Chapter 19

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As I watched JJ shoot a teddy bear Pope runs into JJ's yard. "JJ" Pope said. "What was that" JJ said talking to the teddy bear. "JJ" Pope said a little louder. "That's what I thought man" JJ said talking to the teddy bear. "JJ" Pope yelled, JJ turned his head and looked at Pope.

"They know" Pope said. "What" JJ asked taking off his headphones. "They know" Pope repeated. "All right, chill, bro. All right? They don't know shit" JJ said putting the gun on the stump I was sitting on. "Pope your fine. Chill" I standing nexted to JJ.

"Topper knows I sunk his boat" Pope said his voice full of panic. "How do you know they know" JJ asked. "Because Rafe and Topper posted outside of Heyward's and mad dogged me" Pope said getting worked up.

"Will you calm down and get a grip, man? They don't know shit" JJ said confidence in his voice. "They have cameras. They could've seen me" Pope said. "There was no power. How could they have seen you" JJ asked. "See your fine" I said.

"It's Figure Eight. They got generators. They don't give scholarships to kids who vengefully sink boats. It's not a good look on my transcript" Pope yelled. "Enough with the regret, bro! They caved your face in and hurt Steph. They hit us, we hit them. It's the law of the jungle. Now, if any Kooks come up to you and ask if you had anything to do with it, you walk up to em, look em right in the eye, and" JJ asked.

"Deny the living shit out of it" Pope answered. "That's right. Deny, deny, deny. But just for safety, we don't go anywhere without protection" JJ said pointing at his gun. "Baby girl you just stay with me and you will be safe" JJ said looking at me. "Ok. You do know that I can protect myself right" I asked JJ. "I know you can but I like to make sure your safe" JJ said. "I will stay close to you. I mean I do that 24/7, so what's the different" I said making JJ laugh.

Me and JJ layed on his couch cuddle up watching TV and Pope sat on  a chair and watched TV with us us until Kie came to get us. "I'm so glad that they're still doing this. Keep calm, carry on. Back to OBX life. You know? Aren't you glad I made you come" Kie asked. "Ecstatic" Pope said sarcastically. "My couch was pretty comfy, I'll be honest" JJ said. "I was pretty comfy cuddling with JJ" I said smiling at JJ which he returned.

"We're out of the green zone, man" Pope said as him and Kie put down their chairs and JJ put the ice chest down. "Dude, tranquilo, okay" JJ whispered. Chey walked up to us and put her chair nexted to Kie's. "Hey guys" Chey said. "Hi sis" I said. Kie and Chey lefted to get drinks. "We're in the middle of Kooklandia. This is the last place I wanted to be" Pope whispered to me and JJ. "Shut up, Pope" me and JJ said in sync. Pope sat down in his chair, JJ sat on the ice chest and I sat on the ground in between JJ's legs. We sat in silence until Chey and Kie came back.

"Just saw Rafe, and he said, and I quote, " tell your boy that we know what he did" what does that mean" Kie asked handing Pope and JJ their drinks, me and JJ are sharing a drink. "Where is he" JJ asked. "Right there" Kie and Chey said pointing behind us. We all turned around and looked at them.

"Great, the whole death squad" Pope said in a panicked voice. "Don't stare, bro" JJ said turning Pope's head back towards the movie screen. "Just warning you guys. If they corner me, I'm coming out swinging, okay? Slicein and docin. I'm on edge right now" JJ explained. "And if they hurt you, I will kick their ass all the way to the middle of the ocean" I said. "That's my girl" JJ said smiling down at me.

"If that doesn't work, I got this right here" JJ said lifting his backpack. "Yeah, yeah. So, we just gotta stay in the group. They can't get us in the group" Pope said. "Like a school of fish" JJ said opening his Pepsi and taking a sip. "Stay in the school. Can't leave the school" Pope said as JJ handed me his Pepsi.

"I'm sorry, JJ. Please tell me that you did not bring a gun here. JJ, there are Kids" Kie snapped. "No! kie, I didn't bring the gun. Everything's fine okay" JJ said trying to convince Kie. "Wow, thank you. That's really convincing. I love that, JJ" Kie snapped. "Founding principle, you guys. No secrets amongst Pogues. What is Rafe talking about" Chey asked.

"Kie, Chey, it might go down tonight" Pope said. "What does that mean" Kie asked. "It might go down tonight" what did y'all do"Chey asked. "Deny, deny, deny" JJ whispered to me and Pope.

It's been a few hours and it's now dark and we're all sitting and watching the movie. JJ has been playing with my hair for the past few hours. "JJ" Pope whispers. "What" JJ asked. "Gotta take a piss" Pope said. "Hold it" JJ said. "I can't hold it. I drank too much soda" Pope said.

"It's too exposed. They'll totally see us" JJ said. "I gotta go" Pope said. Pope turned around then he looked backed at JJ. "They're blocking the bathrooms" Pope said. "Come here. I know where" JJ said getting up. "Hey where y'all going" Kie asked. "We gotta wring it out" JJ answered. "Be careful Jay" I said. "I will baby girl" JJ said walking away. "You gonna hold it for each other" Kie said causing Chey to giggle.

A few minutes pass and I see Rafe, Topper, and Kelce headed where JJ and Pope just went. "Guys JJ and Pope are in trouble" I said getting up and running behind the movie screen.

When we made it behind, the screen Topper was beating Pope's face in and Kelce had JJ in a choke hold as Rafe punched him in the stomach. Kie and Chey ran over to help Pope. I ran over to JJ and pulled Rafe off of him. I punched Rafe in the face twice making him fall to the ground, I looked over at JJ to see him fighting Kelce. As I looked over at JJ, Rafe got up and punched me four times in the face. I hit the ground Rafe stood over me and repeatedly punched me. "Get off her" I heard JJ yell before Rafe hit the ground as JJ punched him.

Kelce got up and threw JJ off Rafe and started hitting him. I got up and threw Kelce off JJ, then Rafe and Kelce got up and they both started hitting me where ever they could. JJ got them off me, I layed in the grass coughing up blood.

The next thing I know JJ's backpack landed next to me. I looked over at JJ and saw he was back in a choke hold. I reached inside of his bag and pulled out his gun. "Let him go" I said pointing the gun at Rafe's head. Rafe turned around and froze and Kelce let go of JJ. "You are just as crazy as your boyfriend" Rafe said. "Nah, I'm a little crazier" I said taking  the gun off safety.

Then the movie screen caught on fire. The Kooks ran leaving us bloody and beaten. I saw JJ on the ground coughing up blood. I ran over to JJ "babe you okay" I asked in a panicked voice. "Yeah, I'm okay" JJ said putting his lefted had on my right cheek. "Are you okay, baby girl" JJ asked. "I'm fine" I said leaning my face more into his hand.

"You guys okay" Pope, Kie and Chey asked. "Yeah we're fine" I said. "You're a freakin idiot" Pope said to kie. "Steph was the one about to shoot Rafe" Chey said in a surprised voice. "If I can help it nobody will hurt JJ" I said kissing JJ's cheek. "Don't get into anymore trouble tonight, I'm going home. Goodnight" Chey said and walked off. "I'm going home" Pope said. "Me too" Kie said. "Come on Jay let's get you cleaned up. My dad is not home so we can go there" I said as we walked to my house.

We made it to my house and into the bathroom. "Sit" I said patting the counter. JJ hopped up on the counter as I got the first aid kit, when I looked up JJ had his right hand on his ribs. "Hold on, I'll get you so ice" I said then I walked out and got him a ice pack. I lifted his shirt, his ribs were black and blue. Seeing him so badly hurt I could stand it, tears ran down my cheeks. "Baby, why are you crying" JJ asked  wiping away my tears. "I hate seeing you hurt" I said tearfully as I gently put the ice on his ribs. "I'm okay. I promise" JJ said softly I gently pulled his hand away from my face and kissed the back of his hand.

After I cleaned up JJ and he cleaned up me then we changed clothes and got ready for bed. Me and JJ climb into bed. JJ wrapped his arms around me pushing my back against his chest then he lightly kissed my neck. "Goodnight, baby girl" JJ said softly. "Goodnight, Jay" I said turning my head and kissed his lips gently then we fell asleep in each other's arms.

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