Chapter 45

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Aegon Targaryen

The room is quiet and tense. Daenerys, me, Tyrion, Harry Strickland, the Greyjoys, and Margaery sit in the war room with Jon Snow and Davos Seaworth. His message will not be good news. One could almost call it a desperate attempt to make a final stand. A final attempt for survival.

"The dead gather north of the Wall. I suspect their leader, the Night King, will attack it and try to break through. His army is more than a hundred thousand strong. They do not rest, they do not tire, and every person that dies on our side will be another soldier for them. We need your support, Your Grace, to fight them. Or we will all be dead," Jon says as we sit around the table.

"We have more men than them. It would make our victory certain, no?" Margaery says hesitantly. She looks a bit paler as she hears Jon speak. I shake my head as I run my hand through my hair.

"It is not that simple. These are dead men that will not tire in battle and will most likely rush you without a care in the world. It will be terrifying. Try fighting that, lady Margaery. It will be a desperate fight," I answer her. Jon nods with a sigh. "His Grace is right. This is not a battle that is easily won. They are not easily killed. Only dragonglass, fire, and Valyrian Steel can kill them. The rest won't work," Jon adds.

A shaky breath leaves Margaery as she stays silent. Yara runs a hand over her face. "Fuck... do we have enough of these glass weapons?" Yara asks. "Enough for our armies. I am not sure how many men the North has, but we have been making them without pause. Over the past few days, I already sent more men to increase production," Tyrion says.

"Who told you about the dragonglass?" Jon asks. "Samwell told me. After I fought Euron, my wounds were treated at the Citadel, where I met him. He asked us for help to mine it. I agreed and sent word to Daenerys," I explained. Jon smiles softly. "He is a good man and braver than most. Your Majesties, can I count on your support? The North can't defeat them alone. We need your armies and men," Jon says.

Harry sighs but nods. His face shows worry and fear, but confidence and determination are present. "The Golden Company stands ready, Your Grace," he says to Daenerys. "The Iron Fleet can transport our armies to White Harbor. We will be there in no time," Yara says. "The Reach will stand with you, Your Grace," Margaery adds.

"There is your answer, Jon Snow. I came here to take back my throne. To be a queen that brings peace and stability to my people. I did not come here to be the queen of the dead. We will march North to face this army. You have my word," Daenerys says. "Thank you, Your Grace. It means a lot to me," Jon says, a grateful expression on his face.

"Our dragons and an army consisting of more than a hundred fifty thousand men will give us more than a fighting chance. We better move out as fast as possible. The more time we have to prepare the better," I say to everyone. "It's fastest if we take the fleet to White Harbor and then take to the Kingsroad to Winterfell. We will be there in a few weeks," Jon says. "Very well. Lord Harry, Lady Margaery, please inform the men to prepare to move out. We leave at first light," Daenerys says.

"We will make sure the dragonglass is brought to White Harbor, Your Grace," Tyrion says. "Good. You will be in charge while Aegon and I go North to deal with this threat. Dragons will be key, and only we can control them. I wish all the best of luck in the coming weeks. May the gods favor us."

The ship rockets every so often from left to right. Winds make the sails flap before they are adjusted by the crew. We have been on the move for a bit more than a week, and we will arrive in White Harbor soon. In the cabin of Daenerys and me, a meeting is held with Jon, Harry, Margaery, and Daenerys to discuss the battle plan.

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