Loving you

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"What happened?", Alec asked rushing into the infirmary as Jace laid an injured Clary on the bed.

"Drevak", Jace said, "I am fine", Clary said softly, "No you are not", Alec said looking at her wound and wincing.

"It's ok", Alec said to her, "Izzy", he called and Izzy rushed in with hot water and a towel, "We have to remove the poison only, the wound is small", Clary said.

Alec started cleaning her wound softly and Jace was looking at him surprised, not only Jace but the other two were too.

"Clary-", Simon who rushed in stopped seeing what Alec doing, "Why are you all staring at me like that?", Alec asked without taking his eyes away from cleaning.

"You came", Jace said, "I am sorry?", Alec said, "You came out of the room after two weeks", Jace said and Alec stopped for a minute before continuing.

"I can't stay in my room when my family is hurt, just because... because of a personal reason", Alec said.

He cleaned the wound and took his stele, he drew the iratze and the wound started knitting, Clary immediately hugged him surprising him.

He hugged her back softly, "Thank you for accepting me as your family", Clary said and Alec smiled softly.

"You grew on me Fray", he said, "Are you hurt?", he asked Jace and Jace shook his head, Alec narrowed his eyes.

"Try again", he said and Jace sighed and moved his shirt a bit on his shoulder and showed him the scratch.

Alec quickly drew an iratze on Jace too, "You?", he asked Izzy, "I didn't go", she said and Alec nodded.

"No more demon hunting Clary, not till I tell you", Alec said and Clary jumped up on top of the bed to make her look taller than Alec.

"You can't tell me that", she said and Izzy and Jace chuckled, "Till mom and dad are in Idris I am the acting head, so yes I can tell you", he said and turned to leave.

Clary jumped onto his back and Izzy and Jace thought Alec would scold her, but he smiled and held her protectively.

"Not happening Fray", he said, "I will cling onto your back till you say I can go", she said, "Then you are stuck on my back forever", he said and Clary whined.

"Jace, Izzy help me", she said and Alec glared at Jace, who tried to approach Alec, "Sorry Clary, but I will take your position on the patrol today", Izzy said.

"Nope", Alec said making her jaw drop, "Jace and I are only going, Simon can join if he wants to, I need you if anyone, except Clary, is hurt", he said.

"Hey not fair", Izzy said and Alec walked out with Clary on his back and Izzy arguing with him, "What just happened?", Simon asked.

He got no response and turned to see Jace with tears in his eyes, "He is smiling after weeks, I thought I wouldn't get him back", Jace said softly.

"Do you think he moved on?", Simon asked and Jace shook his head, "Nephilim love once fiercely, I can feel him hurting from the inside, but as always, for us, he is hiding and burying it deep down", Jace said sadly.

"He has us, he will be alright", Simon said, "I hope so", Jace said and they walked out, "You coming today to patrol?", he asked as they walked through the ops center.

"Sure why not", Simon said and the two smiled as they saw Alec walking around telling everyone what to do with Clary still on his back and Izzy still arguing with him.

Jace saw Alec's smile and prayed to the angel to keep that smile forever and all got back to their works.

~ 2 weeks later ~

"I heard mom is coming back", Jace said to Alec who had a clinging Clary on his back, "Sooner or later she had to come back", Alec said.

"Ok Fray you can go, just get down", Alec said and Clary jumped down with a victory smile on her face.

She clung onto his back in the mornings and let him go at night, "Thanks Alec", she said, kissed his cheek, and skipped out of his office.

"She really did grow on you huh?", Jace asked to a smiling Alec, who was shaking his head, "She is the reason you are not running head first into danger, she is compassionate, so yes she grew on me", Alec said and Jace smiled.

They heard a knock and both looked up, Alec froze seeing the person, "What are you doing here?", Jace asked.

"I came to check whether Alex-Alec is ok", Magnus said, "As if you care", Jace said harshly and Alec saw Magnus wince.

"Jace-", Alec started, "No Alec, don't try to defend him now, not today, I saw you hurt, I felt you hurt, you locked yourself in the room for 2 weeks, you weren't eating, you weren't sleeping, we thought you were going to kill yourself", Jace said.

Magnus's eyes widened, "You don't get to waltz here Warlock after a month of punishing Alec for whatever reason", Jace said.

"Jace Lightwood", Alec said a little louder and Jace stopped, "Whatever happened between us is a problem for us to solve, you shouldn't insult him for that", Alec said and Jace looked guilty.

"Out", Alec said and Jace huffed and walked out, "I am sorry about him Magnus, but I am fine", he said and looked back at his work.

"Alexander", Magnus said softly and Alec closed his eyes to stop himself from crying, "You didn't message for 2 weeks, I was worried sick", Magnus said.

"I am fine", Alec said again, "So why didn't you message me?", Magnus asked, "One I didn't know you were listening to or reading my message and two my family was getting hurt because of me", Alec said and looked up into his eyes.

"Loving you is-was the best thing that ever happened to me and losing you was... maybe it was my fault and I said sorry for it, I will say sorry again if that's what you want, but just because of my small mistake which I did unknowingly, I can't hurt my family. They are my everything... once everyone said that you can't love anyone else without loving yourself. I have never loved myself, but you? Oh god, I love you so much, that I forgot what hating myself felt like", Alec said and a tear dropped out of his eye.

He quickly looked away, "I forgave you long ago Alexander", Magnus said, "Yet you don't want me", Alec said.

Magnus went to interrupt, "I love you and will love you till I die, but I am not ready to deal with your reasons Magnus, not now, not today", Alec said.

Magnus's heart shattered at what Alec said, he never thought this day would come, but in him, he knew that it was now or never.

He rushed forward and kissed Alec hard, Alec was shocked for a second but he also soon kissed Magnus back.

They broke away to breathe and Magnus touched his forehead with Alec's, "I love you, Alexander, I can't live without you, without hearing your voice or looking at you or touching you", Magnus said wiping Alec's tears.

"Be mine again please, I know it's my fault and I am willing to talk about my past to have you as my future, please", Magnus said and Alec hugged him.

"I want you too, yes I will be yours", Alec said and Magnus smiled as Alec wiped his tears and kissed his temple.

"Loving you is the best thing that ever happened to me too Alexander", Magnus said and Alec pulled away and looked at him surprised.

"Ever?", he asked and Magnus nodded firmly, "Ever", he said and the two kissed again feeling whole.

They were together, they were home...

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