Chapter 12

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Aegon "Alex" Targaryen

The day of Meereen liberation has come. Grey Worm returned with success in the morning hours. Daenerys is glad that everything went well and without any major hiccups. The Unsullied stand at attention at the gates while many more are already in the city to secure it. Daenerys takes hold of my hand as we walk into the city. It is just as I noticed when I saw the city from a distance. The abundance of so many different colors gives the city a splendid and wondrous appearance.

In the city we are greeted by thousands of slaves calling out to Daenerys. Daenerys smiles as she sees the grateful looks of the people and the slave colors that are thrown on the ground. Many call her Mhysa just like the slaves from Yunkai. I wrap an arm around her waist as I walk with her. All I feel is pride and wonder for Daenerys. I may have seen the things she can achieve, but it's different up close or seeing it happen before your eyes. It makes you wonder what she can't do. Daenerys and I walk slowly through the crowd while Jorah and Barristan keep an eye out for any danger.

Eventually, we walk towards an elevated position that is guarded by several Unsullied. Daenerys saw the group of 'great' masters. I made sure to squeeze her hand to remind her of our talk. A soft sigh leaves her. "I remember, Alex," she says as she looks at me. Her gaze is soft and affectionate. "I know, but I wouldn't be your lifelong partner if I won't help you to remember." A blush creeps on the cheeks of Daenerys. "Thank you, love."

As we reach the top, we look over the large crowd. It is mainly filled with former slaves that chant the word Mhysa, but at the front of the crowd is a group of former slave masters. Daenerys looks coldly at them. Grey Worm looks expectantly at Daenerys for her wish regarding the masters. "Lock them up, Grey Worm," she says after a long deep, and cold stare at the master. "They will be put on trial." Grey Worm nods and gives the command.

"It is the right choice, my love. All of them will have to be shown how to treat people in the right way. You are that person that has to show them that. And I will help you every step of the way if you want." Daenerys smiles brightly. "You're too good for me, Alex. Come, let's get to our residence and home for the foreseeable future," she says. "Right behind you, my queen."

As we enter the large pyramid, I am awestruck by what I see. This palace puts many of the palaces I know off to shame. It has everything you could ever need. Each floor has its own purpose. Some are for training, keeping horses, or function for space to sleep and relax. Daenerys and I take residence on the topmost floor where the ruler of Meereen used to reside. It consists of several rooms and areas, one of which is a room for council meetings.

As we both look out to Meereen, I turn to Daenerys. "I think it is time to speak with Jorah, Daenerys. We should make peace with the past before we can move forward to a new future," I say to her. Daenerys sighs. "I am guessing this will be painful?" she says softly, I almost missed it. "Yes, it will be the most painful thing you will ever hear," I say. Daenerys looks already hurt over it and she has not even heard the words. "Love, if you wish I can tell you now. Make it more tolerable when you face Jorah."

Daenerys frowns as she glances at me. "That bad is it? Then it is better you tell me now," she says. I take a deep breath before answering. "He spied on you for Varys. Jorah told them about everything till the point of the assassination attempt," I say. I can already see her becoming angry. "Even... about my child?" she asks. "Yes."

Daenerys is silent, utterly stunned, and angry at the revelation. She was about to stomp out of the room if it was not for my arm stopping her. "Let me go!" she says angrily, trying to break free. "No. I will not. Now that you know, I will tell you what you did." Daenerys snaps her head to me. "I don't care! He tried to kill my son!" she yells. "I know, you're about to exile him. He will return, two times, to seek your forgiveness. Eventually, he gets Grey Scale and you're heartbroken and regret ever sending him away."

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