Chapter 50

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Grey Worm

I never thought that cold would be my enemy. Fear was purged from us Unsullied, but seeing this... I fear it. For the first time in years, I feel my fear again. In a strong grip, I hold Aegon steady. Whatever he is doing, it's making him cold. Colder than normal as his face becomes paler and paler.

The ice in the air keeps falling as it hits the ground, the men that are fighting for their lives, and everything else in the area. I hold my shield up to cover Aegon and myself. Every second, I can feel chunks of ice fall on my shield. Our men are being pushed back. This isn't good. "Aegon, we need to go!" I say.

"You won't have me..." Aegon groans out. "Aegon! We need to go!" I say again. "Begone!" Aegon yells as his hands ball into fists. I frown as I do not feel the ice falling on my shield anymore. In slight hesitation, I pull my shield away to see what is happening. With eyes wide from shock, I see all the chunks of ice suspended in the air.

"Aegon...?" I ask hesitantly. "Keep fighting, Grey Worm! I almost have control..." Aegon says his face crunches together in agony, a small sliver of blood comes out of his nose. I let out a shaky breath. "We will do what we can." I turn to Harry, who's been fighting near us.

"Harry! Buy us time! Light the ditches!" I call out to him. "What's Aegon doing?!" He asks. "Turning the tables, now go!" I say with a loud and strong voice. Harry nods and runs to the wall to give the signal to Daenerys. "Unsullied, protect your king!" I call out in Valyrian. A resounding roar comes from the Unsullied as they form up around Aegon.

Layers of Unsullied from up in phalanx around Aegon. Loud screams and inhuman noises surround us. Cries of pain. People calling out to their mothers. The twangs of bows and the loud noises of flaming boulders roaring above us. If there is a hell in this world, this would be the closest thing to it. So many are already dead. The dead just reached the third ditch, and we are dropping like flies.

"Aegon! You've got to hurry up!" I say as Aegon groans in pain. "Argh!? Brace yourselves!" Aegon yells. Unsullied immediately raise their shield to cover themselves. Aegon's hands clash to together. All the ice in the air rush forwards towards the dead. Skulls are pierced, bones are broken, piercing screams are emanating from the dead. Thousands of them are being taken out at once.

"By all the gods..." I say in shock. "Retreat to the walls. Now!" Aegon commands. All men retreat behind the walls as enough breathing room has been given. I have no clue what Aegon did, but it greatly helped. However, I do worry. Aegon's body is weak as I am mostly holding him up. He can barely stand. "Aegon...?"

"I can't fight like this... my body... this took its toll on me," Aegon mumbles weakly. "We will protect you, my king. Do not worry," I assured him. Aegon shakes his head. "Grey Worm... they're still coming. Just... lock me somewhere secure. I am a liability," he says softly.

I walk through the gates as I take stock of my surroundings. Many move to the walls to shoot down with bow and arrow. Others to keep the dead behind the walls. Harry walks next through the gates as he quickly walks to us. "Aegon, I... are you alright?" He asks.

"We need to get him to safety. He can't fight," I tell Harry. "Seven hells, where?! Nowhere is safe, you know that," Harry says. "The crypts..." I say softly. I turn to a couple of Unsullied. "You four, take Aegon to Sansa in the crypts. When you're done, come back," I ordered them. They nod as they take Aegon to the crypts. I sigh deeply. "Are the ditches lit?" I ask Harry.

"Yes, for now. But the Night King and his men approach..." he says. "Damn, from where-" I start to say, but then the gate is broken open. Piercing blue eyes scan the courtyard that we are in. The eyes lock with something behind me. This figure is the most terrifying being I have ever seen in my life. Leathery skin of pale color, deep icy eyes, and horns of ice in the form of a crown. The Night King... and he is coming for Aegon.

Aegon Targaryen

God, I barely have any strength left in me. A couple of Unsullied are carrying me as I take deep breaths. When we are about to go through a port, we hear something break behind us. It must be the gate. Many screams of fear and terror can be heard from behind me. Either that means the dead soldiers have broken through or the Night King has arrived.

"What's... happening?" I ask through heavy breaths in Valyrian. "It has arrived. The Night King," one of the Unsullied says. "Fuck... leave me and fight," I order them. "My king..." I cut them off as I look with a hardened face. "Now! Go and fight. I'll... figure something out." They glance at each other. Unsure about what to do. "Now dammit! Do as I say!"

They drag me into a room that seems to be used for storage. It is mostly empty except for a table, and a few barrels. As they lay me against the back wall, they turn to look at me. "Two will stay, my king. We'll keep them away from-" he is cut off by an ice blade piercing through his stomach. The other three Unsullied turn around to attack. It is in vain as other white walkers cut them down in a swift manner.

I look up to see the Night King looking down at me. His eyes are blue and cold, but somehow show anger. I try to move my right arm to my sword, but I can't seem to move it far. My eyes are getting watery. I am dead. A cold pale hand grabs me by the throat. The Night King looks at me with hateful eyes. I then feel cold pain travel through my body as an ice blade pierced me. I scream my lungs out as the pain soars through my body. "Aaargh! God...!?"

"Die," he says. His voice is deep, but like the breaking of ice. My eyes lock with his. My vision blurry from the tears in my eyes. My breath is shaky as I grit my teeth. "No..." my left hand tightly grabs the hilt, "You die!" In a last ditch attempt, I move my hand in a swift motion to his arm. I pierced him with my dagger, and he scatters in thousands of pieces. I feel relieved, happy... but I also feel cold, weak... My gaze travels down to my stomach. A thick ice sword sticks just below the metal. Tears leave my eyes as I swallow hard.

Minutes go by as I lay bleeding in the room. Cold filling my senses. My gaze turns to the door as I hear people rush in. "NO! Alex! Please, no..." I hear Daenerys scream in agony. My vision is slowly going away. "Dany... where are you?" I ask softly. Warm. Something warm hits my face. "Alex..." Daenerys says softly in a wavering voice. Warm hands caressing my cheeks. "I'm... sorry. I love you, Daenerys. I hope... three is enough," I say weakly. "Where is the healer?!" Daenerys screams. That's the last thing I heard as the warm touch of Daenerys goes away. My vision black.

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