Alternative Glee Universe 2

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"Ok, so what did Jace and Simon tell you?", Magnus asked and all looked surprised, "How did you know he told us anything?", Finn asked.

"I have been married to my husband for nearly 10 years now, together 11, I know how his mind works", Magnus said and Alec smiled.

"Wait 10 years, you all barely look 25 or so, was it child marriage?", Brittany asked and the six laughed and shook their heads.

"Ok they told us your names and that you are from another Universe and there are demons and angels and magical beings like Warlocks, Werewolves, Vampires, and Seelies along with angelic warriors called Shadowhunters", Mr.Shue said.

"And you four are shadowhunters and then you two are warlock and vampire", Mike said still in a daze.

"And how you are the most powerful person in your World", Puck said gesturing to Alec, "Yeah, that pretty much is our World", Izzy said.

"That is your World, but who are you guys personally?", Tina asked, "Well, what do you want to know about personally, if it's not too personal we will answer your question", Magnus said drawing some strength from Alec, who nodded.

"How did you guys come here?", Artie asked, "Well we were having our usual game night and suddenly we were sucked here when Magnus was going to do his dare", Simon said and all nodded.

"You said you had kids", Quinn started and the shadowhunters nodded and told about their kids.

"Did you guys adopt them?", she asked and Magnus and Alec looked at each other, "No, uhm... well we sort of were given a gift by our angel and Alec gave birth to them", Magnus said.

"Whoa cool", Puck said and Quinn rolled her eyes, "How old are you guys? You barely look 25", Mr.Shue said and all smiled.

"Well try guessing", Jace said and Alec rolled his eyes, "20", 22", "18", and "19", all said different answers making the arrivals laugh.

The thing was Jace, Simon, and Izzy were 24, Clary was 23, Magnus was 27 and Alec was 28, from their appearance, but the years of training made them look younger.

But there was more to it, "I am 33 actually", Alec said and all of them who didn't know gasped, "Me and Jace are 28", Izzy said.

"Me and Simon are 27", Clary said, "I am somewhere in 830-850", Magnus said and everyone's jaw dropped, "We are immortal", Alec said.

"So everyone in your World is immortal?", Blaine asked and Alec shook his head, "No, we were given this, not as a gift, but since Angel Raziel wanted warriors like us forever, Magnus and Simon were already immortal", Alec said.

"We helped them fight against Lucifer, who rose again with double the power and they were unable to defeat him alone, so we helped and they made us this", Clary said and all were fascinated.

"Wow, so why do you think you guys are here?", Kurt asked, "That we don't know yet, but I am sure there is a big reason behind that", Jace said.

"Well well William, I didn't know you invited freaks as an example for your gleek club", they heard a voice and turned to see Sue Sylvester.

"Sue, they are not-", Mr.Shue started but she stopped him, "Which High school are you six from?", she asked and Jace went to answer.

"Actually we are planning to transfer here and we just wanted to check all the things here", Alec jumped in and she looked suspicious for a bit.

"Then welcome another set of losers and you, join cheerios, I need those heels dancing", she said to Izzy and left, "Is she always like that?", Simon asked and the others shrugged.

"That was a close call Alec, thank Angel you were here", Jace said and Alec smiled, "Mr.Shue can you help us with getting in here, we can't leave till we find our purpose", Alec said to Mr.Shue who nodded.

"If I can have your details", he started and Magnus immediately snapped his hands and gave him a set of papers, "I will do it immediately", Mr.Shue completed and left with the papers.

"No magic Mister, you are drained", Alec said, "I can do simple magic, Alexander, it's just taking me a lot of energy since there is no magic around me, I have to draw it from the deeper realm", Magnus said.

The glee kids loved these new groups, Alec noticed Mike who was in the corner, and understood he was like Alec who hadn't come out.

Magnus noticed it, "Hey no looking at another man", he said to Alec who chuckled and shook his head.

"I think he needs a little support Magnus", Alec said and Magnus nodded, "Let him warm with us, we can talk to him after that", Magnus said and Alec nodded.

Suddenly a portal opened and Max and Rafael plopped through it, "Rafe! Max!", the parents shouted and Alec held Max just in time as he collapsed.

"Oh no! No no no", he muttered as he took his baby in his hands, who was still, he saw Rafe was perfectly well in Magnus's hands.

The others rushed towards him, "Come on sweetie, open your eyes, it's your dada", Alec said on the verge of crying and the ones who didn't know about him were surprised.

They saw Alec and thought he was another person from the one they were seeing now, "Rafe, honey", Alec said.

Rafael understood his birth giver and flew towards his father, he had a pair of angel wings, both had.

All looked at this in fascination and Rafe quickly healed his brother, "Max... wakey wakey", Rafe said softly as he glowed with yellow-red magic.

Both the parents had tears in their eyes, and the uncles and aunts were also a bit teary-eyed, "Dada", Max said and opened his eyes softly.

They all sighed, "Oh thank you thank you, I love you my baby", Alec said drowning his baby in kisses.

"Unci Ja...", Rafe said, "It's me, sweet baby, come to Uncle Jace", Jace opened his arms and Rafe barreled into his uncle.

Magnus took Max into his arms and kissed him all over his face, he laughed his lungs out, "Oh my baby, I told your brother not to do magic", Magnus said.

"But Rafe and Max miss Papa and Dada", Max said sitting up and pouting, and all cooed at his cuteness.

It was like seeing a mini Alec with Magnus's brown eyes, while Rafe was like a mini Magnus with Alec's blue eyes.

"We missed you two too baby", Alec said, "Ok who are these cuties? Which is which?", Quinn asked and the parents smiled.

Max extended his hand to his dada, who was beyond worried, and through his bond he felt it, Alec held his firstborn close while all settled back in the chairs.

Magnus saw Rafe getting tired, he was probably draining too, "Jace he needs to be fed, should I do it or-", he didn't even need to complete.

"I would love to but he probably needs his papa now, so you do it", Jace said and Magnus smiled.

"Rafe sweetie come here", Magnus called and Rafe flew into Magnus's arms who immediately magicked a bottle for Max and Rafael.

He gave one to Alec and fed Rafael the other who clutched the bottle tightly while playing with Magnus's chains, sitting royally on his papa's lap.

Alec did the same to his firstborn who looked at his dada with his big brown eyes and wiped the tears on Alec's face with his small hands.

Mr.Shue entered, "Ok guys you are enrolled", he said and saw the two babies, "What the-?", he started but paused seeing everyone's glare.

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