Chapter 23

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We are all at the chateau on the porch. JohnB and Sarah Cameron are sitting on the couch and Kie and Chey are standing in front of the couch. JJ is sitting on the recliner with me in his lap and Pope is sitting next to us.

"No effing way" Kie snapped. "You brought her here? So what? She's in on this now" Chey snapped. "I dunno" Pope said. "Look, all I care about is her cut comes out of your share" JJ said. "As long as JohnB's happy" I said.

"You know, I don't remember taking a vote. This is our thing. A Pogue thing" Kie yelled. "I gotta a say, I'm just a tad uncomfortable with all of this" Pope said. "Thank you" Chey and Kie said. "When are you not uncomfortable" JohnB snapped. "I dunno. I rode here on the back of JJ's bike pretty comfortable" Pope said. "It's true. Most relaxed I've ever seen him" JJ said. "That's because you drive carefully" I said smiling at JJ.

"That's cute, guys" JohnB said annoyed. "You know we were all extremely comfortable until you brought her" Kie said. "Stop talking about me like I'm not here" Sarah snapped. "Then leave" Chey yelled. "I told you" Sarah said to JohnB. "Told him what, exactly" Chey asked. "That you're a liar" Kie said. "No, that you two are shit talking bitches" Sarah snapped.

"Oh, shit" Pope said as the three girls yelled at each other. "My money's on Kie" Pope said. "Chey" me and JJ whispered pulling out five dollars each. "Every body shut up" JohnB yelled. "Chey, Kie you two are my best friends, right? And Sarah, you're... you're my" JohnB studderd. "Say it" Sarah said softly. "You're my girlfriend" as soon as JohnB said that Chey walked off the porch and to the dock.

"Ohh, that's new"Pope said. " she's your girlfriend now? What was all that talk about you were just using her for information. Get a map, cut her loose"Kie said. "You said you were using me"Sarah asked. "No" JohnB said. "Yeah, you did" Pope said. "Yeah" me and JJ said. "Look, love just walked in, okay" JohnB said. "Oh, vomit" Kie said. "I didn't expect it. It just, it kind of happened. And I'm not gonna deny it, right" JohnB said.

"Oh! That's corny" Pope whispered causing me and JJ to chuckle. "Look, cut the bullshit, JohnB. If she's in, me and Chey are out" Kie said. "I'm not doing this. I can't" JohnB said. "You are gonna decide. I'm very interested actually. Me and Chey or her" Kie said. "Both" JohnB said. "Went for the Hail Mary" JJ whispered to me and Pope. "Nooo"Pope said as we watched Kie walked off the porch to the dock to sit with Chey.

"It'll be cool, right? I'm gonna leave" Sarah said getting off the couch. "Sarah don't" JohnB said. "Gonna let y'all chat. Let me know" Sarah said and walked out. "I'd just like to say, you handled that beautifully" JJ said. "Good job, JohnB" I said. Me, JJ and JohnB are waiting in the kitchen while Pope talks to Chey and Kie.

"What'd they say" JohnB asked throwing Pope a water bottle. "That you're and idiot and Chey hates you" Pope said. "It's a no brainer, you're picking Chey and Kie" JJ said handing me a beer. "Look, I can't make a decision" JohnB said. "So what? We're just dead in the water because you're pussy whipped" JJ said. "And your not" JohnB said to JJ while pointing at me. "Leave Steph out of this" JJ said.

"We can't do this without Chey and Kie and you know it" I said. "And I can't do it without Sarah. Okay? They both have to be in on it" JohnB said. "Well, good luck with that" Pope said. "You know what? I know this was my fault, all right? But it's our problem. I've got a plan. And you three shitheads are gonna help me out" JohnB said.

After an hour of running my fingers through JJ's hair he finally went to sleep on the pull out couch at the Chateau. I want to check on JohnB so I got up slowly and walked out on the porch to find Pope talking to Kie who was playing with Chey's hair. I walked over to JohnB who was sitting in a yard chair. "How are you doing" I asked. "I'm okay" JohnB said. "Are you sure" I asked. "No. I feel bad for hurting Chey and Kie but I love Sarah" JohnB said.

"I know. By the way I don't have a problem with Sarah as long as your happy I'm okay" I said. "Thanks Steph" JohnB said. "Stephanie" I heard my dad yell I turned around to look at him. "JohnB, run" I said in a calm voice and took a protective stance standing in front of JohnB.

"I'm not leaving you" JohnB said. "Run now! Go" I yelled. JohnB ran to the chateau. "What do you want" I asked. Then my dad punched me in the face causing me to fall to the ground, he stood over me and trapped me were I could not fight back and repeatedly hit me.

Until I heard JJ yell "Steph! Get off her" the JJ knock my dad off me and began to hit him repeatedly. Some how my dad managed to get JJ on the ground and started beating him. I got up and ran into the chateau and came out of the chateau with JJ's gun. "Let him go" I yelled. Then I kicked my dad in the ribs as hard as I could making him get off JJ. I steped over JJ and block him from my dad. My dad stood up and started walking towards us and I pointed the gun at his head.

"Come close to him again and I will shoot you" I yelled at my dad, all the Pogues stood behind me in shock. "You would kill me to protect that worthless boy" my dad yelled. "First off, the only worthless person here is you and second I would do anything for him" I yelled. My dad started walking towards me and JJ again and I pulled the trigger and the bullet flew past my dad's face causing him to freeze.

"Next one goes in between your eyes" I said. "One day when you come home alone with no one to protect you that day will be your last beating and no one will find your body" my dad yelled. "Well today is not that day" I said. Then my dad walked off. I put the gun's safety back on and layed it on the ground then I turned around to check on JJ. JJ's face had small cuts covering his face and a stream of blood flowing out of the corner of his mouth. Tears started streaming down my face, I pushed past JohnB and Chey and walked to the dock.

A few seconds later JJ showed up next to me. "Baby you okay" JJ asked softly. "No, I'm not. You got hurt because of me. I told JohnB to run not to wake you up. I was fine on my own" I said as I continue to cry. "It's not your fault. JohnB did the right thing by waking me up. You were not fine on you own" JJ said softly grabbing my hand. "Yes, it was JJ you got hurt protecting me. You deal with this enough. You don't need to take my beatings. I think it's best if you let me go, all I do is cause you pain you deserve better than me JJ" I said crying harder.

"It's not your fault Steph. I would take a million beatings to keep you safe because I love you and I always will. Your perfect for me, I need you" JJ said softly and covered the back of my hand in kisses. "You know I love you more than anything, right" I asked. "I know. I also know no one would ever kill anyone to protect me they would let me die but you wouldn't. And by the way you are super hot with a gun" JJ said causing me to give him a light smile.

I took JJ back inside the chateau and clean his wounds. He would not let me clean my own so I let him clean mine. Then we layed on the pull out couch. JJ layed on his back and I layed my head on his chest. "Steph" JJ said. "Yeah babe" I replied. "I'm yours till the end" JJ said looking at me. "I'm yours till the end.I promise" I said then JJ passionately kissed me. Me and JJ fell asleep in each other's arms. We fell asleep in the arms of the person we love the most in the world.

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