Alternate Glee Universe 7(Last)

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The four shadowhunters and Simon were fighting the demon which was splitting itself into Khoras.

"Alec! Now!", Jace said as they were fighting and Alec and Jace pierced the Mandikhor in its heart at the same time.

They were using the parabatai rune, thinking it would work, but it didn't, so the demon threw them aside.

"I hope there is some sort of glamour here", Jace said from the ground, "We are getting our ass kicked and you care about glamour?", Alec asked.

"Woah Alec, did you hit your head somewhere?", Jace asked and Alec got up, "No, but Magnus had put glamours and wards around here on the day we arrived", Alec said.

"That's why you are making these cocky comments", Jace said and they fought some Khora demons when Magnus came out running with his two kids along with the glee clubers.

"Magnus! Why did you bring them here?", Alec asked, "To kill a Mandikhor, we need the most divine and demonic lights along with Shadowhunter weapons and Warlock powers", Magnus said.

"Oh no! No no and no", Alec said aggressively killing the Khora's with his arrows, "I am sorry Alexander but we have to", Magnus said.

"Magnus, it will burn them up, please don't do this", Alec said and Magnus closed his eyes, "Blondie when I say", Magnus said and Jace looked at Alec who was fighting the demons.

"Don't do this Jace, if you love your nephews don't do this", Alec said and Izzy joined in helping Alec.

"I am sorry Alec, I need to save them, we can't fight this", Jace said and nodded at Magnus, "Max, Rafe now", Magnus said.

Max and Rafe directed a huge amount of light toward the Mandikhor, "Now", Magnus said and together with Jace, he directed his magic, while Jace threw his blade.

It hit the Mandikhor and the demon burst into specks of dust and vanished and the Khoras also vanished, this time Rafael collapsed.

Max was ok, Alec ran towards Rafael and held him in his arms, "Rafe, come on baby, stop scaring dada", Alec said trying to wake Rafael, who was turning blue.

Within 3 days he nearly lost both his kids, "MAGNUS DO SOMETHING", Alec shouted and Magnus kneeled and dropped Max next to Rafael.

"Rafe... wake up", Max said and provided his magic, Rafe's pale face started gaining color and his blue lips turned red.

Alec rocked Rafe in his hands crying as Rafe woke up, "He absorbed the magic from Mandikhor, just like Max, but for Max, it became an energy boost", Magnus said.

"You knew", Alec stated looking at his husband who nodded, "I would never put our kids in danger knowingly", Magnus said wiping his husband's tears.

Alec immediately kissed Magnus and Max and Rafe along with the others cheered except Jace, "Your kids are the only kids who like to see their parents kiss", he said making the couples break the kiss.

Alec rolled his eyes and hugged Magnus, "I am sorry I shouted at you", he whispered, "It's ok baby, I would have done the same", Magnus said.

"But you two, no chocolates or ice cream or training for a week", Alec said looking at his kids who looked at each other in shock and then at their dada with Bambi eyes.

"Nope", Alec said and they looked at their papa, who winked at them making them smile, "I saw that", Alec said and the two kids giggled.

The others laughed and cooed seeing this and Alec smiled and got up lifting Rafael in his arms while Magnus took Max in his.

"I hope that's the last", Jace said, they were beyond exhausted, "Please don't jinx it again", Simon said.

"Did anyone see this?", Finn asked and Magnus shook his head, "The day we came here I put glamour around here, so no one would have seen that", he said and they all smiled.

"Let's go inside, I am pretty sure Sue would have found something suspicious, she always spies on us", Mr.Shue said and they all nodded and went back to the choir room.

The shadowhunters decided to shower and come quickly as they covered in ichor, so all went to the loft and slumped on the couch after a shower.

The glee cast was looking around the apartment in fascination, "We need to go upstairs soon", Mr.Shue said after they had something to eat and drink.

All nodded and left to the choir room, "How do you guys fight without getting scared?", Sam asked as they all settled at the choir room.

Max and Rafael were playing on the mat Magnus magicked, "Well considering the past 10 years in our life, that was the easiest fight we ever had", Jace said and the others nodded.

The glee clubers were shocked, "Wow, you guys take this simply and you Isabelle, how are you even fighting in those 6-inch heels?", Santana asked.

"Oh that she only does", Clary said, "Well I trained with those, who said women can't fight in dress and heels?", Izzy asked smirking.

"What she means is in our history, everyone fights in shadowhunter gear, which is like what Jace's wearing, but it will be fully black and thick", Simon explained.

"But Isabelle changed the history, making it the one where we can fight in whatever we want as long as we are comfortable", Magnus said.

"From that onwards we also mostly patrol in casuals", Alec said and they all nodded, "Can you teach us?", Brittany asked.

"There's nothing much to teach, first learn to walk in those shoes for hours, I guess all can do that, then learn to run, then learn to dance, then learn to fight", Izzy said and all looked at her fascinated.

"Excuse me?", came a voice and all looked at the doorway and was surprised to see a replica of Alec, Jace, Izzy, Simon, and Clary.

"How can I help you?", Mr.Shue asked coming out of the shock first, "We are new here and we wanted to join the glee club", said the replica of Alec.

"Welcome, introduce yourselves", Mr.Shue said, "James Levi", said Jace's doppelganger, "Aiden Levi", Alec's doppelganger said, "Ivory Levi", Izzy's doppelganger said.

"I am Charlotte Gordon", Clary's doppelganger said, "And I am Spencer Lovegood", Simon's doppelganger said.

The others broke from the shock and introduced themselves, "Mike Chang", Mike said looking at Aiden, who was also staring at him.

"Oh no! Please tell me we are not still here to match make your doppelgangers", Jace jumped up seeing this and all laughed except the newcomers.

A portal opened near the doorway, "We were still here to see this spark, like always", Izzy said softly and Magnus and Alec smiled at each other.

"I guess it's time for us to get going", Clary said and the newbies were looking at the portal and the shadowhunters in shock.

"What's going on here?", Aiden asked, "Mike will explain, won't you Mike?", Izzy asked slyly Alec rolled his eyes picking Max up and Magnus picked up Rafe.

They hugged everyone goodbye, and Max and Rafe waved them goodbye, "Thank you", Mike said to Alec and Magnus one more time, "As I said before, you need to be confident, don't let anything pull you down", Alec said and Mike nodded.

They all walked towards the portal and started walking in slowly pair by pair, Magnus and Alec turned to look one last time.

They saw Aiden sitting next to Mike and they started to talk, Magnus and Alec smiled at each other and walked through the portal.

They found their way back to each other, like always...

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