Chapter 10

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JJ started to tell his version of the story about what happened at Lana's house. "And we were right outside like this" JJ said as he pressed his back against a wall on JohnB's porch.
"And all we hear is just Bam! Bam! Bam" JJ said. "Knocking paint off the wall G! For the inside" JJ said loudly. "Your so over dramatic" Char said. "No he's not" I told Char. "All right? And I'm just looking at them like, wait, first off, look at this shit" JJ said now standing in the middle of all of us. He ran his fingers through he's hair and paint started falling out.

"That's dandruff, disgusting" Kie said. "Okay, thank you" Pope said pushing JJ away from him. "Look at all that. All right? That's paint" JJ said. He's hair is now a mess and it's super hot. "At that point, I was just, like. I'm waiting for death" JJ said. "Oh, okay, so you saw the guys that shot Steph right" Pope asked. "Yeah" JJ said, he was getting worked up. "Did you get a good description of them" Pope asked. "What did they look like" Char asked. "Anything we can bring to a police report" Pope said in a annoyed voice. "Burly" JJ said. "Burly" Pope asked his face had the are you serious look. "That's not very helpful" Kie said. "Okay, well, no, like the type of guy at my dad's garage. I mean, you guys know he made cargo hides for drug smugglers" JJ said as he paced back in forth.

"Yeah. Yes. No, we know" Kie said in a annoyed voice. "I can tell you with full confidence, these boys, these killers" JJ started, he put his back against the wall again and pulled out his vape and took a hit of it. "They're square groupers" JJ said." They're square groupers, like Narco square grouper? Like Poblo Escobar square grouper"Pope asked, he was now mad. JJ took a long hit of his vape and blew the smoke out as he said "yeah". "You guys, not everything is a king pin movie" Kie said. "What does this square grouper look like" Pope yelled as JJ took another hit of his vape.

"Specifically" Pope yelled. "You weren't there" JJ yelled. "Cause obviously you don't know what to look for" Pope yelled at JJ. "Dude! I wasn't taking little mental Polaroids the entire time. Man, I was under duress okay" JJ yelled. I walked over to JJ and huged him. As he huged me back "your hair is really messy right now and it's turning me on" I whispered in his ear. "Calm your self baby girl I can't fix that problem right now, sadly" JJ whispered in my ear and then pull out of our hug. "But I can tell you by the way Ms. Lana was screaming, that these guys are serious, serious hombres, man" JJ said. "It's a heavy vibe right now, okay. I'm not liking this very much" JJ said. "Why do they want the compass" Char asked. "The office" JohnB said. "What" Pope asked. "My dad's office. He always kept the office locked because he was worried about his competitors stealing his Royal Merchant research. We use to laugh at him liked he was gonna find it. But now that he's gone, l've just left it as he kept it" JohnB said as he walked inside and started to unlock the office door. "Yeah, for when he gets back" Kie said. "Yeah" JohnB said.

JohnB unlocked the door and we walked in. JohnB grabbed a corkboard."I've slept over here like 600 times, and I've never seen this door opened" Pope said. "Here, look. This is the original owner, right here" JohnB said pointing at a picture on the corkboard. "Okay. Robert Q. Routledge" Kie reads. "1880 to 1920. There's the lucky compass, right here" Kie points to the picture that JohnB pointed to a second ago. "Actually, um, he was shot after he brought it" JohnB explained how the compass made it to his dad,but I zone out. "Hm. Sounds like there's a reccuring theme here" JJ said, after I came back from my zone out. "Yeah, you have a death compass" Pope said. "I do not" JohnB said glaring at Pope. "You have a death compass" Pope repeated.

"Get rid of it" JJ said. "It's cursed, and made it's way back to you" JJ said, then he made grabby hands at me, so I walked into his arms and layed my head on his chest. "I love you Jay" I said as I tighten my arms around him. "I love you too baby girl" JJ said and kissed the top of my head then pulled out of the hug. "Look, my dad used to talk about this compartment in here. Soldiers used to hide secret notes" JohnB said as he unscrewed the back of the compass. "What's that" Char asked. "That wasn't there before" JohnB said looking at the back of the compass. "This is my dad's hand writing" JohnB said excitedly. "How can you know that" Pope asked not believeing JohnB. "Because he does these these weird R's with the--see it" JohnB said. "Can I see it" JJ asked looking over JohnB's shoulder and I looked over JJ's shoulder. "Red--rout--No, I think that's an a" JJ said. I figured out JJ was dyslexic in the 8th grade. "It says Redfield baby" I said in a soft voice. "Right" JJ said sending me a light smile as a thank you. "Okay, well, what's Redfield" Kie asked us.

"The most common name in the county" Pope said in a annoyed voice. "Oh, maybe it's a clue to where he's hiding" JohnB said. "A clue? Come on that's" Pope started but Char and Kie shot him a glare that shut him up. "But if it's a clue, maybe it's an anagram" Pope said. "Yes. Perfect, anagram. You need paper" JohnB said as he got a pen and a piece of paper and gave it to Pope. I went over to the window and zoned out again. "How can you concentrate with that thing crowing at you" Pope asked. "JJ loves the rooster" JohnB said as he walked to the window and stood next to me. "I love the rooster" Kie and Char said. "Guys! Somebody's here" me and JohnB yelled. They all walked over to the window. "Guys, guys is that them" Kie asked her voice laced with worry.

"JohnB, I told you. Why does it always" JJ started. "JJ! Hey, look at me" JohnB yelled and pushed JJ into a wall. "Where's the gun" JohnB hissed. "Get off JohnB" I said and pushed him off JJ. I put both of my hands on both sides of JJ's face. "Gun? I, uh, I can't" JJ studder. "Now you don't have the gun, the one time we need the gun" Kie hissed. "Shut the fuck up Kie let him think" I yelled. "It was in your backpack" I told JJ as my thumbs rudded the sides of his cheeks. Then I remembered where his backpack was. "It's on the porch" I said moving my hands off his face. JJ opened the office door and ran out. "John Routledge" a man yelled, JJ turned around and almost fell to the ground but caught himself and ran back into the office and closed the door. "Where's the gun" JohnB asked. "They're on the front porch guys" JJ whispered. "Get out here" a man yelled. "Where you at boy" another man yells as both men throw things around the chateau. "Guys, window. Window" Char whispered. Pope and JJ tried to open the window. "Why is it taking so long" Kie whispered. "It's painted shut, okay" JJ hissed at Kie. "Okay, guys. Here, I got it" Kie said, she had a letter opener and started to chip away the paint. "Come on" JJ told Kie. "I'm going as fast as I can" Kie whispered on the verge of tears.

The man tried to open the office door. "You better not be in there" he yelled. He startes to kick the door. Kie chiped away as much paint as she could, then JJ opened the window. As we start to climb out a gun goes off. We make it out of the window and hide in the chicken coop. Kie and Char sat next to JohnB, Pope sat across from them. Me and JJ sat in the back. I started to shake JJ grabbed my hand. "We are going to be okay. I will not let anyone hurt you I promise baby girl" JJ whispered in my ear. I layed my head on his shoulder. The rooster started freaking out. "Do something, Pope. Shut him up" JJ hissed. "What do you want to do" Pope hissed back at JJ. "Pet it, or talk to it. I don't know" Kie said. Kie and Char started to cry for so reason I did not. The rooster continued to freak out. JJ grabbed the rooster by the neck and snapped it. JJ just stared at the dead bird in his hands shocked at what he done. I grabbed the bird out of his hands and put it on the ground then I grabbed both of his hands and pull his head on my chest and ran my fingers through his hair. "It's okay, you saved us babe" I whispered. When they left we got out of the chicken cop. As soon as me and JJ got out I pulled him into a tight hug. "I love you JJ" I said. "I love you more baby girl" JJ said then he passionately kissed my lips. We pulled apart then he grabbed my hand and we followed JohnB to the Twinkie.

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