Chapter 10

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Aegon "Alex" Targaryen

At several points in my life, I felt happiness. When I came back from Afghanistan and reunited with my parents, or when I saved one of my comrades during a firefight. But the confession from Daenerys and the subsequent night... it topples anything I have ever felt before. I could not even begin to describe it as I lay in bed while Daenerys is nestled in my side.

A content sigh leaves me as I smile at the sleeping Daenerys. I may not know why she feels so strongly for me, but I will make sure she is happy and does not regret choosing me. "Good morning, Alex," Daenerys says groggily as she turns to look at me with a soft smile. "Morning, Dany. Did you sleep well?" I ask. She chuckles as she rests her head on my chest. "That's a stupid question. I slept wonderfully," she says. It brings a smile to my lips. "I'm glad to hear it."

The tent opens up and Missandei walks in with breakfast. "Your Grace, I..." she says, but stops as she sees us. I feel myself blushing profusely. "Oh... I will come back in a moment with your breakfast, my lord. Excuse me for interrupting," she says as she puts the tray down and leaves the tent. "I think we should get ready," I mumble softly. Daenerys sighs as she nods. "I guess, I do have something to explain to you, Alex. Something important," she says rather hesitantly.

"What is it, Daenerys? If I can do anything to help, you know I will do it without hesitation," I say warmly. Daenerys smiles softly as she nods. "I know. You know about Mirri Maz Duur and what she did to me?" She asks. I nod. "I do. She killed your son and former husband," I answer. "Yes, she did. But she also made it so that I could not bear any children. That curse is broken when 'the sun rises in the west and sets in the east. When the seas go dry and mountains blow in the wind like leaves.' I hope you won't leave because of it..." she mumbles as she looks with a pained expression away from me.

"Dany, I knew about it. But she only spoke in relation to Drogo, and he is no more. So, the curse should hold no sway over you anymore. And I will not leave you because of that. I promise," I assured her. I gently guide her head so that she is looking at me. "Daenerys, you chose me and I choose you. I will stay at your side. I won't go home, I won't go away if it turns out you can't have children. You're stuck with me," I say, smiling at her. Daenerys looks at me, ready to cry. "Thank you, Alex. I love you," she says as she hugs me tightly.

"We will have a family, Daenerys. If you desire to have one, that is. I will do my best to find a way if it turns out you are cursed. You have my word, Dany. Come, we better get ready before Missandei returns. I rather not be naked when she comes back," I say, chuckling. Daenerys smiles as she presses a kiss on my cheek before getting out to get dressed. I follow suit.

As we are finally ready to begin the day, we move through the camp towards Grey Worm, Jorah, Barristan, and Daario. When we arrive, it seems that they have finished their training. I forgot about training to be honest. "Your Grace, my lord," the knights greet us. Daario seems to be looking with a raised eyebrow at us. "Is the army ready to move out?" Daenerys asks. Grew Worm nods in confirmation.

"We are ready, Your Grace," he says. "How was your night, Your Grace?" Daario asks. We both turn to look at him. He seems to be looking at us with amusement. "It was good, but we're not here to talk about my night," she says. "We should move to the city and greet the freed slaves." All the men get ready to move out. Daario seems to be smirking at me for some reason. It seems the cat is out of the bag.

"Dany, when do you want to announce us in public?" I ask her softly as we walk the small distance to our horses. Daenerys seems to think about it for a moment. "I see no harm in letting people know. Are you comfortable with the idea? I can wait, Alex," she says. I smile but shake my head. "I am committed to you now, Dany. We may fight in the future or have our off days, but I will not leave you," I say with determination. Daenerys smiles as a small blush creeps on her cheeks.

"That's heartwarming to hear. Then we'll let everyone know after we fully freed Yunkai. Does that sound good?" she asks. I nod. "It does. So, I am king now? That feels weird and crazy," I say. Daenerys chuckles. "You don't have to worry, Alex. We will have good advisors around us to help us make decisions. But you're not king yet. You have to marry me first," she smirks. "Are you proposing to me, Your Grace?" I ask. "Maybe, maybe not, I guess you'll have to find out," she chuckles. "Aren't you a cheeky one, Dany," I chuckle. Daenerys softly laughs.

We soon stand near the gates of Yunkai facing the gates. The slaves we freed during our infiltration should come out at any moment. I stand next to Daenerys while Grey Worm, Daario, Barristan, and Jorah stand around us. Missandei stands at the other side of Daenerys. Daenerys seems to be getting slightly nervous. "They'll come, Your Grace. When they're ready," Barristan says. "Perhaps they didn't want to be conquered," Daenerys says. I put a reassuring hand on her shoulder. She smiles a bit at me.

"You didn't conquer them, you liberated them," Jorah says. "People learn to love their chains," she says softly. "That's not true, Daenerys. People never will, and they will come. Watch," I say as I point to the gate that begins to open. As the gate opens, hundreds of people walk out. They look disheveled and dirty. Chains are seen around their neck as they slowly approach us. The Unsullied surround us in a defensive formation, so they'll not be able to come close. Many people look at us for any response or speech. Missandei steps forward to address the large crowd of people.

"This is Daenerys Targaryen, Stormborn, the Unburnt, the Queen of the Seven Kingdoms of Westeros, Mother of Dragons. It is to her, you owe your freedom..." Missandei announces in Valyrian, but is cut off by a "No" from Daenerys. Missandei steps back as Daenerys steps forward. She takes my hand to take me with her. I follow her.

Daenerys looks over the crowd and speaks to them herself in High Valyrian. "You do not owe me or my betrothed your freedom. We cannot give it to you. Your freedom is not for us to give. It belongs to you and you alone. If you want it back, you must take it back yourselves. Each and every one of you," she says to them in a clear and loud voice. I look at her in surprise. If I heard correctly, she just proposed to me. A heavy blush covers my cheeks. Missandei seems to be smiling as she hears it. The knights and Daario didn't catch it, probably because they don't speak the tongue.

Everyone is silent. As if they are star-struck by what is said to them. Daenerys looks to the crowd with a bit of worry. It is soon we hear a voice coming from the crowd. It says only one word. "Mhysa!" More voices start to join the man that first said the word, but now another word seems to join the chant. Many say "Mhysa! Mhysa! Mhysa!" while others start to say "Fhysah". The two words that are emanating from the crowd are becoming a roar that fills the entire area. Daenerys leans to Missandei. "What does it mean?" She asks. "It is Old Ghiscari, Your Grace. Mhysa means 'Mother' and Fhysah 'father'," Missandei says.

Daenerys squeezes my hand. "Come, Alex," she says. "Are you sure I should come, Dany?" I ask her. "They are calling for you too, my love," she says. I sigh, but I let her lead me down towards the former slaves. She crouches down to her dragon and commands them to fly. They screech a little before they take flight, and we continue towards the crowd. I feel anxious. This is not something I am used to. "No need to be afraid, Alex," Daenerys says. She commands the unsullied to let us pass, and soon we walk among the former slaves.

Many call out to us as they touch us appreciatively while looking at us in awe. It's like we are something akin to an angel from the heavens. Former slaves keep calling us 'Mhysa' and 'Fhysah'. Daenerys begins to smile at the people around her as we start to get deeper into the crowd. Daenerys never let go of my hand as we walk among the former slaves. Eventually, we stop walking and look around us at the many freedmen. People reaching out with their hands, others calling out to us. This warms the heart and makes me even more certain of what we're doing for these people.

Daenerys smiles brightly at the people, and before we know it, we are being raised in the air. Daenerys smiles and giggles as she reaches for the people as well. I follow her lead while I smile as well. It may be the first time that I am truly glad to be in this world.

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