Shadowhunter Academy 2

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All got ready and came out, "Jace act like your age for once", Alec said and all laughed, "Excuse me?", Jace said.

"You heard me", Alec said and held Magnus's hand and walked out, Jace immediately walked behind him with the others.

"I would say something really snarky to you now, but I have to respect the Consul for now and shut up", Jace said and Alec smirked at him.

They walked to the hall, Simon walked in front with Clary and went inside while the others waited outside.

"How do I look?", Alec asked Magnus who smiled and straightened Alec's suit, "You look dashing as always", Magnus said.

"You look handsome as well Mr.Lightwood-Bane", Alec said with a smile on his face and the two kissed.

Jace cleared his throat, "I still can't see that and we are in a school", Jace said, "Talk when you don't make out Clary all over the place", Alec said.

"We don't make out all over the places", Jace said, "You do", Magnus and Izzy said together, "Guys come on", Clary said coming out.

Alec and Magnus walked first with the other two behind Alec in their shadowhunter positions for the Consul like before.

All the students got up surprised to see their Consul, "Our Consul and his family", Simon finished off as they entered.

"Please sit down", Alec said and all sat down, "I have come to check on the Academy and you all mostly, I am not here to teach anything, but these guys are so I'll let them talk", Alec said and backed away a bit.

Izzy talked first, "Relax Jace, I can take care of myself", Alec said to an alert Jace, "It's my job", Jace said.

"And I am releasing you from it for now", Alec said and Jace relaxed a bit and smiled, Magnus smiled at his husband.

He went to talk next and Jace finished last, "They will teach you one lesson starting today after a short break", Clary said.

"So what should we teach?", Jace asked, "Good question", Magnus said while Simon and Clary looked shocked.

"Jace training, any of it, Magnus maybe a life experience", Clary started and saw Magnus's smile which was towards Alec, who was smiling back while shaking his head.

"Useful life experience", Clary quickly said and Magnus sighed, "Izzy also some training advice or tests or something", Clary said.

They started soon after the break and Izzy went first, "I won't say 'the law is hard but it is the law' crap", she started and all murmured.

Alec cleared his throat loudly making his family smile under their breath, "Oops sorry, I take it back, but what I wanted to say is if it is right and if it is for your loved ones, do it, be their hero first", Izzy said and all clapped.

She told the story of her going through a hard time when she was addicted to the yin-fen and getting out of it.

"My brother and brother-in-law supported me and were very willing to cure me at first and later my husband cared for me and helped me through it when he needed to drink my blood and I got addicted back to it", Izzy said.

"My brother was ready to hide me from the law even and supported me as a brother, he and my husband are my first heroes because they didn't care for the consequences on themselves and stood support to me, for their loved one. I am not saying to break the law, but maybe bend it for your loved one", Izzy said and all cheered louder.

"That was lovely Izzy and we will meet you in your next lesson with Jace Herondale in the evening, you can go and have your lunches", Simon said and all dispersed.

"That was really brave of you to tell about those times Isabelle", Magnus said and she smiled and side-hugged her husband, who kissed her head proudly.

"I proud of you Iz", Alec said as he held Magnus's waist and smiled at his sister, "Agreed", Jace said nodding.

"Thank you, big bro, thanks Jace", she said, "While this is beautiful, I am really hungry", Clary said.

All chuckled and they left to the lunch room to see all student eating happily and they had their food.

Later in the evening, Jace trained them to climb a tree and fight standing on the branches, he fought Alec.

The students were all holding their breaths as they watched the fight, even their families were, but the parabatai were...

They didn't fall even once, they moved from branch to branch, swung from branch to branch, but never lost their footing.

In the end, both jumped down and landed in a superhero crouch making all the students swoon over them and make their spouses jealous.

The two parabatai hi-fied and joined their spouses who were glaring daggers at the students, especially Magnus who was not used to this as much as Clary.

"Don't be jealous, baby", Alec whispered, "Not possible", Magnus muttered and kissed him, he saw the reaction of the students and smiled at their reaction.

Alec knew the reason and pulled away with a smile on his face, "Ok next lesson", Clary said after all tried to balance on the tree.

"Shower and come to the hall", she said and all dispersed, "I like it when you are jealous", Alec whispered to Magnus.

Magnus rolled his eyes, "Of course you do", he muttered and they also showered and left to the hall and met with the students.

"Ok last lesson is by Magnus Lightwood-Bane", Simon said and Magnus got up and walked a little front.

"Isabelle here taught you a very valuable lesson and I agree with her", Magnus said and all smiled, "Partly", he said and Alec's smile dropped, most of theirs reduced.

"Do everything for your loved ones, but please don't go to a hell dimension for them, risking your life", Magnus said all looked at him fascinated except his family who were laughing.

"My husband here or your Consul, as to say with his siblings came to Edom to rescue me and if I can't be rescued he was planning to stay there", Magnus said, but he had a fond smile on his face.

He told them the story and everyone was listening to it tranced, even his family listened as if they never had heard it before.

"In the end we destroyed Edom, well not really it would have been formed somewhere else by now", Magnus said.

"Wait what?", Alec asked who was all this time smiling while listening to the story, "Yeah", Magnus said sheepishly and Alec rolled his eyes.

"So the story is actually to trust your friends and family, love them, and fight with them together", Magnus said and all clapped loudly.

"That was wonderful Magnus, thank you for that", Simon said and everyone clapped once again, "Now if you want you can ask the guests questions", Simon said and half of the hall's hand went up.

"Ok, there is", Simon said and turned towards Alec who chuckled and nodded, "One by one ask questions", Simon said and the Q&A started.

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