Back to the Past 2

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"What do you mean complicated, when I asked about your kids?", Tessa asked, "What do you mean he is older and knows more about law than me?", Will asked simultaneously.

Everyone looked at them confused, "One at a time please", Magnus said, rolling his eyes but smiling.

Tessa and Will looked at each other, "My question first, what did you mean by complicated?", Tessa asked.

Alec smiled and moved next to Magnus, "Well my first one, Maxwell Lightwood-Bane, is turning five this year, I mean that year", Magnus said and waved his hand.

"My second one, Rafael Lightwood-Bane, is turning three this year and both are... let's say powerful", Magnus said and explained his kids' powers and how they were born(Same as previous stories).

"Oh wow", Will said and Magnus and Alec smiled and nodded, "So is it hard for you to raise and see the like this", Tessa asked.

Alec and Magnus understood immediately, "It was... hard", Alec said softly rocking James who was falling asleep.

"When Max flew the first time, I thought I was going to have a heart attack, but I thankfully had Magnus with me and when Rafael did his magic, he had his brother who helped him and we were more ready", Alec said and Wessa smiled.

"That's lovely", Tessa said, "Ok too mushy, now my question", Will said and Clary coughed and looked at Jace making the others from the future laugh.

"Very funny", Jace muttered, "True", Alec said at the same time and the two parabatai's looked at each other and Jace glared at Alec.

"Ok your question", Alec said quickly to Will, "Uhmm...", Will said blinking and looking at Alec, "How-I mean what do you mean by he is older and knows more about law than me", Will said looking at Simon and Clary.

"Oh well...", the two said trailing, "Well Alec is turning 35 now, so he is older isn't he?", Izzy said and Will's jaw dropped.

"35? I am 28, and you look like 25 max and are 35, what? How?", he asked, "Immortality", Jem said and Magnus nodded.

"Let's say the angel wanted this group immortal", Magnus said and the three from the past looked at him for more explanation.

Magnus sighed and started the story about the fight for the angels against the fallen ones, "You six along with 2 of your werewolf friends fought with Lucifer and his commanders?", Will asked and they just shrugged.

"Not our hardest", Simon said and the three listeners looked mortified, even for a silent brother Jem looked surprised.

"And um... he is the consul", Magnus said, "He was the Inquisitor for 10 years, and for 2 years now he is the Consul, a changing consul", Clary said with a smile on her face.

"Oh yeah, he changed not only the Shadow World for the better but changed many of the Shadowhunters' laws and rules for the better, so that's why he knows more law than anyone in this room", Jace said and Alec smiled at his parabatai.

The look on the blonde's face was full of love and pride, anyone could see that, "By the Angel", Will muttered.

"Should I get up and bow or something?", Will asked after some time and all started laughing, "No, you are Jace's ancestor and Magnus's friend, so no", Alec said.

"So how did you come here?", Jem asked and Clary, Izzy, Simon, and Jace looked at Malec and Alec sighed.

"Max", Magnus said, "Your son?", Tessa asked confused, "He made a portal for us here and tricked us into it", Magnus said.

"Oh Magnus, I love your son already", Will said and Jace grinned, "See, not only me", he stated, "Fine fine", Alec said and got up and gave James to Tessa.

"Why-", Magnus started as Alec did that as Magnus knows how much Alec loves holding toddlers in his arms.

"Dada, papa", they heard a soft voice and turned to the door to see Max looking at the floor guiltily.

"Oh", Magnus said understanding, Alec had sensed Max, and Izzy went to rush towards her nephew but Alec stopped her.

He crossed his arms, "Come here Max", he said and Max without looking up walked towards his dad.

"Alex-", Magnus started and stopped after Alec gave him a look, "What has Papa and me said to you Max?", Alec asked sternly.

"Max no do powtal magic", Max said all the others cooed at the cute chubby toddler, Alec was trying hard not to melt.

"And what did you do?", Alec asked, "Powtal magic", Max said his voice shaking and Alec cracked and kneeled in front of his son.

"Why baby?", he asked softly this time and Max looked at his dada for the first after many hours, "I don't know", Max said truthfully and his eyes welled up.

"I am sowwy dada", he said, Alec opened his arms and Max crashed into his dad, "It's ok baby, dada is not angry", Alec said standing up with Max in his arms.

Max cried into his dad's shoulder for some time, while Alec rocked him, Max looked at his dada, "I am sowwy", he said again.

All chuckled, "Don't do it again baby, we are not angry", Alec said, "We never will be angry", Magnus said and took Max into his arms.

He kissed his son's head, "That's enough give my nephew to his favorite uncle", Jace said and took Max into his arms making Max giggle his lungs out.

"Are you sure about that Jace?", Simon asked and Max giggled louder knowing what was coming and the siblings started moving Max in their arms.

"He is so cute", Tessa said to the parents, "Thank you", Malec said and Max extended his arm towards Will.

Will, surprised for a minute took Max into his arms and the three started playing with the Greater Demon. 

Max was not even scared of Jem, maybe it was the familiarity or maybe because as a child he had seen more than any had seen.

"Where is Rafael, Max?", Magnus asked as the others were pampering Max, "Home with gwanma", he said and continued playing with Tessa's chain, the clockwork angel made him laugh.

"Rafe", he said, and all chuckled, "Yes baby, Rafe, now come on we have to go back to Rafe", Alec said and Max extended his hands to Alec who smiled getting up and scooping Max into his arms.

Alec looked at Magnus and they had a silent conversation, Magnus got up and hugged Will, "I will miss you", Magnus said.

Will was surprised for a minute at what Magnus said before understanding, "I am always there with you Magnus, just keep your family happy and look after them", Will said.

Magnus smiled and nodded and then moved to Tessa and Jem, the others always wished the past their goodbye, and Max made a portal and they walked through it.

"Papa", they heard Rafe and Magnus scooped his second son into his arms, "We have to go, Alisa and Matthew will be waiting for us, we'll meet you tomorrow", Jace said and he and Clary left.

Sizzy also left soon enough with Maryse, "Dada papa sowwy", Max said again and the parents laughed, Alec kissed his son's cheek.

"It's ok baby, we love you no matter what", Alec said and Max smiled, "Come let's go and play", Alec said taking Rafe into his arms after dropping Max to stand.

The three walked to the kids' playroom and Magnus watched them with a smile, just like Will said he would protect them, no matter what.

If it is the last thing he has to do...

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