Alternative Glee Universe 3

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"Who is this?", Mr.Shue asked, "Our sons", Magnus said seeing Alec who was still in a daze while he rocked the baby.

"Magnus, why did Max collapse? I mean Rafael didn't", Izzy said, "Well Isabelle, traveling different dimensions requires a lot of magic, Max did tremendous magic, so it drained him. Besides Rafael is an angel he draws magic from the World above and around him, Max draws most of the magic from Hell and also around him, and that's why when he overused he collapsed. He would be more powerful than anything in Edom or any other hell dimensions and even on Earth, but his small body can't contain that much magic. I also saw him giving Rafe his magic so he won't burn himself up, that's why Rafael didn't collapse", Magnus said and Alec looked up for the first time since his babies came in.

"That's why Rafael is tired now, he doesn't have the elements of magic around like you don't", Alec said and Magnus nodded.

"What about mom? Does she know this?", Jace asked and Alec looked at Magnus, "I'll try sending a message", Magnus said and made a fire message, he concentrated hard and the message vanished.

"So what's going on here again? How can these kids travel from one Universe to the other?", Santana asked.

"Well this is Max, our first who is 3 years old and this is Rafael our 1-year-old, they are the manifestation of the Greater Demon and Angel Ithuriel, that's why they can travel from one dimension to another without causing fatal damage to themselves", Magnus said and all smiled.

"Wow an angel and a demon as kids", Rachel said Magnus and Alec smiled and Magnus magicked away the finished bottles. 

"That was blood isn't it?", Mike, who was silent all this time asked and Magnus nodded, "They are part Warlock, so they need blood", Magnus said and Tina looked green.

"If they are so powerful beings why are they getting drained quickly?", Finn asked, "Here I thought, you were developing a brain", Santana said.

"They are still small, they can't contain too much magic without practice, they need to practice to portal room to room first before they portal anywhere else, that's how we warlocks practice and shadowhunters also train hard before they get their first rune", Magnus explained.

"Ohh", Finn said, "Wait so if they are Greater Demon and an Angel, that means they are the same all over the Universe too?", Artie asked and Magnus nodded.

"In every world, they are the same while we change", Magnus said, "Oh god we are in a divine presence of an angel", Rachel said.

Rafael gave a toothless smile and glowed, "That's his way of saying hi", Jace said, "Welcome angel and your Highness", Mr.Shue said.

The two children glowed blessing the others, "While this is great, where are we staying? We need to stay close to the school, we were brought here for a reason", Jace said.

"I made an apartment here under the basement, it is glamoured, so we can stay there", Magnus said and the shadowhunters nodded.

"That's great, but you can't bring kids to school", Mr.Shue said, "Well, you can Mr.Shue, Coach Sylvester bought her daughter and Principle Figgins said if I decided to have Beth, I could bring her here", Quinn said.

Just as she said that the bell rang, "Ok it's decided then, from tomorrow onwards you can attend school", Mr.Shue said and the six nodded.

Alec held Max close to him who wrapped his arms around his dada, "Come on guys we need to settle down", Simon said understanding that everyone needed rest.

All nodded and followed Magnus who held a sleeping Rafael in his hands and they reached the basement.

The place looked like Lightwood Bane loft with extra rooms, "You have a change of clothes and a training room, so feel free to do whatever you want", Magnus said.

"Izzy stay out of the kitchen", Alec said and all chuckled softly not to wake the angel up, Izzy stuck her tongue at him and went to one of the rooms with Simon.

Magnus and Alec went to their room and placed both their babies on the bed, Max was looking at his parents with big brown eyes.

"Dada? Papa?", he said softly understanding that his younger brother was asleep, "Yes baby", Magnus asked.

"Sowwy", Max said and Alec and Magnus chuckled, "It's ok baby, we are glad you are ok", Alec said wiping his tears.

"Dada don't cwy... dad cwy Max cwy", Max said and Alec smiled, "Dada won't cry baby, I promise", Alec said and kissed both his loves forehead and sat next to them, leaning on the headboard.

Magnus smiled and did the same other side, Alec slowly patted Max humming a French lullaby Maryse used to sing for him and his siblings.

Soon Max also drifted to sleep and the parents got up, Magnus put a shield around the bed so they wouldn't fall at the same time no one other than the six could enter.

"You alright?", Magnus asked and Alec nodded stiffly, but Magnus kept looking at him and Alec relaxed.

"It's just what happened up there scared me a little", Alec said and Magnus sighed, "I know baby, it's ok to feel vulnerable, you gave birth to them, you have the right to be scared", Magnus said holding Alec's waist.

Alec immediately hugged his warlock tightly and inhaled the sandalwood scent and relaxed more as the warmth and scent of his husband calmed him.

"Thank you... I love you so much", Alec said softly, "It's my duty Alexander and I love you too, now come on we have a lot to discuss with others", Magnus said and the two smiled at each other and shared a kiss.

"Ok no kissing in front of my nephews, come on", Jace said who popped in and Malec rolled their eyes and walked out.

They all settled down on the couch, "Ok, here is the thing, we can't find out why we are here, it has to happen automatically, so we have to wait", Magnus started.

"That's not good", Izzy said and Clary nodded, "Izzy's right, she has an institute to run", Clary said, "Well Alec has a whole world to run", Simon said.

"That's the bigger problem, without the Consul and On-field in charge the Shadow World is exposed to bigger dangers", Alec said looking at Jace.

"I wrote to Maryse to tell Lily and Maia to be in charge of the Shadow World for now along with her", Magnus said.

"That's the right decision, but still the Shadow World needs Alec", Jace said and Alec sighed, "We have to hope everything will be alright when we go back", Alec said and all looked solemn. 

"Don't look like that, it's making my head throb, look at the positive side, we are in another World, so enjoy till we can, just think it's a vacation", Magnus said and all smiled.

"Now I am ordering food, let's try some Ohio food", Magnus said and snapped his fingers making food appear.

All smiled and started eating while talking with each other...

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