Chapter 37

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Aegon Targaryen

The Reach is a beautiful kingdom. It is filled with life, from forest to bustling towns and cities. Large swats are used as farmlands, which is not strange considering it is the bread basket of Westeros. In the hours I have been flying, I kept a constant eye out for the army, but I could not see anything suspicious. Which only results in me having a bad feeling about this.

The landscape starts to slowly change as it contains more hills and mountains. I let out a sigh. Flying Viserion is an amazing feeling. It feels as if you can go anywhere in the world without a care in the world. It is as if you get a car for the first time in your life, but flying a dragon is cumbersome. There is not really a comfortable sitting position and the spikes are not really great for the body. All in all, it's great, but uncomfortable for long periods.

I let out another deep sigh. There is nothing out of the ordinary. Only hills, trees, sometimes a river, or some other thing you would expect. A forest starts to dominate the ground below, with a few small rivers going through it. This land is beautiful, I wish we still had such forests in Europe. I make a mental note to ensure the preservation of nature through law.

I scan the surroundings once more in search of this supposed army, but find nothing. A final sigh leaves me and start to stroke the scales of Viserion. "Let's start heading back, Viserion. We did our..." I started to say, but a massive arrow zooms past me. A shocked scream leaves me as I blink a few times in shock. My gaze snaps in the direction it came from. I had to squint my eyes to see a barely visible crossbows. They are large and definitely designed to hurt dragons. I am unsure whether it will kill a dragon, but wound it? Yes. I feel stupid for falling for such a simple trap.

I can already see multiple arrows coming my way.

Daenerys Targaryen ~ breakfast

I sigh deeply. Rhaella was catapulting bits of food with her spoon. She is aiming at one of the empty glasses at the opposite side from where she is sitting. Rhaella already tried multiple times and failed. "Rhaella, could you not throw your food," I asked for the fourth time. Rhaella releases the tension on the spoon and the food flies again through the air. A few seconds of flight and I feel it impacting on my face.

"Rhaella..." I say with growing frustration. Rhaella shrinks in her seat. "Sorry, mommy..." she whispers. "I asked four times! Don't. Throw. Your. Food!" I say with a raised voice, removing the food from my face. She shrinks even further in her seat. I rub the bridge of my nose while sighing. "What did we learn?" I ask her. "Don't throw with food..." she says softly. "And?" Rhaella sighs very softly. "I should listen to you when you say something."

"Yes, listen when I talk to you. I love you very much, but this..." I motion to at least ten heaps of food. "is not something I am okay with. Do you understand?" Rhaella nods. "Yes, mom..." I sigh and walk to her and kneel beside her. "I know you find it boring here, but please think about me too," I say and place a kiss on her forehead. Rhaella nods. "Alright, if you're not hungry, you can play in the garden." Rhaella jumps from her seat in excitement.

"Rhaella?" I ask with a raised eyebrow. She walks back, places a kiss on my cheek, and runs to the garden. I chuckle with a smile and motion to Barristan to follow her. He smiles as he follows an excited Rhaella. I love her deeply, but she can really get on my nerves... I wish Alex could deal with it sometimes. I stand back up and look at the table with "breakfast". It is a terrible mess.

I look at my left side as I see Irri approaches me. Something about her appearance is off. "How was breakfast?" She asks. My gaze falls on the table again. "Like ducking away from stones coming from a catapult..." I sighed. Irri chuckles softly. "I will clean it with some of the staff. Tyrion was asking for you, Khaleesi." I nod appreciatively. "Thank you, Irri. I appreciate it. Where can I find Tyrion?"

She clears her throat a bit. "He was last in his room, I believe." I look at her with a raised eyebrow. "Are you alright?" She nods. "Yes!" she says with a higher pitched tone in her voice. "If you are sure... well, have a good morning, Irri." She nods and starts busying herself with her duties.

A few minutes of walking through corridors and hallways, I eventually arrive at his room. With a knock on the door and a 'come in' from Tyrion, I enter. "Tyrion, you have something to discuss with me?" I ask as I look around. "Yes, the Dornish have arrived. It seems Olenna traveled with them to Dragonstone to discuss the coming conflict," he says. I nod as I look a bit closer at the appearance of Tyrion.

"Did you hit yourself against something? There is a bruise on your neck," I ask as I point it out. "Ah, yes... I wasn't even aware of the bruise," he says, clearing his throat. I raise an eyebrow. Right, he is lying about something. "I'll meet you when they are ready. Well, I hope you won't 'bump' into something else. See you at the meeting, Tyrion." I walk out of the room and sigh. "I could use some release as well..." I whisper sighed to myself.

Aegon Targaryen

Nose diving while riding a dragon is one of the most terrifying things I have ever done. It was the only way to escape the bolts, and now I hope I won't get a heart attack. As I near one of the crossbows, I instruct Viserion to blast it with fire. When it burns, I take a sharp turn and fly away towards Old Town. Yells of pain and burning of wood can be heard.

Viserion is able to quickly put a large distance between us and them. I sigh in relief, but it is worrisome that they have so many crossbows already. At least there was no army marching down to Highgarden. However, I wonder how they could forge a letter or convince Olenna. It is something to figure out, or we will have difficulty communicating with our allies.

As the sky starts to fully turn dark, I land near an out-of-the-way area. I drop the satchel with a few items to at least keep me warm for the night. Viserion makes himself comfortable near some trees, and I start to make a fire and unpack some rations. They are disgusting. I should probably hunt or gather some food in the forest, but I am too tired.

When the fire is roaring and lighting up the space, I plop down next to it. The sky is dark and dotted with many stars. Some flickering, others form an amazingly sparkly form in the dark. It is calm and peaceful, but not complete for me. I wish to have Daenerys and our children here. It saddens me greatly that Daenerys gave birth to a wonderful new child, and I haven't even seen him or her. By the gods, it makes you hate war. I hope Daenerys is able to hold out without me. I quickly eat and set up my resting place in the hope of speeding up my journey home.

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