Alternate Glee Universe 5

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"What? Stop glaring at me every time I say something sensible", Santana said and the shadowhunters chuckled and shook their head.

"So that was Lucifer? The Satan himself?", Rachel asked and Magnus nodded, she quickly put on a cross and Jace looked at her weirdly.

"He is your uncle because?", Mr.Shue asked, "Because my father is Asmodeus, one of the nine princes of Hell, the most powerful prince of Hell, Prince of Demons", Magnus said with disgust.

"Worst father of the Century", Jace said, "Thank you", Magnus said agreeing, "I am sorry", Mr.Shue said as Alec took Magnus's hand in his.

"It's ok I am used to it", Magnus said, "We have to train, if the worst of worst is here, it's no joke we were sent here", Izzy said.

"She is right", Clary said, "I don't like you two teaming up", Alec said getting up with Rafe in his hands.

"You guys can train here, I mean, we have nearly one hour more and I don't think anyone here is feeling like singing, it's best if we see you guys train, to change our minds", Puck said and Alec looked at Mr.Shue.

He nodded, "Rafe, Max sit here and play while we train, don't jump in between", Alec said and the parents sat the kids down on the chairs.

"Papa... Max train", Max said to Magnus who looked at Alec, "I don't know sweetie, ask your dada", Magnus said and Max looked at Alec with his bambi eyes.

"Don't show me those eyes young man, I am immune to it from your aunt Izzy", Alec said and Max pouted.

"I am not, my nephew is training with me", Jace said and Max grinned, "Absolutely not, we are using real weapons not sticks, you can train your nephew when we get home", Alec said and Max's face fell.

"Baby listen to dada, I promise I and your uncles and aunts will train you when we get back home, we don't even have silent brothers or safe rooms around here for starters if anything", Alec said.

Max looked at his dada, "Max... lishen to dada... Max and Rafe pway", Rafe said and Max brightened and hugged his younger brother.

"Aww", all in the room said and the parents chuckled, "Ok positions", Alec said and the other three shadowhunters got into the position along with Simon who was trained by Jace.

"Magnus with Simon, Jace you and Me, Izzy and Clary", Alec said, "Worried you may not win me?", Magnus asked smirking.

"You know very well what happened the last time we trained, so shut up and can you expand the room?", Alec asked blushing.

Magnus nodded and did his magic and the room expanded shocking others, "Don't worry others won't notice", Magnus said and they nodded.

"Hand to hand or weapons?", Alec asked Jace, "Well either way you are going down", Jace said and Alec took his two seraph blades out.

Jace did the same and they started fighting, the others also did, the glee clubbers and the two kids looked in fascination as the six fought with such grace without disturbing a single instrument.

Alec won Jace in the weapons, Max and Rafe clapped happily, "Hand to hand?", Alec asked, "I thought you never would ask", Jace said and they tossed the weapons aside.

They started fighting and Alec pinned Jace down first, "Lost touch?", he asked and immediately Jace flipped him and pinned him down, "Think again", he said.

They rolled over fighting again, picking their weapons at the same time and pointing at each other at killing points.

"It's a tie again", Izzy said who had pinned Clary twice with weapon and hand earlier, Simon and Magnus were already done too as they were nearly equal with their powers.

But Magnus had won in powers and Simon had won in hand to hand, "Well they are parabatai for a reason", Magnus said.

Jace and Alec smiled at each other, glamoured their weapons, and kept them back to where it was.

They all saw the others and all were frozen except Max and Rafael who were still clapping while giggling their lungs out.

"You know what I am adopting your two kids", Jace said looking at the two giggling chubby kids, "Hands off my kids, Herondale", Magnus said and all laughed.

But the glee clubbers were still in shock, "Can you teach me?", Puck asked and the shadowhunters looked at each other, and then all looked at Alec.

"Well... I wouldn't recommend it, but sure, why not, I won't train you guys, Magnus also won't, the other four will if you want to", Alec said and Puck and Mike immediately got up.

Kurt and Blaine also followed along with Santana, Brittany, Quinn, and Tina, "Wow, ok basics", Alec said looking at his trained siblings.

"Girls break into 2 and train with Clary and Izzy, Izzy and Clary pick your pairs", Alec said, "Jace and Simon do the same", he said and they nodded.

Santana and Brittany were paired with Izzy and the other two with Clary, similarly, Puck and Mike were paired with Jace and the other two with Simon.

"No weapons or powers", Alec said, and again with a nod they took the position as said, Alec stood on the higher steps with the others.

"Positions and... go", Alec said standing in his Consul posture and the fight began, it was simple, so there was nothing much to see.

Santana, Puck, and Mike were picking up easily, "Watch your footwork Tina", Alec said, "Dada... me and Rafe... twain", Max said.

Alec looked at Magnus who shrugged, "Fine, come on you two, you and your papa always get your way don't you", Alec taking the two to the other side of the room.

He softly trained with the kids, more like played with them and Magnus took pictures of it with a smile on his face.

"What's going on here?", Sue asked who came in, "Max, Rafe, come here sweetie", Alec said holding out his hand.

"William please tell me that you are not doing a fight number", Sue said, "Actually that's a good idea", Mr.Shue said and all smiled.

"That too with two kids", Sue said noticing the kids, "What are you doing? Training them to be fighters? And to fight what demon?", Sue asked looking at the shadowhunters.

"That's the first sane thing, you have told ever since we came here", Jace muttered, and the ones who had activated their runes for sound enhancing smiled.

"What's that blondie?", Sue asked and Magnus chuckled as Jace groaned, "Why is everyone calling me that?", he asked.

"Jace shut up", Alec quickly said, "I am sorry coach for this, I gave the idea, I'll stop them immediately", Alec said and Sue's eyes softened surprisingly.

"At last someone sensible in this stupid glee club, I am taking your word", Sue said and left, "Why would you do that? I told you to train here", Puck said.

"As a leader, it has always been him, who took the blame from childhood, so he automatically did that", Izzy said.

Just as they wanted to talk more the bell rang, "Ok guys tomorrow we are doing something supernatural, we will talk about that more tomorrow, see you guys", Mr.Shue said and all left.

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