Alternate Glee Universe

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McKinley High is a High school in Lima, Ohio and there was a club called Glee Club in it, which everyone made fun of.

Suddenly in the middle of the choir classroom, 6 members fell out of nowhere and they were none other, Alec, Magnus, Clary, Simon, Isabelle, and Jace.

Thank the Angel the class was empty, but Alec quickly saw the surroundings and understood what was wrong.

"JONATHAN CHRISTOPER WAYLAND LIGHTWOOD HERONDALE", he shouted as the bell rang and Jace flinched, "He never calls me that", he whispered to Izzy quickly.

Alec helped his husband stand up and slowly the students started entering, "I didn't do anything, I can't do magic ask your husband", Jace quickly said.

"Magnus?", Alec asked, "Hey not fair, shout at him also", Jace said and all the students were looking at them from the doorway.

Suddenly Tina came, "I was going to do the dare hon-", Magnus was interrupted as Tina called him, "Hey Mike, what are you wearing? Is this for a number or something?", she asked and Magnus looked around.

"I am sorry but who are you? and who is Mike?", Magnus asked and Mr.Shue came in, "Can I- help you guys?", he asked looking at the newbies.

"Please, can you tell us where we are?", Clary asked and Mr.Shue did, "We are definitely in an alternative Universe", she said.

"But why are we not in their bodies?", Jace asked remembering his last experience and Magnus looked at them.

"Activate your rune without your stele", Magnus said and Jace did and he was able to, "I thought so", Magnus muttered.

"Ok excuse me? Who are you people? What's going on here?", Rachel asked, "I am sorry, but this is hard to explain so will you all sit down", Simon asked.

"Simon what are you doing?", Izzy asked as all sat down, "Wait up we need to discuss before telling you guys", Alec said and they all nodded.

They understood something was wrong and let the weird people be, "Magnus why are we not in our doppelganger's body?", Alec asked switching to demon language, the only language they all knew and no one else would.

"We have our powers and as far as I can sense there is no magic in this world, so no angelic or demonic powers, so if we were to be in our doppelganger's body it would kill them, especially mine", Magnus said.

"Cool", Jace said and Alec glared at him, "Ok we need to contact Mom, Max, and Rafe along with Alisa, and Cecile and James are with her, they don't know our situation", Alec said.

Alisa was Clace's daughter and Cecile and James were the twins of Sizzy, "I can travel myself with another two people as a hologram and tell them", Magnus said.

"What the-?", the football team who were in the glee club said looking at these people, "Angel, Magnus is that your-?", Jace asked and Magnus nodded looking at his doppelganger.

Alec's head was spinning, "What's happening here?", Puck asked and the Shadowhunters sighed.

"Well we will explain everything soon in detail, but in short we are from another Universe, an alternative one and we have angelic and demonic powers", Alec said and all were shocked.

"Now if you can maintain that shock for a few seconds, till we contact our kids", Jace said, "Wait kids?", Quinn asked and they nodded and Alec stopped her with his hand.

His inner Consul came out and all shushed, "Clary and Izzy you should go with Magnus, tell them we will be there soon and not to worry", Alec said and they nodded.

"Jace, Simon I want you two to quickly check the perimeter, we are here for a reason, use glamour", Alec said and they also nodded and ran out at super speed, surprising everyone more.

Magnus took Clary's and Izzy's hand and thought of Maryse's house and immediately they vanished from the choir room.

All gasped but Alec stood straight and looked at exactly where Magnus was and soon Jace and Simon joined him.

"Nothing, no demonic presence", Jace said and Alec nodded with his hands crossed, "Start explaining to them about our World", he said and Jace and Simon did as said.

Magnus who projected him and the other two at Maryse's house heard his son's voice, "Paaappa", they shouted and Magnus smiled.

"Hey sweeties, call grandma", he said and they did, while Izzy's kids and Clary's daughter talked with their mothers.

"Magnus?", Maryse asked surprised, "Maryse I don't have time for talks, I just wanted to say we are in an alternative Universe and we are unable to come and get the kids, look after them, for us", Magnus quickly said, he was getting drained.

"Of course", Maryse said, "Papa", Max said, who was 3 years old and started to glow, Rafael also followed his elder brother and started to glow.

"No Max", Magnus said but he was feeling more solid, his sons were pulling him back to their Universe.

But Max immediately collapsed, "MAX!!!", Magnus, Clary, and Izzy shouted, "Rafe help your brother, heal him, and don't use your magic to bring us back", Magnus said and Rafael nodded his cute head and started healing his elder brother.

Magnus was going to lose consciousness so he quickly directed the three of them back to this Universe and collapsed into Alec's arms.

Alec knew something like this would happen and that's why he was standing there, Clary and Izzy quickly hugged their husbands.

"Hey you alright?", Alec asked softly and Mike who was sitting with Kurt and Blaine saw this, some part in him said that he hadn't found his true love yet, he had broken up with Tina recently, well 2 months ago to be exact.

"Yeah, but Max collapsed", Magnus said getting up with help from Alec, "I am sorry WHAT? What happened to my nephew?", Jace asked.

"What happened to my baby?", Alec asked helping Magnus sit down, "He and Rafe used their powers to bring us back to our Universe and they were close as I was starting to feel more solid, but he was overworked and he collapsed, I told Rafe to heal him and not use their powers to bring us back", Magnus said as Finn gave him water.

"That's why I felt a sudden drain in me", Alec said and Magnus nodded, "Ok I think you have sorted everything because we need explanations now", Santana said and the other glee clubers nodded.

Magnus sighed as he looked at his family and started...

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