First Kiss and Getting together

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Today was the scene, where Magnus and Alec kiss for the first time, and for some reason both Matt and Harry are nervous.

Ever since they all gathered after the casting and meeting each other, these two had an attraction towards each other.

All the others sensed it, but these two neglected it saying stupid reasons, as this was the first boy they felt this attracted to.

All his life, Matt had never been satisfied when he was involved romantically with women and suddenly he was feeling these new feelings for Harry.

Harry, all his life knew he had always liked boys and tried to neglect it as he never met anyone with whom he could share that feeling.

Until now, ever since these two met each other it was always sparks and fireworks, they looked forward to their scenes together so they could spend time with each other.

They became close friends to the point of learning that the other was gay, yet neither one of them took the first approach.

So all was fine until Ed said they had a whole episode named for them and they were going to shoot their first kiss.

Matt after reading the script, went to talk with Harry, he knocked on Harry's trailer, "Harry?", he called.

"One sec", came the voice and soon the door opened, "Matt, what can I do for you?", Harry asked as he was getting ready for the shoot in his suit.

Matt was also in his suit and Harry paused seeing him, both froze seeing each other, and Matt soon cleared his throat.

"Uhmm... well we have to do our scene in a few minutes, so I thought we should do a trial, I mean a rehearsal", Matt said and Harry nodded.

"Come in", Harry said and Matt walked in and Harry closed the door behind them, Matt has been in Harry's trailer a lot of times, but today it felt different.

"So... um... I am standing on the alter when you walk in, I mean when you come to stop the wedding and...", Matt blabbered.

Harry chuckled, "Why are you so nervous about this scene, just relax we can do it", Harry said and Matt nodded with a smile.

"Let's act it out, it's better than talking", Harry said and with another nod from Matt they started, they did the scene when Alec walked towards Magnus.

"Enough!", Matt said to imaginary Maryse and pulled Harry by his lapels, for the kiss and stopped an inch away from his lips. 

He quickly pulled away, "What's wrong Matt?", Harry asked Matt who turned to the other side ruffling his hair.

"I... I am sorry Harry... Let's do it again", he said Harry nodded and they did the scene another three times, and every time Matt stopped himself from kissing Harry.

This was going to be their fifth time, "What's wrong Matt? Don't you want to kiss me? I understand if you don't want to, but at least for the scene we have to do it", Harry said.

"It's not that", Matt said and rubbed his face agitated, "Then what?", Harry asked raising his voice a little.

"I love you, like really really love you and when I kiss you I want it to be ours, a special one, not our characters. I know you hate me now, I am just going to go", Matt said and was going to walk out when Harry held his hand.

Matt looked at him, "I would never hate you", he said and Matt looked at him confused and Harry pulled Matt close to him.

Matt's hand instinctively went to Harry's waist and Harry looped his arms around Matt's neck, "I love you too, have been in love with you always", Harry said and Matt looked at him surprised.

Harry nodded and their foreheads touched, "We are the characters, baby, it's we who make these characters alive on television, I am not saying this in pride or anything, but what I mean is you will always be the Alec to this Magnus as I always will be the Magnus to this Alec", Harry said and Matt smiled and kissed him.

This time the sparks and fireworks which usually burst around them, turned into flower petals and snows and glitters and all sorts of wanders thrown around them.

They broke apart with smiles on their face as their foreheads touched, "I love you so so much", Matt said and hugged Harry.

"I love you too Matthew", Harry said and pulled away, both having a smile on their faces, "So I want to ask you something", Harry said and Matt looked at him expectantly.

"Will you be my boyfriend and go on a date with me?", Harry asked and Matt's smile widened, "Yes", he said and picked Harry in his arms and twirled him.

"Matt!!!", Harry squealed, "Come on let's tell the others", Matt said and Harry nodded, their shadow-fam was always close to them.

They were very supportive of each other, and they shared a lot of things with each other, like the time when Dom and Kat announced they were dating or Alberto and Emeraude did.

They haven't even told their fans yet and Harry and Matt decided to do the same, "Hey guys, we want to tell you something", Matt said as he saw his other five friends sitting in their all-time favorite room.

"Please tell me it's the news on you two getting together, I have been dying to hear that for months", Em said and the new couple said.

"Oh yes please tell us that the sexual tension is too much", Dom said and Matt rolled his eyes, "Actually it is", he said and all his friends' eyes bulged out.

They were just joking, they didn't think it would be true, "Excuse me?", Alberto said, "We are together, I asked him to be my boyfriend", Harry said, "And I said yes", Matt said.

The room was silent for a second before all started cheering, Dom started throwing papers after tearing them.

Others congratulated the new couple, "Oh I have been waiting for this for months", Em said and Harry and Matt chuckled.

"Kat we are planning the Shumdario wedding and their baby names", Em said and Kat nodded, "Absolutely", Kat said and the two girls went into their own World.

All the men were shocked, "Did they just-?, Dom started, "Plan our wedding?", Matt asked, "Yep", he said.

"They also are planning on naming your kids", Isaiah said and Harry shook his head coming out of the shock.

"Ok we have to go to the shoot", he said and all nodded and left except the new couple, "Is Em, Izzy? or Izzy, Em?", Matt asked and Harry chuckled.

"Well whatever it is, for now, I know that I am deeply in love with you Matthew Quincy Daddario", Harry said and Matt smiled.

"Well, guess what? I love you too, Harry Shum jr.", Matt said and the two kissed with a smile on their faces before going for the shoot.

Hey guys, I'm back!!!

Sorry to keep you waiting so long, but I'm here and I'm gonna release a destiel fanfic after this, if any fans here make sure to check it out!

Malec oneshots 2 + a little ShumdarioWhere stories live. Discover now