Alternate Glee Universe 6

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As usual, the next day also started, but this time they were alert of their surroundings and sticked together most of the time.

They were in the auditorium for the new glee club number, when it all started, through the doors came out the worst demons as Lucifer said.

Asmodei, the demons that directly obey Asmodeus and only him, travel in a certain number of groups.

They were practicing their dance moves when the demons came, Tina was the first who noticed it, although the shadowhunters had immediately sensed it.

"Demons!!!", she shouted, "Asmodei", Magnus muttered propping his magic, "Asmodeus's demon children?", Jace asked and Magnus nodded.

"Ok can we kill them?", Jace asked, "We can, but more will keep on coming, Asmodeus has to stop them", Magnus said.

"Everyone back", Izzy said to the others and they started fighting, "Can't you do anything? I mean you are Asmodeus's son", Simon said.

"Well I would have been, but since I banished him to limbo, they will see me as a threat especially", Magnus said and Alec shot three arrows at the same time.

Max and Rafael were with Mr.Shue and Mike, the shadowhunters were fighting for 15 minutes at least but the demons kept coming.

"Ok we need a serious plan, as much as I love fighting demons, I don't think we can go on forever", Jace said.

Suddenly as if they heard Jace's words the demons all stopped, "I think they heard you Jace", Clary said sarcastically.

"Not exactly", Jace said looking behind them and they all turned to look behind them and gasped, "Max", the parents said.

Max was glowing red, not the soothing kind but the powerful and destructive kind, and floating in the air.

Rafael was smiling at it, suddenly Max glowed brighter before going back and all turned to look at the demons.

The demons kneeled in front of him and vanished into thin air, "Of course, he is the Greater Demon, Emperor of Edom, why didn't I think that before?", Magnus asked and all smiled except Alec.

"Magnus, he is not cooling down", Alec said still looking at his baby, "Max, honey come to Papa", Magnus said, but Max didn't look at him.

"You saved us Max, come down baby", Alec tried but Max took no heed of him, "Magnus!", Alec worriedly.

"It's ok Alexander, he will alright", Magnus said, "Max come to Uncle Jace, we will play and train", Jace tried but again Max didn't respond.

Alec was getting really worried, Magnus saw this and held Alec's hand reassuringly and went to talk more but stopped.

He saw Rafael starting to float upwards with soothing yellow and red magic around him, towards Max.

"Bubbaa... Sou... dala (Soudara; Indonesian for big brother)... shtop... Maxie... shtop", Rafe said and enveloped Max in his magic and hugged his big brother.

Tears fell out of Alec's eyes as he saw this and he held Magnus close to him, Max looked at his little brother and started calming down a little.

He also hugged Rafe, "Thak you Rafe... Max ok now...", Max said and slowly the two flew down and Alec opened his arms for Max who crashed into his dada.

"Thank you baby for saving your big brother", Alec said to Rafe who was in Magnus's arms, he smiled at his dada, the same smile as Magnus's.

"Bu...bba", Rafe said and Max looked at Rafe, "Ok", Max said nodding at Rafe, they always understood each other.

Even when Rafael was in Alec's womb they always talked in their secret language or something, "Dada... papa... sowwy... Max didn't mean to scare dada and papa", Max said.

The parents gasped, "Oh my baby, it's fine, but you saved us, all of us", Alec said and from next to him his siblings nodded.

"What did Rafe tell you sweetie?", Magnus asked, softly rocking Rafael who was playing with Magnus's chains.

"Rafe told... dada and papa... scared and dada cry and... told to say sowwy", Max said, "Oh you really are an angel aren't you?", Clary said looking at Rafael who gave her a toothless smile.

"It's ok baby you are safe here, just don't scare dada like that anymore", Alec said and Max nodded, "Pwomise", he said and all cooed.

"Ok give me my nephew, he is missing his wonderful Uncle", Jace said and snatched Max from Alec.

Max giggled and Rafe extended his hands towards Izzy, "That's right angel, your aunt Izzy is the best", Izzy said and snatched Rafe.

"Arguable", Clary said and Rafe giggled, "Same goes for you Jace, arguable", Simon said, "This is outrageous, Max, Rafe tell us whose your favorite uncle and aunt are", Jace said.

Max and Rafe looked at each and then at their uncles and aunts, they blinked, "Papa", Max started.

"Yes sweetie?", Magnus asked from where he was talking with Mr.Shue and Quinn, Alec was talking with the others.

"Hewlp", Max said and Jace looked at his nephew acting hurt, "You wound me nephew", he said and Max believed it.

"No unci Ja... Max sowwy... don't cwy", Max said and Jace melted and hugged his nephew tightly.

"Oh I won't sweetie, you two are angels, we don't care who your favorite is, we love you both a lot, equally", Jace said and Max and Rafe blushed.

"Oh there's that blush, Alec's blush", Izzy said and the two turned more red and all laughed, "Hey stop making fun of my kids", Alec said and Jace stuck his tongue out at him.

"Why are we still here?", Simon asked suddenly and all stopped talking and looked at each other, "So there are still demons out there", Clary said and Magnus groaned.

"Worst than asmodei, well it's Mandikor, which can't be killed and can only be trapped in a pyxis, which we don't have", Magnus said. 

"Magnus don't-", Alec said but it was too late, one huge demon came out of the front door and glee clubbers backed up looking scared.

"You jinxed it sparkles", Jace said, "You are 800 years old when will you learn?", Jace asked and Magnus rolled his eyes.

"I am sorry to not think that we were in a demon-free World and expect the worst", Magnus said, "Children focus, there must be another way", Izzy said.

"I need a minute", Magnus said closing his eyes, Clary went to throw her knife but Jace quickly stopped her.

"Mandikor multiplies with every shot you put in it and it splits itself into Khora forms", Jace said, "We need to direct it out of here", Alec said and Jace and Simon nodded.

They ran fast and Mandikor looked at them, Izzy and Clary ran to the other side, but through the same door.

Max and Rafe who were back in Mr.Shue's and Quinn's arms looked at each other, Alec shot an arrow next to the demon and it growled.

He got its attention, "Rafe, Max, no magic, stay with Papa", he said and ran out and the Mandikor followed him.

Magnus opened his eyes and looked at Rafael and Max, "Oh God, Alec's going to kill me", he muttered to himself.

"Max, Rafe Papa needs your help", he said and the children looked excited, "Ok this certainly is my death wish", he said.

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