Chapter 8

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"This is empty. You took empty tanks" Kie said as she checked the air tanks. "Okay, this one's a quarter full. It's enough for one of us" Kie said annoyed. Pope was sitting in the the driver's seat, Char was standing on the left side of Pope. Me and JJ were on the right side of Pope. Kie and JohnB were sitting on the nose of the boat. "Love it when a plan comes together" Pope said in sarcasm.

"Does anybody know how to dive" Char asked in a curious voice. "It's kind of a Kook sport" JJ said. "I read about it" Pope said. "Great, Pope read about it so someone's gonna die" Kie said. "I'll do it" I said. "Hell No" JJ yelled. "Okay, I won't dive calm down Jay" I said then kissed his cheek. "Look, you put the thing in your mouth and breathe. How hard could it be" I asked. "If you come up too fast, nitrogen gets into your blood, and you get the bends" Pope said. "Bends like, bend over and" JJ bended over pretending to get railed from behind, but before he could finish his sentence "the bends kill you" Pope said in a serious voice. "I bet that's what you did to my sister" Char said rising her eyebrows at me and JJ.

"Shut up Charlize" I said in embarrassment. "Maybe next time we can, what you think baby girl" JJ said smiling at me. "Shut up JJ" I said, slapping his arm playfully. "I can can dive" JohnB said. "You can dive. I'm cool with that" JJ said. "Since when can you dive" Kie asked. "I'll do it. It's fine" JohnB said. "Let me do some calculations real quick" Pope said. "Your serious" Char asked in a worried voice.

As Pope did his calculations I pulled off my shorts and T-shirt reviling my bikini. I grabbed my T-shirt and jumped into the water and tied my shirt to the anchor chain. "What was that all about" Pope asked. "I don't know, but I liked it. A lot." JJ said. "Ew, thats my sister JJ" Char said. "Yeah, but she's my girlfriend, so girlfriend overrides sister" JJ said as I resurfaced. "Hey! I tied my T-shirt to the anchor chain about ten feet down. It's where you need to do your safety stop" I said. When I got to the side of the boat JJ helped me up. "Steph, JJ said girlfriend overrides sister. When you jumped in the water is that true" Char asked me. "Yes JJ is right" I said. "You little, come here" Char said trying to grab me. "JJ save me from my crazy ass sister" I said running behind JJ. "Char leave her alone" JJ said in a serious voice. "Fine" Char said.

JohnB had all the scuba gear on and was walking to the front of the boat. "Hey, if we get caught in the marsh, we're basically screwed, so better get a move on" Pope said. "Copy that" JohnB said. Kie walked up to JohnB and kissed his cheek. JJ and I we're confused as hell, Char and Pope looked pissed. "Diver down" JohnB asked. "Diver down" Kie said. JohnB dived into the water.

JJ walked over to his bag and grabbed one of his T-shirts and gave it to me. I put it on it went down to my knees. Then JJ pulled me into his side as we watched the water. Then we heard a siren. "Shit. JJ" Pope said making me and JJ turned around. JJ never move his arm from around my waist. "Guys, that's the police" JJ said looking at the boat coming towards us. "Great, my favorite people" I said sarcastically. The cops were supposed to save me from my dad but,they said I had a great home and lefted. "It's going to be okay, baby girl" JJ whispered in my ear. He knew about the cops saying I had a great home.

"Just act frickin normal" Kie said. Char was still very pissed off about her kissing JohnB on the Cheek. "Evening officers" Pope said. "Evening" they both said. "Here" said the woman officer handing Pope a rope to tie the boats together. Pope tied us off. "How you kids doing? You know the marsh is closed" the officer asked. "No" we all said playing dumb. "Why is it closed" Pope asked. "Well, we're conducting a search out here. Boat went down" the officer explained. "Seen anything" the officer asked us. "No" we all answered. "Where's your friend you always hang with? He here" the officer asked. "He's working" Char said.

"I'm gonna check your little boat out" the officer said. He got on our boat and asked about our life jackets, Kie showed him them. Then he stood on the nose of the boat and looked into the water for a few minutes before he decided to leave. "You let us know if you see anything on your way out" the officer said untieing the boats. " will do"Pope said. "We'll be gone soon, sir" JJ said. "Yes, you will" the officer said. With that they lefted. We all looked over the side of the boat to see if we could see JohnB. Then JohnB resurfaced. "There he is" me and JJ said at the same time. "Oh, god! Jesus Christ" Pope said. "Don't scare us like that" Char said. "How'd it go down there" JJ asked. "Did you find anything" JJ asked. "Did I find anything" JohnB asked him self sarcastically. JohnB threw a bag up to JJ. "Yeah, there we go! That's my boy" JJ said excitedly. JohnB got on the boat and took off the scuba gear. "The cops were up here, but, we took care of em" Pope said. "Yeah, you kinda missed the show, brother" JJ said.

"Hey, guys? Guys, bogey, two o'clock" Kie said "what" me and JJ asked then looked at a unfilmar boat coming are way. "Do you recognize that boat" Pope asked. "I've never seen it" Kie said. "What are they doing here? The marsh is closed" Kie said. "Let's not stick around and find out" JJ said. "JJ, get the bowline" JohnB said. JJ started to pull up the bowline. "Go get the stern. Go" JohnB told Pope. "JJ, hurry up" Kie and Char said. "Guys, don't wait for me. Go." JJ said. "Let's go" Kie said. "I don't like this" JohnB said. "Are they coming for us" I asked, I was getting worried. "Go, go, go, go" JJ said to JohnB. "Go into the marsh" Pope said in a panicked voice. "Hey, guys, they're following us" Kie said in a scared voice. "This can't be good" Pope said.

"Dude, you gotta go faster" JJ said in a panicked voice. "I'm going" JohnB said raising his voice. "Gun it" JJ said. Then a few seconds later a gun shot went off. JJ jumped on top of me and shelided me with his body. JohnB ducked down and was still driving, Char was next to him. Kie was down in the back and Pope was down on the other side of the boat. "JohnB get down" Char screamed. Then a second shot went off. "We're gonna die" Pope yelled. Then a third shot went off. "Shit! Pope, move" Kie said. I got out from under JJ and helped Kie throw the net into the water. A second before we threw the net another shot went off, a bullet grazed my arm. "God" I yelled. "Get down, Steph, Kie" JJ yelled. They shot one more time and missed us. Their boat stopped. Everybody started to laugh because we made it, but I didn't because I was holding my bleeding arm.

"Oh, my god Steph" Char yelled, she saw my arm. JJ ran to me "baby girl, that's bad" JJ said as he grabbed my hand moving it so he could see the wound. "Hey, JJ that's another hole you could go into, I know you already been in the two others" Char said raising her eyebrows as I groaned out in pain. "Charlize, now is not the time for your dirty jokes" JJ yelled. "We got to get her to a hospital" JohnB said. "No" me and JJ said at the same time. "I can't go there because I would have to go home" I said. "I got a sewing kit in my bag" Kie said. "Do it" I told Kie. I went to the front of the boat and sat down.

"JJ hold her down because this is gonna hurt like hell" Kie said as she heated up the needle. I sat in between JJ's legs with my back to his chest as he held down my wrists. Kie started sewing up my arm, I tried to stop my self from screaming  but I couldn't and we didn't have anything to numb my arm. As I screamed in pain JJ whispered in my ear "I'm sorry, baby girl, I'm sorry". It was tearing him up inside that he couldn't stop my pain. I heard him whimper in my ear when I screamed a little louder because Kie accidentally pushed the needle a little to hard into my skin. When Kie was done JJ picked me up and closed his legs and sat me down on his lap. I buried my head into the crook of his neck and closed my eyes as he ran his fingers through my hair and rubbed my back all the way to the chateau.

JJ carried me off the boat and gently put me down on the dock. JJ pulled me gently into his side and wrapped his arm around my waist and kissed my temple. "What do you think it is" Kie asked. "Gotta be money, right" JohnB said. "That or a couple of keys with street value to the low-to mid-mils" JJ said excitedly. "Well it better be valuable, I got shot over it" I said. "Can we please just open the bag" Pope said excitedly. "Wow Pope, that's a rare outburst of emotion" JohnB said. "Okay, you guys are literally killing me with anticipation" Pope said excitedly. JohnB open a container and a compass feel out. "Oh, wow. Yup. That's about right" Pope said annoyed. "Good job, everybody. We found a compass" Pope said annoyed. "This was my father's" JohnB said. We looked at him with shocked expressions.

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