Chapter 3

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We make it to the coast guard. Me, JJ, and JohnB go inside to speak to the coast guard, while Char, Kie, and Pope wait outside for us. We walk in and some lady is yelling about her missing dog. "Excuse me" JohnB tried to talk over the yelling lady. "Hey man, we-we found a boat" JJ tries to get the man's attention, so I tried. "You're gonna wanna hear this" I said very loudly "hey! Clam down" the man yelled at me, so JohnB comes over and grabed JJ's arm and JJ grabed my hand as JohnB pulls us out. "Well that went well" Pope said scarcasticslly. "So what's the plan" JJ asked laying his arm on my head because I'm shorter than him. "I know how we're gonna find the guy who owns that boat" JohnB said holding up the motel key. "We don't know whose room that is. It could be anyone" Pope said looking worried. "We're in" JJ said pointing at me and himself, because I'm all ways up for fun. "Come on. I'll be look out" Kie said catching the motel key that JJ throwed her. "Finder's fee. Just sayin" I said walking past Pope slapping his shoulder "and, hey, at least you'll only be an accomplice" JohnB said walking backwards away from Pope. "Man" Pope said following us. "Come on, Bubba" JohnB said catching up to me, JJ, Char, and Kie.

We arrived at the motel if you can even call it that. JJ whistles " I thought the chateau looked bad" JJ said from his spot next to me " this place is a shit show" JohnB said slowing down the boat. "Motel or meth lab" Kie asked "probably both" I said looking at the motel "doesn't look like a place somebody with a Grady-White would stay" JohnB said pulling up to shore "no. looks like a place somebody with a Grady-White would get killed" Pope said. "This is your captain speaking. HMS Pogue comein for landing" JJ said standing on the nose of the boat. "Whoo" JJ yells jumping off the boat "we good" JohnB asked JJ who was tieing off the boat "yeah, we good" JJ said standing up. "All right. Here goes nothin" JohnB said walking to the front of the boat. I jumped off the boat into JJ's open arms. "Gotcha" JJ said "you all ways got me just like I all ways got you" I said booping his nose and he smiled at me "true" JJ said. "Hey" Pope said looking at JohnB "don't let them do anything stupid" Pope said pointing at me and JJ. "Oh, we will" JJ said wrapping his arm around my shoulder " I'm not making any promises" JohnB said looking at Pope. "Yeah, I know"Pope said looking away from us. " uh, be careful "Kie said to JohnB " I mean it"Kie said, JohnB chuckles "yeah" he looked confused, Char was pissed. Me and JJ looked at each other confused as hell. "Let's go" JohnB said slapping JJ on the shoulder and walked off. "Why are all these mattresses out here" JohnB asked "after a hurricane, they ditch em cause they're moldly" JJ said.

We get up the stairs and JJ starts teasing JohnB "just be so careful, JohnB" JJ said rubbing JohnB's shoulders, I was walking behind them. "God, you're so weird" JohnB said pushing JJ off him " what was that all about"JJ asked JohnB. "I don't know. Maybe she wants us to be careful" JohnB said with an annoyed voice. "Since she heard you're being threatened with exile, she's just been like, " JJ said. In a moaning voice JJ started to tease JohnB some more. "Oh! Be so careful, JohnB" JJ teased "get off" JohnB said annoyed, pushing JJ's hands off his shoulders again. JJ keep teasing, moaning "oh, just give me that JohnD already, when are you gonna swoop on that, man" JJ asked. "Bro, you know the rule. No Pogue on Pogue macking" JohnB said. "God I hate that rule" I said JJ turned around "what did you say pretty girl" JJ asked "nothing" I said in a sad low voice.

Little did Steph know I heard her say she hated that rule, it made me get butterflies in my stomach because I was head over heels for her.

"You're the one who's always hitting on her" JohnB said talking to JJ about Kie. "Of course I'm hitting on her, she's a hot, rich, hippie chick slumming it with us" JJ said, it kinda stung to hear him say that. JJ continues " why? I can't figure it out either, but who cares, bro, I know that door's locked because I've tried it. Have you"JJ said, I stayed quiet. "You need help, not a little help, you need alot of help, it's like every girl who just has a heart beat, you're like uhh" JohnB said sticking his arms straight out like he was trying to grab someone. "It's not like that anymore, I have my eye on some one now" JJ said glancing at me. "Really who" JohnB asked " that's for me to know and for you to find out"JJ said looking at JohnB "whatever, that's us, twenty nine" JohnB said pointing at the door JJ knocked on the door and said "Housekeeping" I have never heard JJ say anything in such a high-pitched voice, I started laughing so hard I could barely breathe, JJ just smiled at me. "Should we try it" JohnB asked "yes" I said now that I stopped laughing. JJ said something in Spanish as JohnB unlocked the door. "No power, no security cameras. No ones gonna know" JJ said pushing the door opened. We walked in and turned on are flashlights on and started looking around.

"Check the bag. See if it has a name on it somewhere" I said to JohnB as I closed the door."a jacket "JJ said looking to if it had a name " denim sides" JohnB said looking at a part of shoes "no name on the jacket" JJ said "it's a nice jacket, though" JJ said looking over at me, I was looking at a map on the night stand. "definitely over 50 he's got new balances"JohnB said picking up the shoe. "What you got over here pretty girl" JJ asked me "a map with coordinates" I said looking up at him. "Yo, dude, come here. Maybe this is where they were fishing" JJ called JohnB over, and JohnB and JJ talked about what the coordinates could and could not be. "Let me see" JohnB said "right there" JJ said, pointing at a place on the map "no, that's off the continental shelf" JohnB said placing his hand on the map. "That's the big swell. Nobody fishes there" JohnB explained "okay" JJ said. "Coffee" JohnB said in a bad British accent while pointing his flashlight at a coffee pot. "Yeah" JJ said looking around. "Standard. Tissues for when you get lonely" JJ said in the same bad British accent while pointing at a box of tissues. "Well pass me the tissues if there for when your lonely cause I'm lonely" I said looking at JJ "I can fix that pretty girl" JJ said and pulled me into a hug. "Thanks Jay" I said hugging him back "anytime pretty girl" JJ said pulling out of our hug and walked towards the bathroom. "Ooh" JJ said from the bathroom so I walked over to see what he found. "Did you find anything" JohnB asked JJ. "A really awesome dopp kit, you won't let me steal" JJ said to JohnB "yeah, cause we're not stealing shit" JohnB told JJ "Jay if you need something out of the dopp kit just slip it into your pocket" I whispered to JJ. JJ grabbed some old spice deodorant and slid it into his pocket and winked at me and we walked out of the bathroom as JohnB found a safe in a cabinet. "Punching shit at random. That will definitely work" JJ said to JohnB who was punching random numbers trying to open the safe, it was not working. "Wait a second. Here. " JohnB said walking over to the night stand and picking up a piece of paper, and walking back to the safe, while me and JJ looked at the map somemore. JohnB punched in the numbers six, one, six, six, six in, that was written on the piece of paper from off the night stand. "Holy shit, uh JJ, Steph" JohnB called us. "Hm" JJ said as we both looked over at JohnB "you guys are gonna want see this" JohnB said. We both looked inside the safe to see stacks of cash and a gun. "Dude, dude, dude," JJ said as he grabbed the gun "you grabbed the gun" JohnB asked in annoyed voice. "This is a SIG Sauer" JJ said excitedly "put the gun back JJ" JohnB whisper yelled. "This is a fucking spendy gatt, man just, bam! Bam" JJ said pointing the gun all over the room pretending to shoot everything in the room. "We're not stealing anything" JohnB whisper yelled again. "Just take a pic of me, Steph" JJ asked me "you want her to take picture of you" JohnB asked in disbelief. I pulled out my phone and managed to get one pic of JJ before JohnB put his hand over my phone. "Make our own incriminating evidence? Is that what your talking about" JohnB said as I put my phone away. Then we heard something tap the window. "Wait, what was that" JJ asked JohnB who was walking over to the window were you can see the water. Then JohnB ran over to the window by the door and looked out the window. "What is it" me and JJ asked JohnB "cops" JohnB said as the cops knocked on the door, we ran to the other window and climb out. No before me and JJ grabbed a stack of cash each. As we climbed out the window JohnB went to the left and me and JJ went to the right side of the window. JJ pushed me up against the wall and covered my whole body. I could feel his hot breath on my neck, and it was driving me crazy, his hands on my wasit so I would not fall. "I imagine you being in between me and a wall in a bedroom, not like this" JJ whispered and smirked at me as I turned red blushing at what he said. The cops looked around the room. Pope was being a idiot so when JJ turned his head to looked at Pope, JJ put a finger to his lips to tell Pope to shut up he dropped the gun and it made a loud noise causing me grip on JJ to tighten. The cop looked out the window to see where the noise came from. JJ push me closer to the wall, there was no space in between us at all, not that I was complaining. Once the cops letter we jump off the roof, JJ had to help me of course because I'm short. We got on the boat and lefted.

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