Chapter 17

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Aegon Targaryen

I flip through the pages of a history book in search of an answer as to who this mysterious person could be. For hours, I have tried to find to whom the voice belongs to. What I do know is that it is not human. It's angelic, warm, and caring. One could describe it as a voice of a caring mother. The first thing that came to my mind is an angel or goddess. Therefore, my first goal was to figure out who the Rhoynar worshiped. Figuring that out has been hit-and-miss. The books have limited information regarding the people of the Rhoynar. It is a long time ago, and Valyria probably erased some knowledge. After all, history is written by the victor.

I hear the door to the library open and the sound of boots can be heard as it comes towards me. As I finish reading a page, I turn to see who it is. Daenerys walks towards me. "How is it going, love? Found anything?" She asks. I sigh and close the book. "Hardly anything is known of their gods. The only things that is consistent is the river Rhoyne. Wait... Mother Rhoyne! That was the name," I say excitedly. Daenerys smiles as her arms snake around my neck and her head rests on my shoulder.

"There's your answer. A man favored by the gods. Aren't you special?" She chuckles, placing a kiss on my cheek. "You're blessed as well. You can do things most can only dream off. A very special woman in my eyes," I say back. "Flatterer," she says, cheeks slightly red. "It's working, is it not?" I say back. "Oh, Aegon, don't get ahead of yourself. You don't wear the pants in this relationship," she softly laughs.

I shrug. "I am happy and content in any case. Excited for tomorrow?" I ask. Daenerys rolls her eyes as she moves a chair next to me. "Of course, I am. We will finally be married," she says as she sits next to me, "Aren't you?" she asks. I smile brightly. "I'm overjoyed. I will have a hard time sleeping tonight. I am so excited and happy at the moment."

"I am very happy to hear that, my love. It brings me comfort that you have no regrets. It's a big day tomorrow, we should try to get some rest."

~ The marriage of Aegon and Daenerys Targaryen ~

A gentle breeze flows through the garden as all the invited guest stand around the altar. A small path goes from the entrance towards the altar that I am standing in front of. On one of my arms hangs a cloak with the colors of our house. The path that Daenerys will walk has a multitude of different flowers growing at the side. All showing different colors, making it a colorful spectacle as torches light the path.

The guests that are invited stand around the altar, waiting with anticipation as they look towards the double doors. Jorah and Barristan are dressed in newly made Queensguard armor. Silver and gold patterns adorn the armor, while a white cloak is attached to the silver-grey steel. At the moment, Barristan is getting Daenerys and will lead her to the altar. The women, Missandei and Irri, have flowy dresses made of bright colors. Irri's dress is more Dothraki in design, while Missandei's wears a dress in accordance with Ghiscari culture. It may not be the largest group of people, but the ones that are present are close to me and Daenerys. For the wedding, I am wearing simple yet elegant clothing. My clothes of dark reds intermingled with black with a cape slightly swaying in the breeze. The cape itself is adorned with the Targaryen sigil.

As I stand waiting for Daenerys, I start to wonder. How would my own parents have reacted to my wedding? Would they be proud? Would they be crying happy tears? I guess it does not matter anymore, but I wish they could have witnessed my wedding. I wished they could meet my daughter or son. No matter what I wish, they are not of this world. They are in Amsterdam, living their lives in peace. I hope they made peace with the fact that I am no longer part of their lives and their world. It will be a precious memory close to my heart, but it's time to accept my new life here as Aegon.

I glance once again towards the double door. The entrance is made of dark brown wood, and attached to the doors is a small archway of green leaves with white flowers. The whole area gives off the calmness of nature. A soft warm glow emanates from the torches, the bright white light of the moon shines on the gathering of people, and the faces of good friends give it a warm and welcoming feeling. All feels right as the union of me and Daenerys is about to begin.

I take a deep breath and shift nervously on the spot I stand. My nerves are heightened, my stomach twisting in nods as I watch with anticipation. I cannot wait to see my soon-to-be wife appear in all her beauty and splendor. All I hope is that she sees me as her man that she can be proud off and love for many years to come.

My eyes snap to the door once again as I hear the doors open. Barristan in his splendid new armor guides Daenerys towards the altar of the Faith of the Seven. I blink a few times to make sure that I am not in a dream. Daenerys is utterly stunning. Her hair is wavy and flows over her shoulders. Her white, ivory dress highlights her curves and figure in ways I have not witnessed before. It seems her pregnancy makes her even more beautiful. Her belly seems to make her dress move in ways that makes her even more stunning than she already is.

Her face is morphed into one that shows a bright smile, her eyes twinkle in the moonlight. Not only that, but her whole appearance show the world how much she loves me. I can hardly register how fast my heart is beating. I almost want to fall on my knees to thank the gods I have such a wonderful woman that I can call wife.

The tapping on her heels is heard throughout the area as she makes her way to me. A constant smile is present as she looks at me. The guests smile as they follow Daenerys with their gazes as she slowly makes her way to me. She ascends the few steps towards the Altar. Barristan moves to the side as Daenerys takes her place next to me.

"Daenerys... you look utterly stunning," I whisper to her as I look at the Septon that will make our union official. In a miraculous way, Daenerys smiles even wider. "The same goes for you, love. You look as handsome as ever," she whispers back. I feel some tears pricking my eyes already.

The Septon looks at us and over the people present. "My lords, my ladies, and all those that are present. We stand here in sight of gods and men to witness the union of man and woman, one flesh, one heart, one soul, now and forever," the Septon announces. "You may now cloak the bride," he says to me. I take the cloak from my arm and turn to Daenerys. As I look at her, I see her eyes welling before she turns, so I can lay the cloak on her shoulders. We both turn to the Septon again after I put the cloak around her shoulders.

The Septon looks at us both briefly before picking up a white silk cloth. He ties my right hand with the left hand of Daenerys. The silk cloth with the Faith of The Seven symbols is loosely tied around our hand. "Please, look at each other and say the words," the Septon says to us as he takes a few steps back. With our hands bound, we look at each other. Daenerys seems to be holding back her tears as she smiles at me. We both start to speak in unison.








I am hers.

I am his.

From this day, till the end of my days."

The Septon walks to us and takes our bound hands in between his. "Let it be known that Daenerys of House Targaryen and Aegon of House Targaryen are one heart, one flesh, one soul. Cursed be thy who would seek to tear them asunder," the Septon says as he removes the tie. We move both our head to each other, the world slowly fading to the background. Our lips touching, our fingers intertwining with each other. We are now one. From this day till our last day.

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