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Magnus came home after a hectic day with a problematic client to find the lights off and only candles lit around the house.

"Alexander?", he called and heard nothing, he walked inside slowly and saw rose petals and followed those which led him to the rooftop.

He gasped as he saw the sight in front of him, there was a table arranged for two, roses were around it and candles were lit.

The best out of all was the sky, covered in stars and beautiful, but he didn't see his boyfriend anywhere.

"Alexander darling?", Magnus called once again and felt two hands on both sides of his waist, from behind him. 

He knew who it was from the touch itself, "Hey handsome", he heard his boyfriend's voice and turned to look at him.

"You look handsome too", he said wrapping his arms around Alec's neck who wrapped his around the warlock's waist pulling him closer.

"As much as I love this, may I know what's the occasion?", Magnus asked, "I wanted to do something and surprise you", Alec said and Magnus raised his eyebrow.

"Well I am surprised and I love it", he muttered and the two kissed, Alec broke apart reluctantly, "We can do this later, my surprise is not yet over", Alec said and led Magnus to the table who grumbled, but had a smile on his face.

They sat down and Alec started talking about their day while eating and Magnus also joined in, after dinner however Magnus could feel the difference in the air, something was definitely different.

Alec got up and played some music and extended his hand to Magnus, who looked at him surprised.

"Oh come on, it's been a year, I can dance now", he said, Magnus chuckled and took his hand and the two started slow dancing.

Magnus was thoroughly enjoying it when another surprise came, but this one was different, fireworks started going off.

He turned to look at it and gasped, on the sky was the biggest firework with the biggest question anyone had asked him and would ask him.

Magnus Bane, will you marry me, Alexander Lightwood?

He turned back to Alec to see his love on his knees and the Warlock's eyes teared up, "Alexa-", he started but Alec stopped him.

"First listen to me, I know you have your doubts, but I am sure I want you as my husband", Alec said answering Magnus's unasked question, "All my life I have been in Jace's shadow unknowingly, afraid of what people will think about me, but that went away the day I met you. When I met you I felt something click inside me telling me, it was him and I listened to it and took my steps forward. And so far, even though I broke plenty of rules, it led me to my happiness and everything turned out well. I thought emotions were distractions, but you showed me they are not, emotions made me stronger than ever. I know that over a hundred years, you closed your heart up to anyone and was controlled and poised and mostly guarded, I figured it the day I met you, even though on the outside you acted all charismatic and boisterous and flirtatious and even passionate sometimes, but never showed your vulnerabilities and insecurities to anyone or even were willing to expose your true self. But you did that to me and I am so thankful for that and I love you so much for that, I just want you to be more truthful to me and I want to listen to you and love you as your husband. I have never been as happy as I ever was the past year with you... So will you make me the happiest man alive, I mean happier, and marry me?", Alec asked.

Magnus was in full tears and he couldn't even talk, he nodded wiping his tears, and whispered a yes.

Alec smiled and put the Lightwood ring on Magnus's finger and got up, Magnus crashed into him and kissed him hard.

They broke apart for oxygen, both their foreheads touching, "I didn't have control over my heart when I met you, it had never happened to me", Magnus said and Alec opened his eyes and looked into Magnus'.

The blue looking into the brown, Magnus always loved Alec's eyes, this blue especially, Alec smiled and kissed Magnus' forehead.

"I love you Alexander Lightwood-Bane", Magnus said and Alec chuckled, "I like it, Lightwood-Bane", he said and the two turned to look at the finishing fireworks which were saying congratulations.

"I love you too Magnus Lightwood-Bane", he said and Magnus smiled and kept his head on Alec's shoulder.

"How did you do this?", Magnus asked gesturing to the fireworks, "Magic, I asked for help from my sister and parabatai, who were overly enthusiastic, Jace I think for testing this magic and they got help from Catarina", he said and Magnus smiled and looked at Alec.

"Remind me to thank them", he said and Alec also looked at Magnus, "How about we continue what we started?", he asked and Magnus smiled mischievously.

"I would love that", Magnus said and Alec picked Magnus and both walked downstairs kissing, to continue their night in their special way.

~ Near the Wedding ~

Magnus and Izzy were the wedding planners and everything was going fine for them until today, Alec entered the institute to see all panicking.

"What's going on?", he asked and all stopped and stood straight, he was the inquisitor, and Jace came in front.

"Magnus and Izzy seem to have a slight crisis, they are in your office", Jace said, "So why is everyone else panicking?", Alec asked.

"Well Izzy as the head of the institute has assigned them to find the answer to the crisis", Jace said and Alec rolled his eyes.

"Get back to your work, Shadowhunter works", Alec said and left to the office to find his husband-to-be and sister freaking out.

"What's wrong?", he asked and the two looked at him with relief on their faces, "Thank god Alexander you are here", Magnus said and pulled Alec towards him and Izzy.

"What-", Alec started but was stopped by his sister, "Shh... I and Magnus are trying to find flowers that are exact same shade of blue as your eyes", she said checking the catalog and his eyes.

Alec sighed but stood still, "Not this Magnus", she said and Magnus summoned another one and she paused.

"Izzy what's wrong?", Alec asked, "Your magic", she said looking at Magnus's hands, "What's wrong with it?", Magnus asked propping a blue fireball.

"Keep it next to Alec's eyes", she said, "Woah! Don't burn me before my wedding", Alec said and she rolled her eyes.

Magnus changed the fireball into a normal magical ball and did as Izzy said and the two gasped, "What?", Alec asked looking at the two who were looking at him in shock.

"It's the same", Magnus muttered, "What's the same?", Alec asked, "Your eye color and my magic", Magnus said looking into Alec's eyes with so much love.

"What?", Alec said surprised and Magnus nodded, "Coincidence, I think not, you guys are soulmates", Izzy squealed and Alec winced, but smiled.

He pulled Magnus close to him and kissed him surprising Magnus and making Izzy squeal again, "Damn right we are", Alec said after pulling away.

Magnus gasped, "Alec Lightwood swearing, I like it", he said and the two kissed again with so much passion and love.

One thing was sure, they were made for each other and no one could tell them otherwise...

Malec oneshots 2 + a little ShumdarioWhere stories live. Discover now