Chapter 24

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Aegon Targaryen

It has been a few days since our meeting. The representatives of each of the three major slave cities are on their way with their armies. I am sure of that. Volantis represents the Free Cities of Essos and then there are those of Astapor and Yunkai. I am not sure what we will get out of the meeting, but then again... I am trained in fighting a war, not in diplomacy. In a few weeks, we will find out what will happen.

I look out to the city. One place I take a great interest in is the harbor. Our fleet will be set aflame if we do not keep an eye on it. I feel a gentle arm wrapping around my shoulder. "Love, what is worrying you?" Daenerys asks. "Our fleet. It will be the next target."

Daenerys sighs as she looks at the harbor with the many ships. "Did you talk to Grey Work and Daario yet?" she asks. My right arm sneaks around the waist of Daenerys as I lean into her embrace. "I did. But I wonder what good it will do. We are spread too thin, Dany. Keeping the peace and guarding valuable targets... we can't do both," I sighed. Daenerys squeezes my shoulder.

"We have need of extra men. I was thinking about a solution to solve that. The Unsullied alone are not able to take Westeros. We need a professional and loyal army. In the past few days, I have been speaking with Jorah and Daario. The Golden Company can help us," she explains. I look at her with a surprised look. That is an excellent idea.

"What? I can take care of things without that good-looking head of yours," she chuckles as she playfully bumps my side. I smile and place a kiss on her cheek. "You're brilliant, love. They might come to our side if we lift their exile. Also, we are Targaryens. We share the blood of the Blackfyres. They may be sympathetic to our cause." Daenerys chuckles as she smiles. We turn to the door when we hear a knocking sound.

"Did you expect someone?" I ask. Daenerys shakes her head. I frown and draw my knife. "Yes?" I call out as I carefully make my way to the door. "Your Grace, can I enter?" I hear Missandei ask. I let out a breath and sheet the knife again. "Of course." The door opens and Missandei enters. "Your Majesties, someone has begged for your presence. Someone called Megary tieral?" She says with uncertainty.

I look at her with shock. "Margaery Tyrell?" I ask for clarification. Missandei nods. "Yes, she is waiting in the throne room." Daenerys stands next to me. "We will be right there, Missandei. Thank you," Daenerys says. Missandei bows her head a bit and leaves the room. "Is this known to you, love?" I shake my head. "No... she should be dead. Cersei blew her up with wildfire," I say shocked. "And now she is here... Let's see what she wants," Daenerys says and we walk towards the throne room.

"She must be wounded. Margaery won't just leave if there was no other choice," I say as we walk. "I suspect you're right. What do you know about her?" Daenerys asks. "She is... wilful, strong, and manipulative. Her ambition was to become queen. I think she does it for her family, but her moves and plays angered Cercei. Eventually, all the Tyrells except Ollenna are blown up. Not counting cousins of course," I say to Dany.

"If Margaery is here, then she must not want to be queen, not anymore," Daenerys says. "Actually, she is the queen or was in this case," I point out. "Hmm, married to the Lannisters. I wonder what she wants now," Daenerys says and we enter the throne room.

In the middle of the room stands a brown-haired woman. Her hair is shorter than I remembered. I glance at Daenerys who is looking at her curiously. Her face soon becomes filled with shock and horror. I turn to Margaery again and what I see... burns. Horrendous burns are visible around her neck that probably cover more of her body. Her clothing obscures them for now. I shiver as I see them. They must hurt immensely.

"Your Grace," Margaery says. Her voice is more raspy and strained than the usual pleasing voice. I suspect it is the reason why Missandei did not hear the name correctly. Daenerys seems to find it hard to find the words. "Lady Margaery, I..." I try to greet her. Margaery lets out a sigh. "The pain is bearable, Your Grace," she says. Barristan and Jorah seem unconvinced as they look from the sidelines. I agree these burns are not light. Almost every move must hurt.

"I am terribly sorry for what happened to you, lady Margaery. Come, we can talk further in my room," Daenerys says. A strained smile forms on Margaery's face. "May I ask how many floors we have to climb?" God, it seems to be painful to climb the stairs and this room is already several floors up. "We can help you with the stairs lady Margaery, we understand if you need help," I assured her. She nods appreciatively. "Thank you."

Margaery tries to hide it and she does a fairly good job too, but it is painful for her. Even with the help, every now and then she winces in pain. After two floors, Daenerys could not take it anymore. She does not want to see her in pain. "My lady, we can stay on this floor. I hate to see you in such pain. After our talk, we will make sure you are taken care of and treated properly," Daenerys says as she looks kindly at Margaery. Margaery does not answer. I do notice her quivering bottom lip. This poor girl.

As we sit down in a room, Margaery lets out a sigh of relief. "My lady, forgive me for asking this. What caused the burns?" Daenerys asks hesitantly. "Wildfire, Your Grace. Cercei blew up the sept in King's Landing while I and my family were inside," she says in a shaky voice. Clearly, she is still traumatized and who wouldn't be.

"God... how did you..." I try to ask. "I almost got away, but the flames caught up as you can see. Cercei wanted me dead, my family is dead. I had to escape," she explains, "The crew of the ship tried to help me, but..." Margaery's hand trails from her neck all the way to her chest and her back. The pain, I can't even imagine it. "It still stings and moving around is painful," she says. "We will help you with the burns, my lady. I assume you want us to help you get justice?" Daenerys asks. "Please, Your Grace, I beg of you..." Margaery says, her eyes watery. It hurts to see such a wilful and strong woman broken. The Margaery I knew did not beg for help or cry over her own pain.

"Margaery, you are safe here. Rest and focus on yourself. I do have to warn you. War is coming to Meereen. The slavers want to take back their city and slaves," I say. Daenerys sends Margaery a supportive smile. "But we will win and help you as much as we can," Daenerys adds. I nod in agreement. "Thank you," Margaery says softly. Daenerys stands up from her seat.

"You may stay in this room, we will make sure everything you need is brought to you. I will send healers to you to see what can be done about the burns. I promise you, Cersei will pay," Daenerys says. Margaery nods. We soon walk back to our room after arranging everything for Margaery.

Daenerys has been quiet and that is most often not a good sign. "Dany, what is on your mind?" I ask. Daenerys does not look at me. "I want to talk to Tyrion," she says. Her voice contains a level of anger. I sigh. "Remember that Tyrion had nothing to with this. Cercei hates him as well. She tried to kill him multiple times," I say. "Did you see those burns, Alex? She will carry those for the rest of her life," she spits. "I know, but Tyrion had nothing to do with it. Please keep that in mind," I say hopefully in a convincing manner. Daenerys sighs. "I know, but I want answers," she says.

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