, "Shadowhunters is my all-time favorite and you guys literally gave life to those characters, and Trust and Why Women Kill are also awesome", Naya geeked making Matt go red.

"Thank you", he said, "True Shadowhunters shouldn't have been canceled", Jenna said and Harry and Matt shrugged, "At least we got two more episodes to finish it off", Matt said.

"That's the thing I have questions about it", Chris said and all smiled, "In the books, you have kids, I mean your characters have kids", Chris started and Harry and Matt nodded.

"They were named after two dead people who were close to both your characters, but in the series, you didn't kill them, which was nice I might add, but if Magnus and Alec had sons like in books what would they name him?", Chris asked.

Matt and Harry looked at each other, "Well we haven't thought about it, but I think Rafael would stick as Rafael is no longer close to Shadow World", Matt said and Harry nodded.

"I can't think like him, so I leave genius questions to him, go on honey", Harry said and all smiled in awe.

"And Michael or Mike in short would stick, as it was Robert's parabatai and Jace's adoptive father, well not exactly but still, I think Alec and Magnus would go with that", Matt said and Chris was beaming.

"Oh that's lovely maybe they should do a Shadowhunters sequel which takes place 5 years later, with kids and all", Naya said.

"Let's hope", Harry said and all continued their reunion talking about each other and their lives, sometimes singing and dancing.

It was going to be six in the evening when Jane made an announcement, "This has been the best reunion ever, thank you for this", she said and Harry was confused, this was it?.

"But now it's time we celebrate our fellow Glee clubber's birthday", she said, and confetti burst, "HAPPY BIRTHDAY HARRY", all shouted and Harry was surprised.

"Wow, thank you guys this is... I didn't even know you guys remembered", Harry said holding on to Matt who was holding his waist.

"We didn't", they all admitted, "It was your husband and your Shadow family, who wanted this", Kevin said and they parted to let his family walk towards him.

It was Kat, Dom, Em, Alberto, and Isaiah, bringing a cake while singing Happy Birthday and Harry teared up and looked at Matt who nodded.

"Happy Birthday baby", he said and kissed Harry and all cheered, Harry hugged his family and friends quickly, thanking them.

"This is awesome guys, thank you", Harry said smiling at everyone, "You're welcome but now cut your cake, I made it", Em said and all looked terrified.

Everyone except the Shadowfam, "Ok I am not bad as Izzy, ask these guys", she said and the Shadowfam burst into laughter.

"Yes, she is a really good cook actually", Alberto said and all smiled, "Ok then what are you waiting for? Cut the cake", Lea said and Harry did and all clapped.

Harry fed Matt first and then proceeded with his first family then to his Glee friends, Matt kissed Harry's temple handing him his gift.

"Sit down and open everyone's gift, it's your party", Dom said and all cheered, "Ok I can't open this many gifts right now, I don't know how we are gonna take these home even", Harry said looking at at least a 50 gifts and all laughed.

"That's why we have Dom here", Isaiah said and all laughed, "Hey!!", Dom said and Harry chuckled.

"Ok I'll open Matt's first then we'll decide", Harry said and all nodded, Harry opened Matt's envelope and was surprised to see two tickets in there.

"You have been working so hard, we have been actually, so I thought we should take a 3-week trip to Bora Bora", Matt said and Harry smiled and kissed him deeply.

"I love this, thank you", he said and all cheered, "Ok now, let's see, Em, yours has a letter in it too, so I am curious, I am going with Em's", he said and all nodded. 

Harry took the letter out and read it quickly, his eyes teared up immediately, "What is it?", Dom asked.

Harry gave the letter to Matt who also skimmed it and gasped, he quickly hugged Em, "Thank you so much", he muttered to her.

"Nope, no thank yous", she said and the couple laughed, Matt hugged Harry and kissed his forehead, and all this time others gave them their space.

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