Chapter 24

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"Your worthless you know that" my dad yelled as he hit me. "Next time you come home, that day will be your last beating" my dad yelled. I jolted up out of JJ's arms gasping for air as tears slowly ran down my cheeks.

JJ jumped up and wrapped me in his arms and pulled me into he's chest. "Baby, your safe okay? I know the dreams feel real. Like it's happening again but it's not" JJ said softly as he slowly rubbed my back. "I love you JJ. It's impossible to show how much I love you" I said tearfully. "I know what you mean baby. It's impossible show how much you mean to me. I love you Stephanie" JJ said then kissed me passionately.

"Hey! Let's go. We got to get the girls on the boat" JohnB said then he looked at the way me and JJ where holding on to each other. "Steph, you good" JohnB asked worried. "Yeah. But you won't be when we get Char off that boat tomorrow morning" I said lightly smiling.

JJ and me changed into our swim suits then we joined JohnB on the boat. We waited in the marsh for Pope to bring Kie and Char, we already had Sarah hidden. JohnB and JJ pretend to fix the boat as Kie and Char walked in. I stood beside JJ.

"What happened" Kie and Char asked. "Uh, the alternator's not alternating anymore" JJ said. "It's not charged" JohnB said. "I have no idea what to do" I said. "Did you check the plugs" Kie asked. "No. No, you should check em" JJ said standing up and walked to the door with me and JohnB. "You guys are useless" Char said.

As soon as Char and Kie bent down to check the plugs me, JJ, and JohnB ran to the edge of the boat. "Sayonara" me and JJ yelled as we jumped into the water. "Bye" JohnB yelled. We swam to the HMS Pogue and climb in as Char, Kie, and Sarah yelled at us.

"Are you serious" Sarah yelled. "Are you joking. Get your asses back here" Kie yelled. "We can't. Not till you three figure it out" JohnB yelled back. "I will kill every single one of you" Char yelled. "You can't just leave" Sarah yelled. "There's food in the cabin, JJ and Steph rolled a couple of blunts" Pope yelled. "Hydroponic"JJ yelled.

" Steph, help me"Char yelled. "I'm not in this" I yelled back drying off. We went back to the chateau and grabbed our surf boards and went surfing until the sun set then we went back to the chateau.

JohnB built a fire, Pope turned on the radio, JJ grabbed a few blunts and I grabbed the beers. We joked around, smoked and drank for an hour then Pope went home and JohnB went to bed, JJ and me stayed outside.

Some random song came on and JJ got up and held out his hand for me. "May I have this dance" JJ asked in a posh accent. "Yes you may" I said in the same accent while giggling and took his hand. Me and JJ danced until the song ended then we turned off the radio and cuddled in hammock and looked at the stars.

I giggled softly making JJ smile. "What are you giggling about" JJ asked. "Remember what happened the last time we cuddled and watched the stars" I asked smiling at him. "I do. It started as a make out session and that lead up to the best night of my life" JJ said smiling back at me. "I couldn't have said it any better" I said snuggling more into JJ. "Goodnight baby girl. I love you" JJ said sleeply. "Goodnight Jay. I love you too" I said then I kissed him and layed my head on his chest and we fell asleep under the stars.

The next morning we went to get the girls. "You guys forget your key or something" JohnB yelled as we pulled up to their boat. "You guys needa tow" Pope asked. "You gotta admit it was funny" JohnB said. "JohnB" Kie called. "Uh, what's that" JohnB asked. "Master mind, huh" Kie asked. "I'm always plannin"JohnB said.

"Some patriarchal bullshit" Kie said. "Yeah that sucked" Sarah said. "Where's Char" I asked. "She's in the cabin. She hasn't talked to us at all since y'all lefted" Kie said as Char walked out if the cabin. "You guys still love us though, right" JJ asked.

"Yeah, whatever" Kie said. "I hate all of you" Char said getting into the boat. "Hey, you still hate me" JohnB asked Sarah. "A little. We're all gonna get you back when you least expect it" Sarah warned. "Watch your back, boys and Steph" Kie said. "I welcome that challenge" Pope said. "Me too" me and JJ said in sync.

"So, did you guys, you know" Pope asked. "Reconcile our differences" Kie asked. "Mmmm" Sarah said shaking her head. "Not even close" Kie joked. "But we're willing to work together" Sarah said. "You know what? That's a victory" JohnB said. "Yep" JJ said. "Wiggedy, wiggedy, wiggedy" Pope said doing our hand shake with JJ.

"You know why guys" JJ asked. "Hydroponic" I answered. "That's my girl" JJ said kissing my cheek. "Don't say that" Pope said. "All right, shut up. You guys ready to jack someone up" JohnB asked. "Yeah" Sarah and Kie said.

"No. Drop me off at home" Char said. "Char, are you ok" I asked. "No, Steph I'm not" Chey snapped. "Char are you ever going to talk to me again" JohnB asked. Char walked up to JohnB and slapped him as hard as she could. We all stood there shocked. Char has never hit one of us not even when we play fight. "How's that for an answer" Char snapped. "Char chill" I yelled. "I'll chill, when y'all take me home! I'm done" Char yelled and threw her hands up in the air, causing me to flinch hard and stumble backwards. JJ caught me. "Char stop" JJ said wrapping his arms around me. "I'm sorry sis. I would never ever hurt you, okay? I love you" Char said pulling me out of JJ's arms an into a hug. "It's okay. I love you too" I said. "All right, take me home" Char said pulling out of our hug and I snuggled up to JJ. JohnB dropped off Char and now it's time to get the gold.

Author's note
Sorry it took so long for me to update I was on a family vacation. In joy. 😁

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