Chapter 9

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When we got back to the chateau, me and JJ said bye to everyone and took his dirt bike to his house. "Let's get your arm cleaned up" JJ said. "Okay" I said in a soft voice. He held my hand all the way to the bathroom. JJ pick me up and put me on the counter then he grabbed a first aid kit and started to clean my bullet wound. I winced in pain. "Sorry baby girl" JJ said he started to clean it softer if that was even possible. "It okay, it just stings a little bit" I said. When he was finished I slid off the counter. I walked up to JJ and kissed his lips gently. "Thank you, I love you JJ" I said holding his hands. "Your welcome, I love you too baby girl" JJ said and kissed me passionately. "Come on let's go to bed" JJ said leading me to his room. JJ gave me one of his T-shirts to wear and he just took off his shirt and shorts off so he could sleep in his boxers. "Do I get my cuddles" I asked JJ. "Yes you get your cuddles" JJ laughed. We climb into his bed and cuddled like he said, I got my cuddles. "Good night my bad boy" I said as I layed my head on his bare chest. "Good night baby girl" JJ said pulling me closer to him if that was possible. We fell asleep cuddling each other.

The next morning we woke up and got dress and went to JohnB's. "I got an idea to scare the hell out of JohnB" JJ said. "Let's do it" I said excitedly. We walked up to the door and we saw a DCS summons notice on the door. "DCS! I know you're in there" JJ yelled slamming his hand against the door. JJ and me then jumped on the window next to the door and scared the hell out of JohnB. "Whoa" JohnB yelled falling off the couch. Me and JJ started laughing so hard we could barely breathe. "Gotcha slick" JJ said and started laughing again. "You should have seen your face. Your face was like" JJ said then making the face JohnB did making me laugh harder. We got in the Twinkie. We are going to see Ms Lana.

"I'm just saying, I don't understand why you don't at least try with with Kiara. She clearly likes you. She's like, oh, JohnB" JJ fake moans causing me to giggle. "Is that what she does" JohnB asked in a annoyed voice. "She's sketching about you diving, then she kissed you" JJ said. "She kissed me on the cheek" JohnB said. "It's not like we were makin out" JohnB said getting annoyed with JJ. "Low-hanging fruit, bro. Don't pretend you don't notice. I see it in your eyes. You're like, I kinda like that, and you start blushing" JJ said in a serious voice. "I blush" JohnB asked. "Yeah" JJ said. "Yes" I said in a serious voice. "Okay, you can't be talking Steph, because every time JJ takes his shirt off you turn red, like really red" JohnB teased me. "So, JJ is super hot" I said glaring at JohnB. "You think I'm hot, baby girl" JJ asked smirking at me while look me up and down. "Yes" I said and I started to blush. "Good my girlfriend thinks I'm hot. And baby girl you look hot all the time" JJ said smiling at me. I started to blush even more. "I gotta admit, your father's compass in Scooter's boat, that's freaky" JJ said looking at the compass in his hand. "Yeah. That's why we're going to talk to Ms. Lana, figure this whole thing out" JohnB said. "I'm sure she would just love to talk to us. It's not like her husband just drowned or anything" JJ said sarcastically.

We got to Ms. Lana's house and we started to walk to the front door. "You know what this house looks like" JohnB asked. "Whoever lives here smokes to much weed" JJ said. "I didn't know me and you lived here JJ" I said, JJ looked at me with a really look. "She has a point, you guys smoke a lot" JohnB said. We heard clattering and and glass being smashed. Me and JJ stopped walking. "Bullshit" a man yelled from inside the house. "Maybe we should come back" JJ said looking at JohnB. "No, no, shut up. Shut up JJ" JohnB hissed. "Tell me where it is or I'll fuck you up" a man yelled from inside the house and we heard Ms. Lana crying. I grabbed JJ's hand and looked up at him. He knew I was scared because it reminded me of my dad when I was home. "I'll sink you in the fucking" the man yelled and a loud noise form inside keep us from hearing the rest of his sentence. Lana screamed.

"Your hurting me" Lana cried. JJ's grip tighten on my hand. "I" JJ didn't get to even finish his sentence before JohnB cut him off. "Shut up. Come on" JohnB said as we crouched down and moved slowly to the side of the house. "Where the fuck is it, you bitch" the man yelled. We heard Lana tell him she doesn't know as our backs are against the side of house listening to whats happening inside. "Is it here in this house" another man yelled. As we against the house JJ pulled me into into his side, I wrapped my arms around his torso and buried my head in the crook of his neck. "Still think we should stay" JJ whispered to JohnB. "Sh" JohnB told JJ. "The compass wasn't in the boat! Where is it Lana" the man yelled. "I don't know" Lana creid. Glass smashed inside the house.

"Don't listen" JJ whispered to me. Paint started to fall in our hair. "Is that paint" JJ whispered to JohnB. "Yes it's paint" JohnB hissed. "Let's get the hell outta here, man" the man said and started to walk out of the house. "We should just go. He's got smuggler" JJ started as we moved to the corner of the house. JJ never let go of my hand. "Shut up" JohnB said stopping JJ from finishing his sentence. "Smuggler written all over him" JJ finished his sentence that JohnB had stopped at second ago. We watched the two men walk to their boat. "Dude, those were the guys that shot Steph"JJ said his voice laced with anger. As soon as they lefted we went to the front door.

We walk in the house " Ms. Lana" JohnB called out. Me and JJ never let go of each other's hand. "Ms.Lana" JohnB called out again. We found her sitting in the bathroom on the floor with her back against the wall crying. JohnB ran over to her "hey, are you okay" JohnB asked in a soft voice. "It's okay" JohnB told her. "Dude, she's tweaking" JJ said in a low voice. "Do you need a doctor" JohnB asked as she continued to cry. "Let's call the sheriff's department" JohnB told me and JJ. "No cops, please" Lana begged us. "Mm. That's not good. Come on, dude. Let's just go." JJ said. "Please JohnB let's go" I begged. "You shouldn't be here" Lana cried. "That's enough for me. Come on" JJ said trying to get JohnB to leave.

"Wait, wait" JohnB told us. "What do you know about these guys" JohnB asked. "They were looking for something" Lana said. JohnB pulled out the compass. "Does it have any thing to do with this" JohnB asked showing Lana the compass. Lana looked at the compass with wide eyes. "Do you know anything about this" JohnB asked Lana. "This is my father's and Scooter had it. Why" JohnB asked. "Scooter didn't have it, okay? Don't tell anyone you have it" Lana raised her voice. "Come on" JJ said tapping JohnB on the shoulder. "They can't know" Lana yelled as me and JJ tried to pull JohnB out of the house. "You've gotta get out of here" Lana yelled at us. "What do you know about the compass" JohnB yelled. "Go! Get out" Lana yelled at us. "We gotta go. Let's go" JJ said as he pulled JohnB to to the front door.

We got in the Twinkie. I sat on JJ's lap because he asked me to. As he ran his fingers through my hair "are you okay baby girl, your being to quiet" JJ asked his voice laced with worry. "Yeah, just a shaken up, the whole situation just reminded me of my dad" I said in a low voice. JJ kissed my lips gently, letting me know he understood what I was going through. "I won't let anyone hurt you I promise" JJ said. I kissed him passionate on the lips. Then I layed my head on his shoulder. We arrived at the chateau to find Pope, Kie, and Char waiting for us.

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