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"Papa, it's Max", Magnus heard his son's voice from outside the bedroom, "Me, Rafe, Ella, Cordelia and Matthew are going out, do you want to come?", Max asked.

Ella and Cordelia were one pair of the great-great-great-grandchildren of Jace and Clary and Matthew along with Sophia, who was the head of the New York Institute were the generation of Izzy and Simon.

Max and Rafe also had kids and grandkids and great-grandkids, but due to their immortality from Magnus as they were both biological children of Malec, they remained young.

"No blueberry, you and your cousins enjoy", Magnus said and heard a faint sigh from his son, "Papa it's nearly been 100 years, dad is... dead, he is not coming back", Max said.

Alexander Gideon Lightwood-Bane died of old age like his siblings, but he lived a little longer than a normal mortal human being, he lived for 118 years.

The thing was ever since the death of his, Magnus has isolated himself, he now only does his warlock work.

He doesn't even wear sparkly dresses anymore, he only wears black on some days as a reminder of Alec and white on others as a reminder of the death.

When Max said this, tears started falling out of Magnus's eyes, it was true, that in 2 months it would be the 100th death anniversary of Alec.

"I need to be alone sweetie, please", Magnus said and heard the footsteps recede and he immediately slid onto the floor crying.

He was holding onto one of Alec's favorite t-shirts, "Why? Why couldn't I have Alexander forever? Is this how you angels reward us for winning you the dark war?", Magnus asked.

He kept his head on the bed, Alec's side of the bed, and cried, each and every day being here was a painful reminder of Alec.

But the sad truth was Magnus couldn't forget Alec, unlike his past loves, he still remembers Alec fully.

The way his face lights up like a kid when Magnus agrees to do something, the way Alec fights, the way Alec sleeps... like an angel, Magnus always thought.

The way Alec had looked when he learned he was pregnant, the way he cried happy tears when Max was born when Rafe was born.

The way he mourned when he lost Jace, Clary, and especially Izzy, Simon visits Magnus frequently, but he had moved out of New York after his wife's and best friend's death saying he had no reason to be there, but both were mourning their loves still.

The way Alec moved, the way he ate, the way he smiled... Magnus's favorite, the color of his skin, was so pale, but not the color of white, the way he turned red when Magnus complimented him.

Magnus had always teased Max and Rafe saying they got the same blush from their dada, he always loved that blush.

The eyes that always looked at Magnus with so much love, the blue eyes, not ocean blue, but it did make him drown.

Not sky blue, but it did make him fly and soar freely, not the blue of calmness, but it did calm him, it always did.

Alec's eye color always surprised Magnus and he remembered their wedding fiasco where he couldn't find the exact shade.

More tears dropped as he hated himself for not figuring out the color earlier and blasted the drawer next to him in anger.

It blew into pieces and an envelope fell out of it, Magnus never touched a thing from his room, as he was scared that it would mean he had moved on.

He only cleaned it and kept the things as they usually were and as if Alec was never dead, he never was and would be ready to move on, he took the envelope and saw a letter and picture in it.

Malec oneshots 2 + a little ShumdarioWhere stories live. Discover now