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There was a big problem, for Magnus and it was not any dying problem, but he was stuck inside the institute.

The reason was the whole shadow world was under lockdown and that meant no portalling too and Magnus was hurt.

So he had to heal the mundane way and he was stuck in the institute while healing, the positive things were he had his boyfriend and his family.

The negative was there were other shadowhunters especially the Lightwood parents and Magnus has never hated his life like this day.

"Alexander please let me call Catarina and do something", Magnus said one day while they were in Alec's bedroom.

"No can do Magnus, if she or you portal the clave will know and make a big problem out of it and you know it", Alec said and Magnus groaned and fell back on the bed.

He winced and Alec immediately rushed to Magnus and made him sit comfortably, "Besides you need someone to look after you and I can't leave the institute", Alec said and Magnus's eyes softened.

"I just want to heal fast and have fun with you", Magnus said wiggling his eyebrows and Alec chuckled and shook his head.

"I do too Mags, but your healing is more important to me", Alec said and Magnus sighed and pouted making Alec smile.

Alec kissed Magnus, "I will help you heal and if you listen to me we will have fun as soon as you heal completely", Alec promised and Magnus lightened up.

Alec took the first aid box and started dressing Magnus's stab wound while Magnus looked at his boyfriend.

His eyes watered because no one in his life has ever looked after him, that is no one, not even his friends.

Alec was advising and saying medical things while doing this and he finished and looked up at Magnus and was shocked.

"Oh my god baby, did it hurt?", Alec asked and Magnus let out a choked laugh shaking his head, "No, I just... thank you for doing this, no one has ever done this to me", Magnus said.

Alec smiled and got up kissing Magnus's forehead, "I will always do this for you, no matter what and when", Alec said and turned to wash his hands and stopped.

Jace and Izzy were there, Izzy with tears in her eyes, Alec rolled his eyes, and his sister was clearly not hurt.

"What now?", he asked keeping the box aside and going to the washroom to wash his hands, "The way you look after Magnus", Izzy stated and wiped her tears.

"Hmm?", Alec said and Magnus also got up slowly, "It's just like when you treated me after my first training", Izzy said and Alec stopped.

After Izzy's first training, she was badly hurt and was crying and Alec was the only person to comfort and dress her wounds.

He came out with a smile on his face, Magnus was also shocked, "I didn't do that only, I sat on the floor next to Jace's and your bed holding your hand when you get nightmares", Alec said.

"And bring me and Max hot chocolate when we get scolded by Mom", Izzy said, "And when I don't look after myself, you look after me", Jace said trying his best not to cry.

"I will always do that to you guys, even when we are in our 90s", Alec said with a chuckle and looked at Magnus who was in his own thoughts.

"Magnus?", Alec called and Magnus broke out of his thoughts, "What's wrong?", Alec asked, "You do those for me", Magnus said and Alec's smile dropped.

He never realized that it was instinct, but his mind doesn't easily do that to anyone unless they mean something to him.

For years he only did that to his siblings, this surprised the siblings when they heard Magnus, but they started smiling.

He grinned, "Of course, I do those for you, I love you", Alec said and Magnus smiled, "I love you too", Magnus said and the two kissed.

"Ok, while you guys are cute, I didn't come here for this", Jace said and Magnus rolled his eyes, "Why exactly are you two here?", Magnus asked.

"Ah yeah, we have found something and decided to test it out", Jace said and Alec's face turned serious.

"No", he said and Magnus chuckled, "Listen, Alec, we already tested it out", Izzy said and Jace slapped his forehead.

"You WHAT?!?", Alec asked and took deep breaths, "2 mins, explain", Alec said, "Ok ok", Izzy said, "There were 8 glowing liquid vials in the lab", Izzy started.

"And I, Clary, and Simon were there too as Izzy had called us about the liquid", Jace continued, "I tested it and found out it was magic", Izzy said and Alec's eyes widened.

"Please tell me you didn't drink it", he said, "We didn't, but Simon did, actually Jace force-fed him", Izzy said and Jace turned pale under Alec's and Magnus's glare.

"Tell me he's alive", Alec said rushing to the lab, "He is, but we saw a memory of his, just like when we summoned the demon to recover Clary's memory", Jace said and Alec stopped.

"Oh it's the memory fluid", Magnus said, "It's not dangerous, it will just show the memory of their loved one", Magnus said.

"It showed a memory of me on our first date", Izzy said and Magnus smiled, "So...", Jace said and Alec sighed.

"Please don't", Alec said, "How do you know what I'm gonna say? You know what don't answer it", Jace said.

"But please Alec", the two begged with puppy eyes and Alec looked at Magnus, who shrugged, "Fine", he said and they went to the lab to see the other two there.

"Get on with it", Alec said and Jace drank, and the picture Clary showed, for Clary Jace, for Magnus Alec, for Alec his whole family.

It consisted of Magnus, Jace, Izzy, Max, Clary, and surprisingly Simon, "Wow", Izzy said and she took a swig.

It showed a memory of Simon and all smiled, "Wait I thought I was the one to pop", Alec said and Magnus chuckled.

"That is still my beloved memory, but a little less now, because I see more of you like that", Izzy said.

"What do you mean?", Magnus asked and Alec shook his head, "Uhmm... Well because before meeting you Alec rarely smiles", Izzy said and Alec sighed.

"Of course I am awesome", Magnus said and Alec chuckled and kissed Magnus's temple holding Magnus softly.

Izzy smiled, "Don't raise your hopes much sparkles", Jace said, "No, it's because Alec was hiding from himself and everyone else to be a leader", Izzy quickly said, changing the subject to stop the argument from starting.

"I once thought he was going to break and that he'd snap under pressure and I wanted him to be free and happy, I love him", she said and all smiled.

"That's why it was and is my most cherished memory, because he's the most broken one from all of us under the surface, I mean except you Magnus", Izzy said and Alec let go of Magnus and hugged his sister.

He kissed her forehead, "I love you too baby sis", he said and she blinked her tears out and looked at Magnus who was smiling.

"Thank you", she said and he blinked his eyes assuringly, "I am actually the lucky one to have your brother as my better half", Magnus said and Alec looked at him.

"Think again", Alec said, "No need, I know", Magnus said and Sizzy and Clary squealed as Alec smiled and kissed Magnus.

Jace just smiled, the two broke apart and Maryse walked in, "The lockdown has been released, you all can leave and get to your work", she said and immediately left.

"Finally", Magnus said and all laughed, "Home?", Alec asked and Magnus nodded, "Home", he confirmed and the two bid bye and left.

The others also got back to their work while Izzy continued her work in the lab, she remembered how many roles Alec took in all of their lives, including Magnus's.

And also how without Alec they would and she shuddered at the thought of that as she knew the answer for sure.

All their worlds would stop, as their whole life revolved around Alec... 

Malec oneshots 2 + a little ShumdarioWhere stories live. Discover now