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Surprisingly, all were in the institute today, even the Lightwood parents, and they were arguing with Alec for having a Warlock boyfriend.

"Mom we've been over this", Alec said, "No you've been over this and you made your decision", Maryse said and Magnus walked in and paused seeing everyone's faces.

Simon and Clary were looking awkward, while Izzy and Jace were glaring at the Lightwood parents.

But over others, Magnus's eyes went to Alec, as always and he saw the Shadowhunter was tensed and it worried him.

"Maryse, Robert", he greeted softly and walked towards Alec, who immediately smiled and held his hand.

They had been dating for 6 months now and recently Alec told his parents and that didn't go well.

"Magnus you know our positions, you have lived through worse, so please explain to Alec and break up with him", Maryse said and Magnus felt his whole world stop.

He looked into Alec's eyes which were looking at him with so much love and determination, that he couldn't break away from his love's gaze even.

"I... I can't", he said and felt the others except the parents smile, especially his Alec's smile made him happier.

"How dare-", Robert started but stopped as alarms blared around the institute and all rushed out and saw there was a demon attack near the Jade Wolf.

"Luke", Simon and Clary said together, Alec and Jace nodded at each other and Alec turned to look at Magnus.

"Nope, I am coming", Magnus said immediately and Alec smiled, "Fine", he said and all got ready.

His parents were also stubborn and came along and they fought hard since many were there, but Alec had Magnus by him all the time.

More demons fell as arrows, swords, and whips splashed blood out of the demons, especially the familiar blue magic.

"JACE, LOOK OUT!", Alec shouted and Jace quickly jumped away and killed the demon and both parabatai looked at each other and smiled.

But Alec felt Jace's dread before he felt the pain for the dread, he suddenly felt a sharp claw piercing his chest and angry magic tearing the demon behind him apart.

Alec fell down, but Magnus caught him immediately and laid him on his lap, others rushed after killing the final demons and Maryse rushed to her son.

"Didn't. See. It. Coming", he gritted through his teeth, "Oh my baby! You are going to be okay, it's ok", Maryse comforted and Alec shook his head.

"Mama it's too... too deep", he coughed and closed his eyes taking a deep breath, as his favorite touch combed through his hair.

"Magnus", he said subconsciously and opened his eyes to look at his love, who was crying with his eyes closed.

"Hey...", Alec said softly and stroked Magnus's cheek who still didn't open his eyes, "It's ok, I will be alright, we will be alright", Alec said and coughed again.

"But... promise me... promise me you will move on...", Alec said and at the word move on, as if it would and should never happen, a burst of energy came out of Magnus's chest.

It was the familiar blue energy, but at the same time, it was new as it was coming from Magnus's heart.

Jace and Izzy understood and immediately backed away and the other two followed, but Maryse and Robert didn't.

So they were pushed back by Magnus's strong magic which enveloped him and his love in a bubble.

"WHAT'S THAT WARLOCK TRYING TO DO TO MY SON? JACE STOP HIM", Maryse shouted but Jace pulled her and Robert away from the couple as Magnus and Alec rose above in the air.

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