Chapter 28

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"Welcome to crack head waste land" Sarah said as we pulled up to Barry's house. "I don't know about this, man. What are we doing at Barry's" Pope asked. "This'll only take a second" JJ said getting out of the twinkie and walking to Barry's porch.

"Where you going" JohnB asked. "Yo soy justicia" JJ answered. "Did you glean anything from that" Pope asked. "You know somebody should probably" Kie said. "I got it" JohnB said getting out. "I'll come too"I said following JohnB. "Yeah, so what's your plan, slick" JohnB asked. "Well, as thou hath stealeth from us we shall stealeth from ye"JJ said. "That kind of got lost in translation" JohnB said.

"An eye for an eye, JohnB" me and JJ said in sync. "Yeah, that's great, JJ. But what happens after you rob a drug dealer. Huh? He knows who we are! What happens when he goes after Steph" JohnB asked. "I'm not scared of this guy and I will protect Steph" JJ said as he continued to search the house.

"Are you gonna help or not" JohnB asked me. "What do you want me to do? JJ stubborn. He's not going to listen to us" I said. "What are you doing" JohnB asked. "Getting even. All right, took care of business" JJ said walking back into the living room with a bag. "Hey, look at me. If you keep going down this road, you're gonna end up just like your dad" JohnB said. "JohnB what the hell" I snapped.

"You watch your mouth, man" JJ said holding on to the collar of JohnB's shirt. "Aren't you tried of being messed with" JJ asked. "That's not the point, JJ" JohnB said. "Cause I am" JJ said and walked out of the house.

"All right, so we're looking at five grand each for reparations for putting us through that bullshit. Sorry about that, y'all" JJ said. "So that's what we're doing now? We're robbing drug dealers" Kie asked. "This Barry guy's gonna find out and he's gonna come for us" Sarah said.

"Yes he will. This is not the time to start wilin out" Pope said. "Guys stop" I said hoping JJ won't get anymore worked up. "How'd you like havin a gun pulled on you" JJ asked. "Jay, relax please"I said calmly. JJ ignored me as JohnB got into his face.

"He had it right here on you, bro" JJ said pointing his finger at JohnB's head. "We've gotta go get the gold, okay? Just give me that shit. We're putting it back" JohnB said trying to take the bag of money from JJ. JJ slammed JohnB into the Twinkie.

"Do you feel like a tough guy? Huh? What are you gonna do when he comes for us" JohnB asked. "We punch him in the throat" JJ answered. "Yeah good fuckin idea JJ" JohnB said. "I'm not putting it back. You guys getting in or what" JJ asked sitting in the back of the Twinkie.

I walked over to the Twinkie and sat next to JJ. No one else got in. "What" JJ asked stepping out of the Twinkie. "We're sick of your shit" JohnB said. "Oh, my shit" JJ said. "Yeah. Yeah. Your shit" JohnB said. "JohnB you can't be talking. That's all I'm gonna say" I said, we been putting up with his shit.

"Yes.your pulling guns on people shit" Kie said. "You acting like a maniac" Pope said. "Wow! Pope just wow" I snapped, not believing what he said. "Okay, Pope, I took the fall for you, man! You know how much I owe because of you" JJ yelled. "I'm gonna pay you back, and I didn't ask you to do that" Pope yelled.

"I just did! Pay it back. Right here, right now, by myself. You know what? That's exactly what I'm gonna do. Go off by myself" JJ said walking away from us. "JJ" I said. "Just let him go" JohnB said grabbing my hand. I snatched my hand away from him and ran to JJ.

"JJ" I said. "What" JJ said. "I'm coming with you" I said. "No your not" JJ said. "Why" I asked. "Because I don't want or need you" JJ said. "What's that supposed to mean" I asked as tears welled up in my eyes. "I don't want to be with you anymore. Your not good enough for me" JJ said and started walking away from me.

"That's fine JJ. You can leave me just like everyone I've ever loved has done" I yelled as tears ran down my face. I lefted the Pouges. I decided to leave this island but I had to go home first to pack. I walked through the front door of my house and was met by my dad.

"Well look who came home all by herself. I made you a promise that if you came home alone I would beat you to death" my dad said. "Go ahead. Do it" I said. I had losted the person I loved most in the world. I didn't care if I lived or died.

My dad lunged at me. He punched me every where he could until I hit the floor. He kicked me in the ribs and punched me in the face over and over again. He punched me in the face again and blood sprayed the walls. He kicked me in the the ribs as I coughed up blood. The last thing I felt was blood pouring down my face and out my mouth and my ribs being kicked then I blacked out.

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