Chapter 18

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Aegon Targaryen

"How is my wife doing this lovely morning?" I ask as I walk in the bed chamber with breakfast. Daenerys groans a bit in bed as she opens one eye. A smile forms on her lips as she sees me. "Dear... you did not have to do that," Daenerys says. "Nonsense. You, my love, deserve it. I hope you enjoy it. It has been some time since I made anything myself," I say as I put the tray on the night stand.

Daenerys pushes herself in an upright position. "I have never seen such a breakfast before... but it smells and looks good," Daenerys says as she picks up the utensils to eat. "Yes, well, this is how we do it in my country. It is just eggs with bacon and some spices. I don't know what is normal here. Let alone what the recipes are," I chuckle. Daenerys chuckles as well.

"Any news about Daario and Hizdahr? When will they arrive?" Daenerys asks. "I think they'll be here tomorrow. If you want, I can receive them." Daenerys shakes her head. "No, we will do it together. I appreciate you taking over many of my duties, but I should show my face as much as possible." I softly laugh. "Have you seen yourself working while pregnant? Dear, you're still working hard. You speak at least three days a week with people and attend every council meeting. I don't know how you do it, it's amazing."

Daenerys smiles shyly. "I hate not doing anything useful. It's my duty to take care of our people," she says. "I know, but think about yourself and the little one. Overdoing it is not good for you. By the way, how is little one doing? Still kicking fiercely?" I ask, smiling. Daenerys rolls her eyes as she leans back in the pillows. Her breakfast done in a flash. Daenerys does eat for more than one, after all.

"Yes," Daenerys sighs. "Well, at least it's a good sign, no? Saying she or he is doing well?" I suggest. Daenerys shrugs. "Maybe, but if our child could let me rest once in a while..." Daenerys mumbles. I smile as I place a kiss on her forehead. "It will be a fond memory soon. Something to look back at," I say as I snake my way next to her under the sheets. Daenerys sighs as she lays her head on my chest. Her belly pressed against me and an arm draped over me. "I suppose..."

"Do you want to do anything? We have nothing planned in the morning," I ask while stroking her back. She shrugs. "Let's stay in bed. I rather want to enjoy an easy morning," she says with a yawn. I chuckle. "Very well, you can sleep if you like. I will watch over you." Daenerys smiles as she makes herself comfortable at my side. "Don't mind if I do..."

As the next day dawns, I am awakened by something punching me with great force on my stomach. I jump out of bed, ready to attack any possible attacker. The only thing I notice is the sound of heavy breaths and groans of pain. I frown as I do not see anyone with ill intent. "Love..." I hear Daenerys groan out. My head snaps to her and my eyes widen. "Oh, shit. Daenerys, are you..."

"Are you blind, you idiot?! Get the midwives," she yells at me. "Yes! Be back in a second!" I say as I sprint out of the room in search of the all the necessary people.

Within barely half an hour later, I stand next to Daenerys, holding her hand. Multiple people surround Daenerys as she is giving birth. Every wave of pain is answered by a crushing force directed at my hand. It's painful to be sure, but I will endure it for Dany. For hours, I sit next to her, speaking encouraging words and stroking comfortingly on her hand and arm. Daenerys is sweating bullets as she screams.

After hours of intense and laborious activity by Daenerys, the room is filled with a newborn scream. Daenerys is breathing heavily as she lays in bed, looking with worry at the midwives. She is bracing herself for the worst. "She looks strong and healthy, Your Grace," one of the woman says in Valyrian. Daenerys sighs in relief and holds her hands out to take our little girl, a huge smile on her face.

The midwife wraps the baby in a white, clean cloth as others start to clean Daenerys. As Daenerys looks with teary eyes at the girl, she looks at me. "Rhaella is beautiful, Dany. You did wonderful," I say as I hold them both securely in my embrace. "She is... I am so relieved to see her healthy, Aegon."

I place a kiss on Rhaella's and Daenerys' head. "I know. We will give her everything her heart desires, if she works hard for it," I chuckle as I smile at the little girl in the arms of Daenerys. The girl has patches of silver hair and her eyes shine with a purple hue. It may be typical for a parent to say, but it will be a beautiful child. "Your Grace, we will prepare a room for her..."

Daenerys shakes her head. "She will stay in this room. Prepare everything here," Daenerys orders. They bow and start to get everything ready. I turn my gaze back to Rhaella. The little girl is smiling softly as she sleeps. "Come, I will take her for a while, Daenerys. You should rest," I say to her. Daenerys sighs but nods as she gives me Rhaella. "Stay close, please." I smile. "I will lay next to you, Daenerys. Have no fear. You will see her when you wake up." Daenerys nods as she drifts off to sleep as exhaustion takes over.

As the midwives make a place for our child to sleep in, I sit with Rhaella in bed. Her soft breathing indicating she is asleep, her lips softly smiling. I feel proud, happy, and most of all... I feel grateful to be alive in this world. It feels like I hold a miracle in my arms, and almost nothing could match this kind of happiness.

~ Authors Note ~

A small but important chapter if I may say so! So, it is a girl. I had three choices: a boy, a girl, or a twin. I left it to chance, as I was happy with each choice either way.

So, what are your thoughts about the story so far? Think it is going well or would you like to see some things happening (and no, Hendrik. There will be no guns)? Please, let me know and have a good week!


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