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(Think Alec never knew about the box) Also, credits to maleclightwoodbane1 in insta from whom I took this idea and the next one.

Alec was cleaning the house today since Magnus had a lot of clients and Max and Rafe had made quite a mess.

As he cleaned he saw a green box on Magnus's shelf and he felt a sudden pull towards it, even though he knew he shouldn't take it without Magnus's permission, he did.

He took it to the couch, sat on it, opened the box, and was surprised to find so many items in it, some surprisingly familiar.

There were pictures and other trinkets in it and there was familiarity in it which surprised Alec as he took the nearest picture.

He saw a man with Magnus and his head suddenly hurt, but he ignored it and turned the picture feeling something different behind it.

"If anything will keep me safe, it's this picture, close to my heart. All my love, George.", he read and felt sad.

It was one of his husband's lovers, ex-lovers, he knew but the thing that surprised him was a sudden flash of memory.

It was so sudden he couldn't register it, but now the picture he was holding seemed to be more close to him than before.

He took a deep breath and looked into the box again, as he looked at a feather, he again felt the same feeling and a sudden flash of memory.

It was as if he was there in flesh and he looked more into the box in curiosity and the more pictures he looked at, he was surprised to find some sort of resemblance in them compared to him.

"What?", he said to himself and felt a presence next to him, a familiar presence, "What are these Magnus?", he asked without turning his head.

"Alexander", Magnus said softly making Alec look at him as he sat next to his husband, "Why do I feel-", Magnus interrupted his husband.

"Like you were there in all those moments?", Magnus asked and Alec nodded, "Because you were, baby", Magnus said and Alec shook his head.

"No I wasn't, these are ancient Magnus even before my parents were born, I can't be this, this, all this", Alec said panicking and Magnus closed his eyes as he felt tears dropping out of them.

"Yes you can be", Magnus said and Alec took a charm out of the box just like the one he gave Magnus when they were dating.

He recognized it, it was for love and immortality, but he didn't know how he did, he immediately looked at his husband to see hope and love in those eyes.

"You recognize it don't you?", Magnus asked with watery eyes, "I... I don't know, I just... why does this whole box feel like it's just between us?", Alec asked confused.

"Because it is Alexander, it's just between us, my love", Magnus said and Alec got up keeping the box on the table.

"I didn't give it to you though, I don't... I feel like I did, but I don't remember the exact memory", Alec said.

"Alec, my love. It's you, it always has been you. You are the only man... the only person I have ever loved and will ever love", Magnus said.

"This doesn't make sense", Alec said and Magnus got up slowly, "Oh my beautiful man, these are from you... not the you now, but the you before", Magnus said and took a ring from the box.

An emerald ring and walked towards Alec slowly, "I first fell in love with you 700 years ago. You were Leonard then. You showered me with love and care, but sadly you died. I couldn't move on at first, but 50 years later I met someone else who reminded me of you, and when they saw Leonard's picture they remembered. It was an ongoing theme in my life, in one way you entered and you remembered, then left one way or another. But as time went it was getting hard for you to remember everything as our time was always short. The most time I got with the past yous was 10 years", Magnus said and Alec was surprised at the same time felt like already knew it.

"Magnus this is crazy", Alec said backing a bit, "Is it? If it is crazy, this ring belonged to-", Alec cut him off.

"Emeralda", he whispered and gasped, "No", he said and Magnus chuckled softly and took Alec's hand in his's.

"See, it's never impossible, you always say that, you also know that for me it has and will always be you", Magnus said and kissed Alec's cheeks.

"Magnus this is confusing", Alec said still in a daze, "I know, but you know even though a body dies a soul doesn't. And as always we somehow found our way back to each other, from the start till now. I love you and will always. You are my past, present, and future Alexander Lightwood-Bane", Magnus said and tears fell out of Alec's eyes.

He pulled Magnus close for a hug, "I love you too Magnus Lightwood-Bane and I am glad now I could stay with you forever", Alec said and Magnus smiled pulling away.

Suddenly Alec looked confused again, "Oh no", Magnus said with a smile on his face, "Why was I the only version you married?", Alec asked.

Magnus chuckled, "Well because gay marriages weren't legal back then for one thing and I was a warlock and all your versions were mundane and I knew that if I bought any of the versions into the Shadow World I would have got you killed for another and when you were a girl which was once, it was back in 1700, where people didn't live long especially women for another and...", Magnus said trailing the last.

"And?", Alec asked guiding them to the couch to sit cuddled together, "You are my favorite version of you", Magnus said and Alec smiled.

"I like that answer better", Alec said and Magnus chuckled, "Of course you do honey", Magnus said.

"Was I really your favorite version?", Alec asked and Magnus laughed, "Yes Alexander", he said, "Why?", Alec asked.

"Because I always liked blue eyes and black hair, but mostly because even though you are my past lovers, there is something different and special about you. Something that pulls me to you unlike any other time", Magnus said and Alec smiled.

"Besides you are in the Shadow World and you control it, so we can be together freely without judgment", Magnus said and it was Alec's turn to laugh.

"Dada! Papa", they heard their sons' voices and chuckled, "Coming boys", Alec said and got up, but Magnus held his hand.

Alec looked at his husband, "You promise to be with me forever right?", Magnus asked and Alec smiled and kissed his warlock's forehead.

"Forever and Always", he said and Magnus also smiled, "Come on now, we have a duty", Alec said pulling Magnus with him, both laughing.

They were soulmates, not even death could separate them, they always and always will come back to each other...

Malec oneshots 2 + a little ShumdarioWhere stories live. Discover now