Shadowhunter Academy 3(Last)

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"My question is to the Consul and Mr.Herondale", said the first student and the two said people nodded.

"What made you two choose each other as parabatai and what is the best thing about being each other's parabatai?", the student asked.

Jace looked at Alec who gestured for him to start, "What made me choose him? Let's see...", Jace said.

"He saw who the real me is, he supported me, he saved my ass... sorry, he chose me and we fought well and in sync together saving each other, mostly him saving me, and the best thing about being his parabatai is everything", Jace said simply and all clapped.

"I would say the same, but he chose me, out of everyone in the New York institute he chose me as his parabatai, and as he said all of it the best thing about being his parabatai, sharing half of my soul with him is what I would ask for and I would never trade it for anything else. I know he is reckless, but that's what makes him him and that's what makes us do everything in sync, I love him for that, he is my little brother", Alec said and all cheered louder.

Jace blinked his eyes to stop his tears and hugged Alec, who chuckled and ruffled the blonde's hair, the girls wiped their tears.

"Mr.Lightwood-Bane, you have lived for so many years and now you married the love of your life, but he is also changing the World for you, how does it feel?", a girl asked and Magnus smiled.

"To be honest, I feel like the luckiest man in the Universe every day, I never thought I would see a change in the Shadow world ever, now not only am I living in that changed and changing World, but my husband is doing that. I don't whether he wanted to do it for me, but I am really happy he is doing that", Magnus said taking Alec's hand in his.

"I wanted to do it for my husband at first, to be honest, I actually didn't hate or dislike downworlders before even, but the change for idea occurred to me due to my husband, but now it is for more of my whole family and because I like doing it", Alec said and all clapped hard.

All his family smiled, "Consul sir, what do you think you are going to do next for the Shadowhunter-Downworlder alliance next?", another girl asked.

Alec answered her question and all smiled and supported the answer, they liked the next plan, "Mr.Lightwood-Bane we heard your father is one of the princes of hell and he is not available in his hell dimension, so would it make you the King of it?", a boy asked.

"I guess it would", Magnus said as he had never thought about it, "That would make Alec King too", Isabelle said.

Alec's face lit up and Magnus smiled at it, "It would", he said, "So Alec is like the most powerful person in Shadow World and Hell dimension, great", Jace said.

"Don't be jealous Jace", Alec said smiling while in his own World, Magnus chuckled and shook his head.

They asked some more questions based on Clave and other things and these six decided to leave back home.

They missed their kids and wanted to see them badly, especially Malec, Alec spends time at home mostly, but being the Inquisitor once and Consul now made it hard.

So he had a day off and he wanted to spend some time with his family, "Home?", he asked the others, after the students left.

All smiled and nodded, "Home", they confirmed and the six went to pack, "It was fun", Jace said as they walked back.

"I agree with you for once blondie", Magnus said and the others chuckled while Jace frowned, "You are lucky you are married to my parabatai sparkles, otherwise-", he was interrupted.

"Otherwise?", Malec asked together and smiled at each other, holding hands, "Nothing", Jace quickly yet not with fear, making Magnus smirk.

"I have never seen Jace like this and I love it", Simon whispered to Izzy who smiled, "I heard that Lewis", Jace said and all laughed before entering their suite.

"Ok quick, pack and meet us here", Alec said and all nodded, Magnus and Alec left for their room, "So King of Edom huh?", Alec asked smirking.

"I haven't thought about it, but yes for now, when Asmodeus is lost in limbo, he will try a way to kill himself so he can form in his hell dimension, but it will take him a minimum of 100 years to kill himself, his magic won't work there", Magnus said.

Alec blinked at him, "Wow", he said and Magnus smiled at his husband's expression and walked towards him.

He wrapped his arms around the Shadowhunter's neck, "Why? Are you scared to be married to the King of Hell?", he asked slyly.

"You wish", Alec said wrapping his arms around his Warlock's waist, "It just makes life more interesting", he said and leaned towards Magnus's ears.

"And other things more sexy", he whispered in his deep voice and Magnus closed his eyes and shivered at the breath of his husband on his neck.

Alec kissed Magnus's ear and slowly nibbled on it, Magnus tried his best not to moan and held Alec's shirt tightly.

"Alexander", he moaned softly, "Oh I missed how you call my name", Alec said huskily and kissed Magnus's neck and jaw, suddenly Magnus pulled away.

"We have to pack", he said flustered, he knew he couldn't let Alec go on because they wouldn't stop until they ended up naked and tangled in sheets.

"You can do your magic besides we didn't bring anything", Alec said smirking, he grew confident after meeting Magnus, and Magnus was getting more flustered around Alec because Alec surprised him.

Since Magnus can do magic they didn't bring much clothing and Magnus magicked what they needed when they needed it.

"I... the others are waiting", Magnus said and quickly snapped his fingers clearing the room, then only he looked into Alec's eyes which were twinkling.

Alec pulled Magnus close by his waist, "How about we go on a date, tomorrow?", Alec asked and Magnus blinked surprised for a minute.

They have been married for 13 years now and he kept getting surprised by Alec every single day, but he wouldn't have it any other way.

"I would love that", Magnus said smiling softly while looking into his husband's beautiful blue eyes.

"The kids will be with Izzy and I am going to ravish you the whole night, unlike any other time", Alec whispered and Magnus gulped.

Since both were immortal, their strengths stayed the same, especially for Alec, at the same time his stamina rune, all his runes worked twice as powerfully as before, maybe because he had Max and Rafael, two angelic warlocks.

Alec kissed Magnus quickly and pulled away, he always loved seeing a stunned Magnus, "Come on baby", he said and left the room.

Magnus blinked quickly and blushed before shaking his head and leaving, what can he say? He loved his shadowhunter, his soulmate.

His husband, his Alexander...

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