Chapter 6

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Alex ~ some days away from Yunkai

As the sky starts to turn dark, a camp was being built. Just as I thought, Grey Worm has become the commander of the Unsullied. Daenerys has kept herself busy with talking to Missandei and Grey Worm. As I make my way to her, I wonder what she wants to talk about. Daenerys made it clear that she does not want to talk about her past. A past filled with hardships. I wouldn't wish that upon anyone.

I stand in front of the opening of her tent and open it a little. "May I come in, Your Grace?" I ask from outside. "Yes, come on in." I step into the tent. Daenerys sits at a table, food is placed on it. Missandei is also present as she stands politely to the side. "Alex, I'm glad you came," Daenerys says. I nod as I take in the environment. It's relatively simple, but the tent is still well decorated.

"Have you eaten yet?" Daenerys asks. I shake my head. "Not yet, Your Grace. I was planning on eating after our talk," I answer. Daenerys smiles softly and points to the chair across from her. "Have a seat. You can eat with me if you like. I asked for some extra in case you hadn't eaten yet," she says. How very thoughtful of her. It's no wonder that many people are willing to follow her. Daenerys treats you with respect. Well, as long as you don't go against her goals. She can be ruthless if needed I suspect.

"Thank you, Your Grace. If you don't mind," I say and sit down. A soft sigh leaves her and turns to Missandei. "Missandei, I'd like to talk with Alex in private if you don't mind," Daenerys says. Missandei bows a bit. "Of course. Enjoy the food," she says and leaves the tent. I follow Missandei with my gaze before turning my attention to Daenerys. She seems tense for some reason.

"Daenerys, I can guess why you've called me here. Shall we first eat? We can..." I take a breath and release it, " about your past afterward, okay?" Daenerys nods timidly while avoiding my gaze. "Thanks, I appreciate it. This isn't something I am used to. But when I saw Astapor and talked with Missandei..." her gaze turns to me, "I'll be honest, I still doubted you. How could one person know so much about this world and originate from a whole another world," she says. I chuckle. "I don't blame you. But I haven't lied to you once since we met. I could be wrong on some matters, but I won't lie. The events in Astapor have proven my... unique position?" I ask. Daenerys chuckles softly as she nods.

"Yes, it did. I realized that things would have gone wrong in Astapor if we left immediately. That's why I... trust your opinion about me too. Perhaps I should talk to someone about my past. No one cared about me, not my brother, not the people my brother worked with, perhaps Drogo did. Although, it was sometimes hard to figure out because of how different the Dothraki are," Daenerys explains with a slightly wavering voice.

I put a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "I know, I have read about your past. What you went through, it takes a strong person to get through that. Many would have given up," I say. Daenerys smiles appreciatively at me. "I guess, well, let's eat dinner. We can talk about my miserable youth later," she sighs. "Of course, life is not all doom and gloom. You'll see," I say with a soft smile. Daenerys nods and we both start eating.

As dinner finishes, Daenerys starts, reluctantly, to talk about her time as a young girl. The things she experienced with her brother, the forced marriage, and eventually the loss of her child. As she talks, I try to comfort her by rubbing soothing circles on her back. Or by reminding her of the times that were good and pleasant. It's heartbreaking to hear what she has gone through, and she is barely eighteen years old. As the last subject has been talked about she lets out a shaky sigh.

The night has completely taken over the sky as we both sit at the table. "Feel any better, Daenerys?" I ask as I fill her cup with water and hand it over. She takes a sip before answering. "A little bit, but it felt nice to talk about it. Thank you," she says softly. "You're welcome, Daenerys. I'm always willing to listen. It's refreshing for me as well sometimes," I say.

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