Glee reunion and Birthday 2

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"Ok that's it, as much as I love seeing this, what is written in that letter?", Dom asked and all chuckled.

Harry took the letter and read it,

Dear Harry,

I know today is your birthday and this gift is supposed to be only for you, but this gift is also for Matt, I hope it's ok. In the books, Magnus and Alec became fathers when little Max came into their lives and they became the best fathers anyone could wish for. In real life, I have seen you both associate with kids and saw how good you two are and when you were ready to have kids, I persuaded you to let me be your surrogate. Even though with hesitation you two agreed, thankfully, and now I just want to say congratulations... You are going to have a baby!!!

Happy Birthday, Papa💞

Love, Emeraude.

All gasped and then again cheer started to fill the room and Dom jumped on Matt hugging him tightly.

"Congratulations brother", he said and Matt thanked him, Kat and others also started hugging the new to-be parents and wishing them.

Matt and Harry opened the box with which the letter came and saw an ultrasound picture of a little sac and a pair of onesies with it.

Harry and Matt chuckled at the onesie as there were words written in it saying, 'I have the best badass aunt in the World'.

"Thank you so much Em", the couples said together, "Again no thank you", she said smiling brightly.

The couple kissed each other as others saw the ultrasound, "Congratulations papa", Matt said, "Congratulations to you too dada", Harry said with a big smile on his face.

"My nephew is cute", Dom said and the couple looked at him puzzled, "How do you know it's a boy?", Harry asked.

"Oh I know a warrior and prankster, like me", Dom said and all laughed, "You mean to say like me", Matt started.

"Here goes", Kat said, "Nope, he will learn from me on how to be like Jace, a real warrior", Dom said.

"You wish", Matt said, "Ok boys, I think the baby will be a dancer like Harry with smart brains like Matt, whether it's a boy or girl", Em said and Harry smiled.

"Ahaha, you know I am smart", Matt said, "Smart on animals", Dom said, "Ok did anyone spike their drinks?", Isaiah asked.

"I hope not", Harry said, "We are not drunk, this is how we settle things, remember", Dom said, "We know, but can we enjoy the party for now?", Alberto asked.

"Thank you but... fine", Matt said and Harry chuckled at his cuteness and kissed his cheek, "Ok no kissing in front of my nephew or niece", Dom said and Matt rolled his eyes.

"You know you are a moron of a brother right?", he asked, "Yep", Dom said and they burst into laughter.

All this while the Glee cast was looking at them in amusement, they were never like this, so comfortable and friendly with each other.

They smiled seeing this, Kat saw this, "Sorry guys, we are a bit like this", she said and the others stopped laughing and bickering.

"That's fine, it's wonderful to see you guys like this", Morison said and they all smiled, "But we want to know the stories", Jenna said.

All looked at them confused, "When you met the first time how was it? Why did Matt and Harry choose Emeraude to be your surrogate? How did you guys fall in love? Who proposed whom?", she asked and they smiled.

"Well we met each other through shadowhunters only and it was like meeting old friends, we instantly clicked into a family and then the rest is history", Kat said.

"And we didn't choose Em as a surrogate at first", Matt said, "Yeah we were thinking of having kids and as usual after discussing it with each other and deciding to have a surrogate, we told these guys", Harry continued.

"Em asked, who we were thinking of asking as our surrogate and we told her that we hadn't decided yet and she volunteered, but I hesitated as she is my sister in the show and is a sister like to us in real life even", Matt continued.

"But she adamantly persuaded us saying she would be happy to do it for us and how relaxed we would be knowing our kid is in a known and safe person's hands, so we said yes", Harry finished.

"I and Alberto one day will have kids and I wanted to do this to my favorite people on earth", Em said and Alberto smiled while Dom coughed.

"Ok the other favorite people on earth, they helped me through a lot and this is just a gift for that thanking them, also I would love to have the experience of having a kid before having one myself", she said and all smiled in awe.

"Well we fell in love instantly, but I wasn't sure it was love or not and when the kiss happened in the show, I was sure", Matt said.

"So that kiss is your first kiss too?", Chris asked his eyes gleaming, "No, the rehearsal we had was our real kiss, then we talked and shot the scene again and again at least thirty times as the directors wanted it to be specific", Harry said and the girls squealed.

"Oh god it is contagious", Dom said remembering Kat and Em squealing like that when the couple announced they were dating.

All the boys from Shadow fam laughed remembering the day, "And I proposed to him", Matt said and told the story of their first kiss, proposal, and wedding.

All awed at it again making the couple chuckle and soon the song started playing again and this time the shadowfam also joined the dancing.

Matt and Isaiah were the only ones sitting and enjoying the dancing, "So going to be a dad?", Isaiah asked and Matt smiled.

"I guess so, but I am nervous, I don't know a thing about being a father", Matt admitted and Isaiah smiled.

"You will know it as soon as you have the baby in your hands and you won't be alone", Isaiah said and they both looked at Harry who was guiding Em with her dancing.

Matt smiled and Dom came towards them and sat next to Matt, "If it is a boy name him Dom or better Jace", he said and Matt and Isaiah laughed.

"I am not naming my baby Dom or your alter ego Jace", Matt said, "Please don't tell me you are naming him Alec or Magnus", Dom said and their laughter grew.

"No dumbo, that's for me and Harry to decide", Matt said and their song started playing suddenly, 'I Get to Love You' Matt looked surprised and saw Kat, Em, Lea, and Chris near the DJ panel.

"May I have this dance Mr.Daddario?", he heard his husband's voice and saw him standing with his hand extended.

Matt took it with a smile, "You may Mr.Shum", he said and Harry led him to the dance floor and they slowly danced in each other's embrace.

Not only did Magnus and Alec find solace in each other, but Harry and Matt also did...

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