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Guess which fiction does Shadowhunter crossover here, before reading and comment, see if you are correct...

The Lightwood-Bane house was peaceful, well more than peaceful until a sudden light flashed and a figure popped out of nowhere.

Alec who was looking at some clave files jumped, dropping them, "Magnus?", he called and Magnus who was in his potion room came rushing out at his husband's panicked voice.

The thing was Alexander Lightwood-Bane is dramatic, ever since having their first kid Max, Alec had been more dramatic.

"Albus?", Magnus questioned seeing the old, powerful wizard, "It's good to see you old friend", Albus Dumbledore said smiling.

"Wow, it's been long, how old are you?", Magnus asked, "Approximately more than 60 years since we saw each other and had a nice talk with Newt, so old, then you came when-", Dumbledore said.

"The marauders were there, how are they?", Magnus asked and Dumbledore's face fell, "Oh, you don't know", he said and Magnus's smile dropped.

"I don't know what?", he asked dangerously, "James and Lily... died, Peter betrayed them", Dumbledore said.

"No, no, Peter will never do that", Magnus said in denial and Dumbledore sighed, "Alas, it's true my friend, that day changed a lot in Wizarding World", Dumbledore said.

Alec cleared his throat loudly to stop his husband from bursting, thank god Max was with his grandmother, "Oh yes, Albus this is my husband-", Magnus started.

"Alexander Gideon Lightwood-Bane, the man of tomorrow and change, yeah everyone in the wizarding world, who knows about the shadow world knows him",  Albus said smiling sweetly, and Alec smiled.

"Alexander this is Albus Dumbledore, please don't ask me his full name, but he is the most powerful man in a world like ours, a world with witches and wizards, do you remember I told you about a friend whom I lost touch with?", Magnus said and Alec nodded.

He shook Dumbledore's hand and all three sat down, Magnus next to Alec, "What brings you here my friend?", Magnus asked.

"Demons have started crossing the worlds, we have met with a few and they are all over the castle and our magic isn't working well with them", Dumbledore said.

"What do you mean not working well?", Alec asked, "Well every time we apply a spell on the demons, they seem to double instead of dying", Dumbledore said.

"That's not well, that's really bad", Magnus said, "That's why I am here, we need you, it's Harry Potter's 6th year and we need maximum protection", Dumbledore said.

"Who's Harry Potter?", Alec asked and Magnus also looked confused, "James and Lily had a son?", Magnus asked and Dumbledore nodded.

"I knew it", Magnus said and Dumbledore looked at Alec, "Not surprised, but let's say he's sort of our Jace Herondale and Clary Fray mixed", Dumbledore said and the couple nodded understanding.

"I would love to help, trust me, but I can't leave Max alone", Alec said and Magnus also nodded, their child was special, a gift.

"I can understand, but we need you, you will have all your friends and family around, I don't think they will function without you", Dumbledore said and Alec looked at Magnus who nodded.

He lived in the Wizarding world for about 10 years and he had seen their healers and magic, although not as good as warlocks, they were nearly equal.

Alec agreed, "But what about the others?", Alec asked, "Oh they will be there", Dumbledore said with a smile and a wink and disappeared.

"That was weird", Alec said, and as Magnus nodded a blinding light flashed and the two were teleported to a hall.

They were on a rich sofa, not a modern type one, but really traditional couch, "What the-?", Alec heard Jace's voice as others also popped out of nowhere.

"Language", Alec said as Simon and Clary fell on the floor, but Jace and Izzy landed on their feet, "Where are we?", Izzy asked, helping her husband.

Alec and Magnus explained, "Demons? Here?", Jace asked surprised, "You are surprised about that? I can't believe Harry Potter is even real", Simon and Clary squealed.

For them it was fiction books, but now they were in the castle, the place they dreamed of being when they were 11.

"How come I don't know about the books?", Magnus asked confused, "They stopped printing the first week after the first book came", Clary said.

"That makes sense", Magnus said, he only reads the popular ones, "So we have to fight some demons, as usual?", Izzy asked and Alec shrugged.

"I don't think it's easy", Magnus said and all looked at him, "I think we need to find out how many are there, even if there were 10 initially now it might be 20 or more", Magnus said.

"Besides we can't reveal our world to anyone, for anyone here we should be of this world", Alec said and they all nodded.

They heard a knock and Clary opened the door and Minerva McGonagall walked in, "Minerva, it's so lovely to see you", Magnus said getting up and greeting her.

"Charming as ever, Bane", Minnie said, "Lightwood-Bane now", Magnus noted and Minnie smiled, "I heard, congratulations on both the wedding and the powerful baby boy", she said and the parents thanked her.

"I am here to help you send a message to your mother, who will by now have all her grandkids with her", she said and Alec nodded.

She cast a quick spell, "Did it work?", Jace asked, "It did, your message is with her, don't worry, I have placed a spell, if anything there will be an alarm ringing", she said.

"Thank you", Alec said, "Don't mention it, by the way, you all are here to teach fighting, you will have your own weapons, it's in the room, Magnus you will be teaching potions", Minnie said and they all nodded.

"Great, now come with me the dinner is going to start", she said and they walked with her, "So how is my niece?", Izzy asked Clary, as they were walking behind.

"She is just like her aunt Izzy, ready to use the whip on demons", Clary said and Izzy smiled, "How is my nephew?", Izzy asked, Alec.

"You mean my nephew?", Jace asked, "You heard me", she said and Alec rolled his eyes, "You know he is both of your nephew", he said.

"Right, but he likes me more obviously, I gave him his first sword", Jace said and Magnus and Clary chuckled shaking their head.

"When he was 8 months", Alec said still angry about that, "Meh, I am cool", Jace said as they reached the hall and

"Yeah sure", Alec scoffed as the doors opened and they strode inside, Alec in front as usual, always protecting his family, they could see the start, but weren't affected due to getting used to it.

They all heard the whispering, "That blue-eyed one is hot", said a girl, "Meh, I think the blonde is hot", another girl said.

"Are you both crazy, the brown hair is the hot one", said another, "Please, that lady with the bracelet is the hottest out of all", said a boy.

"You guys are all lame, the sparkly one is the hottest", "No the red hair", all were whispering and these got protective of their spouses.

Especially Magnus whose cat eyes flashed at the girl who commented about Alec, who blinked surprised and a little scared.

"Let's welcome your new fighting teachers, specially trained fighters and a special potion master", Dumbledore said introducing them.

All clapped, interested, and excited to be taught by the hot teachers...

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