Shadowhunter Academy

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"Simon Lewis", Jace called opening Simon's and Izzy's bedroom door, thankfully they weren't in a compromising situation.

Izzy was in the ops center in the Institute business so it was only Simon reading one of his comic books.

"What do you want Herondale?", he asked, "Ooh feisty, but I came here to tell you today we are leaving for the Academy, Consul's order", Jace said.

"Who are 'we'?", Simon asked, "The usual, me, Clary, you, Izzy, and Magnus", Jace said, "What about Alec?", Simon asked getting up.

"He might join us if he gets the time, he is the Consul, we can't expect him to be with us all the time, but I suspect he will be there, for Magnus", Jace said.

"What about the kids?", Simon asked, "Maryse, I don't know how Izzy married you, you ask too much, now move your ass Lewis", Jace said.

Simon rolled his eyes and got ready, he met his wife and his best friend outside with his favorite asshole.

He also saw Magnus handing his two sons to Maryse after kissing their cheeks, he and Izzy hugged their twins and gave them to Maryse.

She had help from Luke so she was fine with 5 kids in her hand, especially when two of them were an angel and a Greater Demon.

"They will be fine Magnus, don't worry", Maryse said, she had aged up, but she looked happy and free unlike before.

"I don't know if that applies to me, at least not since I met your son", Magnus said and Maryse chuckled.

"Mama, you are sure right?", Izzy asked, she asked this because the kids were small, the eldest was Clace's child Alisha who was 5.

Max was 4 and Rafe was 2, Cecile and James were 3, so... "I'll be fine Isabelle, but you all don't kill the students there", Maryse said.

"Mom, you wound us", Jace said and Alisha giggled, Jace even though decided to take the Herondale name called Maryse mom and Luke dad, everyone except Magnus, Clary, and Simon did.

The Lightwoods called Luke dad, especially because Maryse married Luke and they called Robert father, Jace called him Robert though.

It was weird at first, but they loved it, "We are adults", Jace said, "You don't act like one and certainly don't look like one", Luke noted lifting Alisha and Cecile.

"What to say? I am handsome, even when I am 30 and immortal", Jace said and Magnus rolled his eyes.

"I still don't understand why Alexander chose you as his parabatai out of a whole lot of shadowhunters", Magnus said.

"Because he runs head first into danger and someone has to look after him", said a voice behind Magnus, a voice which made him smile.

The shadowhunters' postures changed and they all stood straight, everyone in the institute stopped their work and was in attention as Alec came and held Magnus's waist, standing next to his husband.

"At ease shadowhunters and get back to your works", he said and all did, "So can we talk to you as a family now or still Consul?", Clary asked.

Alec took Rafael into his arms, "As much as I enjoy seeing Jace all respectful towards me, I now come as Alec Lightwood-Bane, a family member, so you can talk with me as a family", Alec said rocking Rafe slowly.

"Good", Jace said and relaxed to his normal position, "By the way I can look after myself", Jace said and everyone rolled their eyes.

"Sure", Alec said, "At what time should we leave?", Izzy asked, "Well, about now", Jace said looking at the time.

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