Chapter 47

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Aegon Targaryen

"Ready, Jon?" Daenerys asks. Jon looks at the dragons with slight trepidation. "I would be lying if I said I wasn't worried..." he mumbles. I smile as I pat him on the shoulder. "It will be fine. All you have to do is show trust and Rhaegal will let you know whether he allows you to mount him," I assured him.

"He is the sweetest of the three, Jon. Rhaegal won't do anything if you're not being aggressive. Now, let's begin shall we," Daenerys says as she walks to Drogon. I in turn walk towards Viserion. His large head already turns to me, eyes looking straight at me. My hand moves to stroke the scales. "Ready to fly for a bit, my friend?" In response, he rumbles a bit similar to a cat that is being scratched at its favorite spot.

I chuckle and start to climb on his back. "Come on, Jon. Don't be afraid!" I hear Daenerys say to encourage Jon. "What if he doesn't want me to?" He counters. "Then it was good knowing you, Jon!" I say with a laugh and sit on the back of Viserion. Jon groans as he mutters a few words.

In reluctance, he climbs on Rhaegal that seems to have taken an interest in Jon. "See? Nothing to worry about!" I say with a smile. Jon looks at his 'seat' on Rhaegal. "What do I hold on to?" He asks us. "Anything, don't fall, Lord Snow. Valahd, Rhaegal!" Daenerys says to Rhaegal.

He starts to stretch its wings and sprints before launching into the air. Jon is screaming and holding on for dear life. It makes me laugh loudly. "Better not keep Lord Snow waiting. Snow is fluffy material that easily flies away," I say and instruct Viserion to follow. Daenerys shakes her head as a large smile adorns her face. It does not take long to catch up with Jon. Drogon is the fastest and the largest of the three. And Viserion is, well, I feel that he likes the compete with his brothers. As we pass over Winterfell, many look in wonder at us.

Daenerys flies ahead of us as she smiles brightly. She feels alive in the air, one could say she is born to be a dragon rider. "How is it going, my brother?" I ask in a teasing manner. Jon glances at me, eyes wide in shock and awe. "W-what is Daenerys d-doing?" He asks with a stutter.

I turn to look at Daenerys. Drogon is going higher in the air and that only means Daenerys is planning something mischievous. "You may want to hold on tight, Jon!" Daenerys soon nose dives into a canyon, and we follow suit. Jon yells his lungs out as we pass icy canyon walls and snow-covered rocks. It winds from left to right and back. Jon is scared shitless, but he starts to smile as well.

Daenerys eventually lands near an ice waterfall. The ground is covered in a soft layer of snow. Jon and I land soon after Daenerys did. Daenerys walks towards the ice spectacle. I drop down and walk towards her. Jon follows suit on wobbly legs. "The North may be cold and sometimes dreary... but it has its beauty," I say as I hold Daenerys close. She hums softly with a smile.

Daenerys turns her head to Jon to look at him. "How was your first flight, Jon?" she asks. "You completely ruined horses for me. It was amazing..." he says. I softly laugh. "So... did it convince you that you're a Targaryen?" I ask. "Yes, it did. I also spoke with Sam and Bran. They both told me about my true parentage. Thank you, Aegon. It means a lot that you already see me as your brother," he says, a soft smile on his face.

"Of course, we know how valuable family is. Our children will be delighted to get to know you, Jon. As will we," Daenerys says. I nod in agreement. "Thank you. That means a lot to me," Jon says and takes a deep breath. "Bran also asked to speak with you. I'm not sure what about, but I told him I will ask."

"Very well. I don't see why not. But let us enjoy this peaceful moment. We can worry later about other matters," Daenerys answers. "We should also see what else we can do to prepare Jon. I want to be as ready as can be. The troops need to know what to do and the defenses need to be erected. I want to give the dead no ground," I say with determination.

"We will prevail, Aegon. I have no doubts," Jon says.

The Godswood. It's ancient, you can practically feel it in the air. It is as if you're in another world. Furthermore, it's like eyes are constantly on you. It is eerie and frightening. Even Daenerys holds a tight grip on my arm as we walk through it. "This part of the forest is strange, Alex. I can feel it," she says softly. "I do too. It must be Bran. He can see almost everything through a weirwood tree," I answer.

Daenerys sighs and Bran comes into sight. He sits in a wheelchair close to the tree. Bran's face lacks emotion and his look is distant. Near him, a sword leans against a tree. He turns his head to us. "Thank you for coming, it's a first in a long time I did not know whether you'd come," he says.

Daenerys glances at me with furrowed brows. "You wanted to see us?" she asks as we walk the last distance to him. "Yes, I did. There's something I wanted to know. What are you, Aegon?" He asks.

I furrow my brows in confusion. "What do you mean, my lord? I am Aegon, husband of Daenerys," I answer. His gaze falls on me, studying me intently. As if he is studying my soul. "I can't see you or anything close to you. You're shielded, a black spot in my vision. I wonder why," he explains.

"Really? Your vision is black when you search for me?" I ask. "Every time I am near you in my vision it gets blurry, distorted. It is as if someone is pushing me away like an unwanted guest at a party. Do you know why?"

"Maybe Mother Rhoyne, she seems to be interested in me being here. I can hear her from time to time. It could be that she is shielding me," I answer. "Curious. In any case, I have seen enough to know that Daenerys will be good for Westeros. A worthy ruler," he says. "I will? What about Aegon? He will not die in this battle will he?" She asks with worry.

"I don't know. All I know is that you will not have him next to you forever. Life eventually fades, Daenerys. It is the fate of us all, but I have something that may help delay it," he says as he motions to the sword.

"This sword belongs to your family. It came from beyond the Wall. It's Darksister," he says. The eyes of Daenerys and me grow wide. "Our family sword... how did it get there?" She asks. "Bloodraven brought it there and my travel companion brought it back. It's not that difficult to understand. You can have it. A cripple can't wield a sword after all," he says. I sigh softly as I pick it up from the tree. It is made for a woman's hand, but the craftsmanship is excellent.

"Thank you, Lord Stark. I appreciate it," Daenerys says. "Why? It is the most logical thing to do. Anyway, thank you for coming here," he says as his gaze looks to a far distant point on the horizon.

"Well, we will see you in the next meeting, Lord Stark," I say as I stand back up. Daenerys follows as she takes my arm. "I'm not sure what to make of this, Alex..." she says softly. "I don't know either, but I won't die here. I promise." Daenerys sighs deeply her grip on my arm tightens. "Good. I was wondering what the Night King is looking for, but it may be Bran," she says.

"You may be right. Jon needs to know. We can formulate a better plan with that in mind. I assure you Daenerys, we will both be alive after this."

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