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Today was a free day for Alec, he rarely gets free time, and when he does he spends most of the day with his boyfriend Magnus.

And in the evenings his family comes to their loft and they talk and play games and today was a similar day.

He had the day with Magnus and now his family was here and they were all sitting on the floor in the living room.

"So Alec how is life as the head of the institute?", Simon asked, "Not bad, hectic, but otherwise I like it", Alec said.

Alec had Magnus in his arms, Jace had Clary, and Simon and Izzy were huddled close together in their places.

"Oh please you love it, especially to command me", Jace said and all smiled, "Oh that I do, I won't lie", Alec said and all started laughing now and Jace rolled his eyes.

"Haha very funny", Jace said and Clary slapped his arms softly, "But to be honest, Alec you are a great leader", Clary said and Izzy nodded.

"Agreed brother, you are the perfect head for Shadowhunters to follow, mom was good but too strict and firm, and you are... I don't know different, in a good way", Izzy said and Alec smiled.

"Thank you Iz", Alec said, "I won't deny that, but I wanted to ask you something", Jace said and Alec nodded.

"You really want to change the Shadow world don't you?", Jace asked and Magnus looked up at his boyfriend.

Alec looked at the warlock and smiled, "Yes I do, I think it's time for a change and I am willing to start with me", Alec and Magnus smiled proudly.

Not only Magnus but also the others, "Magnus what do you think the change will bring in our world, I mean you have seen many things?", Simon asked.

Magnus's smile dropped as he remembered everything from the past, everyone from the past shadowhunters and warlocks.

Edmund Herondale, Tessa Grey, James Carstairs, Will Herondale, James and Lucie Herondale, his friend Catarina, Raphael Santiago, and especially Matthew Fairchild, who lived most of his life with guilt.

The guilt he carried for something he didn't do intentionally, for something he suffered a punishment his whole life.

(P.S; I love Matthew Fairchild)

For most people, the merry thieves were a mischievous and happy group, but Magnus who had seen deep in them knew their pain and love. 

As fast the memories of his past flooded they vanished at the same speed, "It will bring peace and right among shadowhunters and downworlders, it will bring equity and it will bring happiness for the ones who need that the most", Magnus said.

Alec who knew most of Magnus's past rubbed Magnus's shoulder in a comforting manner and eyed Izzy who nodded and changed the subject.

"Ok now it's time for our games, let's start with 7 minutes in heaven", Izzy said, "Absolutely not", Alec and Jace said together.

Their loves looked at them and chuckled, "Ok fine then you suggest", Izzy said, "Spin the bottle", Jace said and Alec shrugged, he didn't hate the idea.

"But in this, there should be some sort of magic involvement to keep the person from lying", Jace said, Magnus nodded and did a swish and they all felt a shiver in them.

"Now you can't tell a single lie, including me", Magnus said, "I want to test it", Jace said and Magnus sighed, "Go on", he said.

"From all your loves, who do you feel is your true love?", Jace asked and Alec's heart dropped, a part of him knew it was him but another part was scared all the same.

"Alexander", Magnus said instantly and was surprised himself, he thought his answer would have been Camille because he had been dating Alec for six months and had broken up twice in it.

Alec who was equally surprised smiled and kissed Magnus's head, "Ok wow", Jace said, "See it's working blondie, just get on with the game", Magnus said conjuring a bottle and Clary spun it first.

They took turns doing their spinning and telling the truths and they got some juicy information about each other.

Finally, Izzy spun the bottle and it landed on Magnus, Izzy looked at him and Alec, and silent conversation passed between them.

"No Izzy, don't please", Alec said immediately knowing what she was going to ask, "What is it?", Magnus asked.

"Nothing", Alec said immediately and Magnus narrowed his eyes as he could feel Alec fighting his magic.

Only Alec can do that, "Don't fight my magic Alexander", Magnus said and Alec didn't budge, he fought harder.

Magnus sighed, he could feel Alec's strength reducing slowly, "You ask Isabelle, the one you wanted to ask only", he said flicking his fingers in Alec's direction easing the shadowhunter.

"I have to Alec, I am sorry", she said and looked at Magnus, "What was the most painful thing that ever happened to you? Was it losing your magic or something else? If so what is it?", Izzy asked and Alec sighed and looked away.

He knew the answer, it was Magnus's magic, he had experienced firsthand what Magnus felt like when he lost his magic and he never wanted to go through it again.

Magnus was surprised for a second and didn't even try to lie, "It was the time when I thought I lost your brother", Magnus said and Alec swiftly looked at Magnus.

All were surprised at this answer because the others knew losing Magnus was Alec's painful moment in his life and they knew what Alec went through after it.

"Yes Alexander, I never told you this, but even I thought it was losing my magic and living a life as mundane, but when I lost you after that...", Magnus said taking a deep breath, trying to find the correct words.

"Even when I asked Lorenzo for help with my magic and was in a coma, I dreamed about you Alexander, you out of all my past loves, it was you and it will always be you, losing you was a pain that I never want to feel, it was...", Magnus trailed.

"It was harrowing and agony, if asked now I would trade my magic to be with you forever Alexander, I love you so much and I want to keep you with me forever. I never want to feel that feeling again, so would you please do the honor of marrying me and being with me forever?", Magnus asked and conjured the ring out of the air.

Alec who was listening from the start with tears in his eyes gasped and looked at the others who were all looking excited.

"Yes", Alec breathed out and Magnus smiled and wore the ring on his fiancé and all cheered as the couple kissed.

They broke apart as all congratulated and Alec looked at Izzy, "So he asked you to ask that question?", Alec asked.

"Well, no", Izzy said and Alec looked at Magnus, "I asked her to ask me something that would help me with the start of the proposal but I never thought she would ask something deeply", Magnus said and Alec hugged his sister thanking her.

The new husbands-to-be embraced each other again, "I love you", Magnus said and Alec smiled, "I love you too", he said.

They had a small drink celebration and enjoyed the rest of their day...

Malec oneshots 2 + a little ShumdarioWhere stories live. Discover now