Back to the Past?

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Magnus and Alec along with their family dropped out of a portal, "MAX LIGHTWOOD-BANE, YOU BETTER OPEN THE PORTAL BACK YOU LITTLE", Magnus shouted to the place where the portal was.

Jace, Izzy, and Alec started laughing, "Stop laughing you three", Magnus said and they stopped, "Honey he can't hear us", Alec said.

"Yes he can, he can sense through you and I feel like it's him laughing instead of you", Magnus said.

"Ok ok we are here there is no point shouting", Clary said, "But where are we?", Simon asked and Magnus looked around and froze.

He knew this place well, "London", he muttered, but he couldn't figure out the year, "Magnus?", a voice called.

This was the voice he loved 130 years ago, a special person, Magnus immediately turned towards the voice and saw his best friend, Will Herondale.

Without a word, Magnus ran and hugged Will tightly, who was surprised for a minute before hugging Magnus.

"Are you alright mate?", Will asked and Magnus pulled away and nodded, "What year is this?", Magnus asked.

"What do you mean what year is this? It's 1888 and you are supposed to be in New York", Will said.

"Magnus!", they heard Tessa's voice and saw Tessa with a baby girl in her hand and a 3-year-old boy running towards Will who scooped the kid up.

"James, Lucie", Magnus whispered after he hugged Tessa, too many emotions were rising up in him.

"Magnus, are you alright? How do you know their names?", Will asked, "Surprisingly yes and...", Magnus trailed blinking his eyes quickly, "Who are these people?", Tessa asked.

"Oh yeah I forgot", Magnus said and gestured to his family front and moved into Alec's arms, "You weirdly have Will's eyes", Tessa said and paused truth dawning on her.

"Oh", she muttered and looked at Magnus who smiled sadly at what she was thinking and nodded.

"Oh what?", Will asked, "He is from the future and you and our kids...", Tessa trailed her voice shaking before taking a deep breath.

"We can talk inside", she said and saw a pale Will, "Will", she said and he nodded and they went inside.

Bridget served them tea, "Wait I know you, but you... it isn't possible", Alec said as he saw Bridget and Magnus smiled at their last meeting with Bridget.

"So Magnus introduce your friends", Tessa said and Magnus smiled, "Actually they are my family", Magnus said and Tessa and Will gasped.

"Magnus Bane settled down?", Will said surprised and Magnus rolled his eyes, "I should have been the one to say that to you", Magnus said.

"But", Magnus stopped Will, "This is my husband Alexander Lightwood-Bane, Cecily and Gabriel's great, great, great-grandson, maybe add one greater, or maybe less, I am not sure", Magnus said and Alec nudged Magnus smiling.

"Oh yeah sorry", he said and gestured to Izzy, "My beautiful and fierce sister-in-law Isabelle Lightwood and her husband Simon Lewis", he said.

"This is Clary Fray and her husband", Magnus paused looking at Will, "Jace Herondale, your descendant", he said and saw Will's face light up.

"Wow", he said softly and Magnus smiled, "So all is good in the future, like really good", Will stated after he hugged Jace.

At that Magnus's smile dropped into a sad one, only if you knew Will, knew about your son's future or your daughter's future and especially Jace's, a hard time in Shadow World when Valentine and Sebastian were alive.

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