Come Home

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Magnus had a bad day, to say the least, he was suddenly called to the London Institute this morning and he went.

Only to go there and get to know they wanted the wards repaired and they wanted the best warlock for it.

Later he had a bad client too, a not very respectful client and so his day went really bad, and by afternoon he left for his loft.

As he walked up the steps he smelt some good food and realized how hungry he was as had eaten early that morning and it was 3.00 in the afternoon now.

He opened the door to see Alec on the couch reading a book, the shadowhunter took a day off knowing Magnus would be exhausted.

The blue-eyed man looked up at his love who smiled as soon as he saw Alec and Alec gestured for Magnus to come.

Magnus kept his coat on the coat rack, next to Alec's jacket as always, it was more of a home now to him with all of Alec's things around.

Magnus relaxed as soon as he saw Alec, he was still getting used to having Alec home, but he walked towards Alec and sat on the floor in between Alec's legs.

Alec started massaging Magnus's shoulder who sighed, "Bad day?", Alec asked softly and Magnus hummed.

"Just got better", the warlock said and Alec chuckled and kissed Magnus's head, they have been dating for 2 years now and still Magnus was new to this feeling.

"Hungry?", Alec asked, "A little, but I want to be like this for some time", Magnus said closing his eyes and enjoying Alec's massages.

He always was alone, he had friends yes two of them from the start, then after meeting Will, he has two more now.

But he never felt like he had anyone for him, someone to hold him, someone to whisper comforting things when he was scared or when he had nightmares.

Someone to treat him, to cook for him, to read to him, to support him, especially to be there for him always.

But the loneliness vanished the minute he met Alec because as soon as their eyes met the first day, Magnus's heart started beating for real as if it had a reason to beat.

When Alec said yes to him, and accepted the warlock as his boyfriend Magnus knew that even though he would meet with a great heart-wrenching loss, it would be worth it.

Without realizing a tear slipped out of Magnus's eyes and he kept on thinking, but Alec saw the tears falling and stopped massaging.

Magnus noticing the cease in the movement, opened his eyes and turned to look at Alec, "What's wrong Alexander?", he asked.

"Shouldn't I be the one asking that?", Alec asked softly and Magnus looked confused, "What were you thinking Magnus? There are tears in your eyes", Alec said and Magnus touched his face and felt the tears.

He quickly wiped it, "Nothing, just thinking", Magnus said, "Try again", Alec said and Magnus sighed.

"It's the truth actually, the only thing was I was thinking about my past and present", Magnus said.

Alec looked at him questioningly with a cute face and Magnus chuckled and got up and sat on Alec's lap.

"I have been in this loft ever since I moved from London to here, so nearly 130 years and I have always felt alone", Magnus said as Alec held him.

"I tried traveling, partying, and drinking my way out of the loneliness but I always had to come back here in the end", Magnus said and looked into Alec's eyes.

"When I always entered this place, it always felt cold and remote as if I didn't belong here and I was always sad about it because in my life I knew and know that the only constant thing will be my immortality and no one else would be with me forever", Magnus said and another tear dropped out of his eyes and Alec wiped it.

"But when I first met you in the Pandemonium, I automatically felt my loneliness leaving me and I knew I was not going to feel alone for a long time", Magnus said softly stroking Alec's cheek.

"You didn't even come out then, but there was a look in your eyes that said more than your words ever could", Magnus said and Alec smiled.

"And when you kissed me in front of everyone, I forgot the meaning of loneliness and it was only you in my life", Magnus continued.

"We always usually come home together or it is always me who waits for you to come home safely", Magnus said and touched their forehead together with his eyes closed.

"But today after literally the worst day, I came home and you were there for me, and that just makes me... happy", Magnus said and tears dropped out of his eyes.

"I will always be here for you, wherever it is", Alec said and Magnus smiled, "I know, and I don't want to lose you forever even though I know it is... impossible", Magnus choked and Alec opened his eyes.

"Hey", he said softly pulling away, "Nothing is impossible, the angels won't take me away from you", Alec said and Magnus smiled hoping it to be true.

"They are not cruel or evil and even if they try I am not leaving you, mister, you are stuck with me forever", Alec said and Magnus let out a choked laugh.

"Why would I want you to leave me? I am old, not crazy", Magnus said and Alec wiped the warlock's tears away.

"So you won't be angry right?", Alec asked, "I will never be angry with you Alexander, but why are you asking?", Magnus asked.

"Because I made Clary create the immortality rune and took it on myself", Alec said quickly and Magnus opened his eyes quickly.

"What?", he asked shocked, "The lunch is ready", Alec said making Magnus sit on the couch and got up but Magnus stopped the shadowhunter using magic softly.

"What did you say Alexander?", he asked, "I took the immortality rune on myself", Alec said and Magnus's eyes widened.

"This is not funny", Magnus said and Alec rolled his sleeve to show a new rune, a rune Magnus has never seen.

"Are you crazy Alexander?", the warlock asked, "Not what I expected", Alec muttered, "This isn't funny, immortality is not a gift, it is a curse, especially when you live for 800 years", Magnus said his eyes welling up again.

"So let me share that curse with you", Alec said, "What if you want to leave me in 100 years, or  200 years then what?", Magnus asked.

"Shadowhunters love only once", Alec said and Magnus got up, "You are not a normal shadowhunter, not anymore", Magnus said.

Alec sighed and pulled Magnus towards him by the warlock's waist, "So marry me", Alec said and Magnus looked shocked.

"Alexander", Magnus said softly, "I am not joking, I can't live without you, I love you, so marry me", Alec said and tears dropped out of Magnus's eyes.

"Please let me be there when you come home", Alec whispered and Magnus nodded, "Ok, yes", Magnus said and Alec smiled and kissed the warlock's forehead.

The two kissed and broke apart as Magnus's stomach grumbled and Alec chuckled, "Come on Mr.Lightwood-Bane", he said and Magnus's eyes glittered.

"Lead the way Mr.Lightwood-Bane", Magnus said and the two walked to the dining table, Magnus did have someone for him now and forever.

For the first time ever in his life, Magnus has someone to come home to...

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