Chapter 2

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I have been staying at JohnB's with JJ because last time I went home dad was drunk and high. Me and John B were in town when on TV a news reporter said "Hurricane Agatha continues it's steady March towards Kildare Island on the Outer Banks of North Carolina" "holy shit" John B said looking surprised, I was panicking inside I hated hurricanes "great a hurricane" I said with my voice full of sarcasm, John B just smiled at me. John B got on his phone nd called DCS, when he got off I told him I was headed back to the chateau "ok see you soon Steph" JohnB's said as I waved bye.

I was walking back to the chateau and ran into JJ "hey pretty girl" JJ said pulling me into his side "hey Jay" I said while wrapping my arm around his torso, we walked back to the chateau together. When we got to the chateau JJ jump on the pull out couch we share then the sound of thunder made me gasp and jump. JJ knew I hated hurricanes so he grabed me by my waist and pulled me into his arms, he ran his fingers through my hair as I layed my head on his chest. "It will be ok, I got you, you know I will protect you, Steph and Jay till the end right? " JJ asked "I know you will protect me, Steph and Jay till the end" I said JJ kissed my forehead "good night pretty girl" JJ said in a sleepy voice "good night Jay" I said as I snuggled deeper into his chest and drifted off to sleep.

The nexted morning JohnB woke up and was walking past me and JJ while we were snuggling and decided to wake us up "yo, JJ, Steph have you two been outside" JohnB asked "does it look like we've been outside to you" I said with my voice full of sarcasm. "I have polio, bro. I can't walk. " JJ said still half asleep. JohnB walked outside leaving me and JJ alone. "JJ get up" I said while rudding his back, "fine, you want a beer" JJ asked while picking his head up "do you every have to ask me if I want a beer, I'm all ways down for a beer" I said smiling at JJ. "Ok pretty girl, I will get you and me one" JJ said getting up, I went outside to see what kind of mess we had to clean up. I was standing in the door frame on the porch, JJ came up behind me and opened my beer and handed it to me then he opened his "thanks Jay" I said looking back at him with a smile "your welcome pretty girl" he said smiling back at me. "Agatha did some work, huh" JJ asked from my side. We both walked off the porch together side by side. I sat on a tree limb that fell out of the tree above us JJ stood beside me. "Yeah, she did" John B said while climbing into the HMS Pogue "what you thinkin" JJ asked John B " I'm thinkin that storm surge pushed all the crabs out on the marsh maze. All those drum are gonna chase the crabs"John B said while cleaning the tree limbs out of the HMS Pogue. "What about the DCS? Wasn't that today" JJ asked "nah, they're not gettin on a ferry. " John B said looking at me "he's got a point JJ, I hope Char made it out ok" I said jumping off the tree limb that I was sitting on. "I'm sure she is just fine pretty girl" JJ said sending me a wink. "Come on, think about it. It's god tellin us to fish" JohnB said pointing at the water.

We are headed out to pick up Pope first then Kie and Char. "Hi miss Amy! You guys get though it" JohnB asked, me and JJ just waved "still here" Amy said waving back. "She totally looked at me" JJ said looking back at JohnB "I saw it" JohnB said "Maybank not every girl falls for your charm" I said rolling my eyes "I bet you fall for my charm" JJ said winking at me"n- no" great I stuttered way to make it obvious. "Sure you don't pretty girl" JJ said smirking at me."Agatha what did you do" JJ asked no one in particular " she is a crazy lady "JohnB said " we'll be cleaning this all summer "JJ said looking at me. " that is my nightmare"I said looking back at JJ. "Well, look who we have here" JohnB said while JJ whooped "we have a safety meeting. Attendance mandatory" JohnB said then mimicked stataic for a radio "I can't my pops got me on lock down" Pope said looking at us "so, get in the damn boat Pope" I said looking to JJ for back up. "Come on, man" JJ said mimicking static off a radio "your dad's a pussy, Over" JJ continued I giggled at him because I saw Pope's dad was walking up to us. This is about to be fun. "Oh, I heard that, you little bastard" Pope's dad said, I started laughing harder at JJ. "We need your son" JohnB said "yeah, and island rules. Day after a hurricane's a free day" JJ said trying to convince Hayward "who the hell made that up" Heyward asked JJ " uh, Pentagon, I think. We have security clearance. I have a card "JJ said looking for a card he did not have. " I have a card too" I said backing up JJ. "Pentagon, y'all think I'm stupid" Heyward asked me and JJ. "I'll do it tomorrow. I promise. Tomorrow" Pope said trying to convince Heyward " you think-no, no. Hell no. You doin it right now" Heyward said "get in the boat" JohnB whispered "make a run for it" JJ whispered kind of loud "come on Pope or I will drag you into this boat" I said looking at Pope. "Boy, if you get in that boat" Heyward started " how does that feel" JJ asked watching Pope make a run for it. "Go, go, go" Pope begged JohnB " bring your ass back up back up here" Heyward said "I promise I will do it tomorrow dad" Pope said, me and JJ whooped at the same time while JJ was standing in front of the boat swing a rope. "When you get back you are gonna clean shrimp, clean fish," "love you pops" Pope said while Heyward keep going on tell Pope what he had to do when he got back "you'll clean your dirty ass room" Heyward keep going on " we'll bring him back in one piece "JohnB said as he drove away. " and I don't like your friends " Heyward yelled at us " aw that's sad, Heyward because I like you " I said while fake pouting, JJ chuckled at me.

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