Chapter 49

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Aegon Targaryen

The winds are strong, cold, and sharp. My breath is almost freezing in midair. I watch in black, rippled Valyrian Steel armor, armed with similar type weapons. The spear won't be of much use while being on a dragon, and my new weapons are much better for facing this foe. The winds get colder, stronger, sharper. It nears.

My gaze scans the horizon. Many of the braziers that have been lit are sniffed out one by one. As two more are snuffed out, the catapults fire. Large flaming boulders fly through the sky into the darkness. Daenerys' hand takes hold of mine, intertwining our fingers. A small flaming explosion is visible, and the sounds are horrendous. Loud, gurgling screeches of inhuman nature reach our ears. Daenerys tightens her grip.

"Our time nears," Jon says. We soon see a sea of flaming arrows going through the sky. The sounds increase to higher levels. Hairs stand straight, nervous sweat builds on my skin. This is terrifying. "We best get moving. The more we kill, the fewer will reach our men, the more will live," I say as I turn to look at Daenerys. "I'll see you soon. Better come back intact. I want more children," Daenerys says with a wavering voice. I smile as a chuckle leaves me. "Anything for you, Dany. I just don't know how many we can handle at the same time..." I say with a soft laugh. "Hush, you will do as I say," she says with a wide smile.

"Fine, let's win this then. I rather be young if I am going to survive this family life..." I say as I press my lips against hers again. "Be safe, my wife. We will see each other again." As our final touching moment ends, we move towards the dragons. Jon already climbs on Rhaegal. When we all sit on our respective dragon, we fly into the darkness to burn it away.

The sight we are met by is terrifying. Moving zombies, skeletons, and more rush towards Winterfell. Countless bodies are being pierced or crushed by flaming arrows or stones. It is clear we do not have enough arrows or stones to kill them all. I take a deep breath that stings my throat. The air is cold and colder than before due to the height. It makes breathing more difficult and painful. "Dracarys," I say in a loud voice to Viserion.

It is comforting, the heat I feel from Viserion. A calming and comforting sensation in this cold. The whole area soon is brightly lit as three thick streams of flame push their way through the icy winds. What follows are ear-piercing screams. The rotting flesh that is set aflame. It is sickening and disheartening. How could one win against death itself?

Hundreds upon hundreds are being burned to ashes, but still they manage to push their way through the first ditch. As I glance, towards it, I can see why. It is filled with corpses. I grimace at the sight. How many are there? It seems it does not matter how many are burned, pierced, or smashed to pieces... there is always more. The loud roar of Rhaegal snap my head to its source. Jon has found the Night King and it's generals.

They look terrifying, even from this distance. Before Jon could even do anything, the Night King raises a fist in the air, and the wind starts to become colder and sharper. It pushes Jon away with terrifying force. Drogon along with Daenerys have been keeping themselves busy burning the dead army. But even Drogon has trouble keeping steady when the winds reach him.

I luckily was not in the blast, but it's bad if we can't get close. With a final deep cold breath, I lead Viserion towards the gates where the dead have been concentrating. I dive and again burn hundreds, which are almost immediately replaced by more dead. Shivers of fear make their way through me.

When I was about to dive again for another sweep, I got hit by the most forceful and cold winds I ever felt in my life. Viserion struggles to keep himself steady, and I feel my grip on Viserion slipping. I groan as I push myself to the limit to stay on Viserion's back. It would have worked, if it was not for the ice that now comes with the winds. One of the larger ones hits me and I lose my grip. Again, I fall to the ground. Damn, let it be an easy landing this time.

As seconds go by, I feel myself landing in a pile of cold, fluffy substance. The air is knocked out of me, and a small wave of pain washes over me. God, why do I keep falling? As my vision becomes clearer, I see a hand that is being offered for me to take. I take it, and I feel myself being pulled up.

"Are you okay?" I hear Grey Worm ask. A small pain is present with every move. My head is still light and shaken. "Fuck... I'll live. What's the situation, Grey Worm?"

"We're holding for now, but ice is falling on us. It's hard to fight when we can't see," he says. "Ice... I used to love ice. Bring me to the gate. My legs are still shaky," I say. Grey Worm nods and takes my arm to help me walk. "What are you planning, Aegon?" He asks.

"Viserion is with Daenerys, but I can't get on him now... I don't know what I'll do. But I will not die without fighting, Grey Worm! I will bring Fire and Blood on these assholes," I answer defiantly. With Grey Worm's help I push myself through the gate.

Fighting is happening all over, large chunks of ice fall from the dark sky, and the stench of death is in the air. The ground is covered in blood, scorched dirt, but by the heavens... innumerable corpses surround us. I can't even begin to describe how terrifying this is. This is like a tidal wave of dead gray corpses running and pushing towards us.

"Fuck me..." I say with shock. "Aegon, if you want to do something now is your chance. We have to retreat soon," Grey Worm says. "Right... here goes nothing," I mumble.

"You are not alone, my child. Reach and I will make it so," an ethereal voice says. I ground myself by digging my feet in ice and blood covered dirt. I reach out for the falling ice in the air and sky, forcing my will on it.




An overwhelming presence fights me. My god, it hurts. An icy cold creeps over my skin. My body start to shiver uncontrollably. My vision starts to blur from the effort. "Keep me steady, Grey Worm..." I say through gritted teeth. Two hands take a strong grip on me. I keep pushing my will outward. Fighting for a new day.

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