Alternate Glee Universe 4

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The next day all left for school and Principal Figgins 'magically' changed his mind and allowed the six of them to be present in the classes they only wanted to be in and Max and Rafe were allowed to be bought.

Alec, Magnus, Simon, and Jace decided to join the basic classes like math and science along with glee.

Clary and Isabelle joined the cheerios with the above and Sue was awestruck when she saw them dance, especially Izzy with her heels.

"I can't believe I am doing math", Jace groaned and Alec chuckled, Izzy was excelling in science and the shadowhunters were the only people who knew the reason behind it. 

Magnus and Alec arrived at the glee club early and saw Mike dancing hard, "Papa?", Max who was in Magnus's arms asked looking confused.

Magnus and Alec chuckled softly, "No sweetie, he is someone who looks like your papa", Alec said with Rafe in his arms, who was playing with his soft toy.

Mike who heard Max stopped dancing and looked at the family and went to take his bag, "Wait", Alec said and Mike stopped.

"I want to talk to you", Alec said and Mike looked at him, "I... don't... ok", Mike said and sat down, Magnus and Alec did the same.

Max immediately got down and started running around the room, "Be careful sweetie", Magnus said.

"Bu... bba... ", Rafe said towards Max, who stopped and looked at his dada and Alec nodded, "Be careful both of you", Alec said and the husbands turned towards Mike.

"What did you want to talk about?", Mike asked hesitantly, "This", Alec said, "Why are you so hesitant? I have never seen you like this? I have heard of your other version being vulnerable, but never hesitant", Alec said.

"Well I guess, you now know one", Mike said, "And I know that isn't real you", Alec quickly said looking into Mike's eyes.

"I know this stage, I was here nearly 11 years ago before I met Magnus", Alec said looking at Magnus and taking his hand in his.

Mike saw this and acted like he didn't, "I don't know what you're talking about", Mike said and Magnus's face softened.

"I know you are bi, Mike", he said and Mike looked away, "And I know it's ok to be scared sometimes", Alec continued.

"No, you don't! You don't understand, my father wants me to be a doctor or a lawyer and marry an Asian woman, I just now talked with him to let me be a dancer, and he accepted it after a lot of persuasion, if I tell this he will disown me", Mike said.

"No he won't, don't ever underestimate your parents' love", Magnus said and Mike looked at him, "You know what happened to me? Before all this?", Alec asked and Mike shook his head.

Alec explained how he was scared to come out even and how Magnus helped and how his mother hated him for that at first and all.

"You know, my mother walked Magnus down the aisle on our wedding day", Alec finished and Mike had tears in his eyes.

He quickly hugged them and they laughed patting his back, "But what if I get back with Tina forever? I mean I go both ways", Mike said.

"Well, to be honest, I don't think you ever will", Magnus said and Mike looked at him questioningly.

"Because in every Universe, we always find each other, we always find our way back to each other", Alec said side hugging Magnus, who smiled into that hug.

"Thank you guys", Mike said and the bell rang, Mr.Shue entered the class evading the running kids.

"Oops", Max and Rafe said as they crashed into 2 pair of legs, they looked up with their cute innocent face to see their Uncle Jace and Aunt Izzy.

Clary and Simon were behind them, "Max! Rafe! I told you to be careful", Alec said and the kids looked at their dada with guilty eyes.

"Oh you two cuties", Jace said and picked Max, who crashed into his leg, "Come to auntie baby, your dada is an-", Izzy said picking Rafe, who crashed into her.

"Izzy!", Alec quickly said stopping her and she rolled her eyes and went to sit next to her big brother and others followed her.

The others also soon came, "Ok kids", "We are way older to be in kids' zone", Jace muttered while Mr.Shue talked.

"Today we'll give a chance for the new arrivals to perform", Mr.Shue said and all cheered, "Simon", Alec said pushing his brother-in-law softly out of the seat.

Max and Rafael clapped their hands laughing and Alec smiled at that, "Gee... no consent Alec?", he asked.

"You can only sing well from us, so just do it, Magnus you go and dance", Alec said and Magnus shook his head.

"I think Mike should do it", Magnus said and Alec understood what it was, "Mike?", Alec asked and Mike looked hesitant before he looked into all the Shadowhunters' eyes.

He nodded and got up...

Magnus and Izzy gasped, this was the song Simon sang for the Downworld, and as soon as Simon finished all cheered.

"That was awesome Simon, I have never heard such an amazing voice", Mr.Shue said and Magnus chuckled at his kids, who were both clapping their hands enthusiastically.

"Mike that was an awesome dance too, I think you need to be more in it, you will have a bright future with it", Mr.Shue said and Mike looked at Alec and Magnus thankfully, who blinked their eyes.

Suddenly a person walked in and Alec, Simon, Clary, and Magnus got into their fighting stance, they knew that person very well.

Jace and Izzy immediately gave the kids to Mr.Shue and Quinn and propped their weapons, Alec with his bow, which was glamoured on his back all this time.

Jace with his seraph blade, Izzy with her whip, and Clary with her kinjals, "What are you doing here?", Alec asked aiming his arrow.

"Answer him", Magnus said his cat eyes popping and the others backed away, "I thought you would be happier to see your Uncle, Magnus", said the person.

"You are no Uncle of mine, Lucifer", Magnus said and others who didn't know gasped, "You wound me nephew, but I haven't come here to fight, the fight I know I will lose", Lucifer said.

"Especially with the Greater Demon and an Angel in your hands", Lucifer said gesturing to the two kids, who were trying to jump out of Quinn's and Mr.Shue's hands.

"Why are you here then?", Jace asked, "To warn you, without Asmodeus the demons are popping in random Worlds but the worst of worst is here, in this world", Lucifer said.

"And why should we believe you?", Izzy asked, "I may be a fallen angel, but I was an angel before, as my duty to angel Ithuriel I have to tell you this and also, I may be Satan, but the Greater Demon is one of my 'people', I need him so I have to keep him safe too", Lucifer said.

"Mainly if it was a lie, I would have killed you by now, especially you blue-eyed one, you decided to help Raziel to win against me", Lucifer sneered at Alec and suddenly kneeled with pain.

Everyone saw the red magic and all looked at Max who was glowing while floating, "No thweat dada... Badman says bad avout dada... Max kill bad man...", Max said.

Lucifer was burning slowly, "Sweetie stop", Alec said rushing towards Max, but Max wasn't listening.

"Max, listen to dada I am alright, stop hurting him Max", Alec said and Max looked at his dada still glowing.

"Dada ok?", Max asked and Alec nodded and extended his arms, "Dada is ok baby, come on, stop hurting him, you saved dada", Alec said and Max stopped glowing and flew into Alec's arms.

"You saw what he did when you threatened his dada, the other was quiet because he knew what was happening, but if this ever happens again, I won't hesitate to kill you, don't you dare threaten my husband, ever. Now go!", Magnus said and Lucifer vanished.

"Dada", Rafe said extending his arms, Max flew into Magnus's arms and Rafe flew into Alec's arms.

"I am alright sweetie", Alec said softly, "Wow, that happened", Santana said and all glared at her...

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