Chapter 13

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As soon as we make it inside the chateau JJ goes right to the kitchen and starts making a peanut butter sandwich. "That bread had mold on it three days ago, babe" I said looking at him. "I just pull off the bad parts" JJ said smiling at me. "Your gonna get sick. Then I have to take care of you. Something that I love to do is to take care of my handsome boyfriend" I said smiling back at him. "Mold is good for you. It's just a natural organism" JJ said contining to put peanut butter on the bread. "Whatever, get over here" I said walking to the table JohnB sat at. "Hot damn! Let's do it" JJ said running to my side.

JJ took a bite out out of his sandwich and gagged. Then he throws the whole sandwich in the grabage as I laugh at him. "Told you" I said as I giggled at him. JohnB opened the package and took out a map and unfolded it. "Holy shit" JohnB said in surprise. "Oh. X marks the spot" Pope said pointing at the X on the map. "Longitude, latitude" JohnB said. "Wait, there's something else in here" JohnB said grabbing something out of the package. "What's that" JJ asked. "It's a tape recorder, dumbass" Kie said. "Kie he is not dumb" I snapped. "Yeah he is" Chey said. "Cheyenne, shut the hell up if you wanna see tomorrow's sun rise" I snapped. "You are not dumb Jay" I said then kissed him on the cheek.

After hearing Big John's message to JohnB everyone had a mix of emotions. JohnB gots up from his chair and slammed himself into the office door frame and starts crying. "Holy shit, he did it" JJ said in a exitedly. He was trying to lighten the mood. Chey ran over to JohnB and pulled him into a hug. "Big John, he found the Merchant" JJ said. "Can you please" Kie hissed at JJ. "Sorry" JJ said looking down at his feet. I pulled JJ into a hug as JohnB starts to cry harder.

Once JohnB settled down we all went to the dock. "How much was it again" JJ asked. I sat in between JJ's legs with my back against his chest. JJ kissed my cheek as I played with his rings on his fingers. "Six hundred mil" Pope said. "All right, let's talk the split" JJ said pulling me closer. "Now, before we say evenly may I remind you that I am the only one that can properly defend us from those groupers who were after us. Protection? Not cheap, okay" JJ said holding up his gun.

"You haven't trained. You've done zero training" Pope said. "YouTube, bro! That's at least a five percent bump right there. Any objections? Didn't think so" JJ said looking at me. "I agree with JJ" I said looking up at JJ. "See she agrees" JJ said. "Steph agrees on everything with you JJ" Chey said. "What are you gonna do with your 100mil, Pope" Kie asked. "Pay for college in advance. And also, textbooks" Pope said. "How about you Kie" JJ asked. "Yeah what does a socialist do when she's rich" Pope asked. "Just wanna make a double album. About OBX, the Pogues. You know the way Catch a Fire is about Kingston. Record it at Marley Studio, Peter Tosh producing" Kie said. "Peter Tosh is dead" Pope said looking at Kie in confusion. "Peter Tosh is dead. I know. The spirit of Peter Tosh will never die" Kie said.

"I know what I'll do. I'm gonna get a big ass house on Figure Eight and go full Kook with Steph" JJ said then kissed my cheek. "You two are gonna go full Kook" Pope asked in surprise. "Yup" me and JJ said in sync. "Gonna get a marble statue of me and Steph, and then we're gonna get a Koi pond. And last but not least, I'm gonna marry Steph and the rest of our money goes to are kids. What you think baby girl" JJ asked looking down at me. "I love that idea and I love you" I said then I kissed his lips passionately. "JohnB, Chey what are you two gonna do" Pope asked. "To going full Kook" JohnB said. We all looked at Chey. "To going full Kook" Chey said.

Later that night when Chey, Pope, and Kie went home and JohnB went to bed, me and JJ were lefted alone on the dock. My head was on JJ's shoulder as are legs danggled over the water. His head on mine and his arm wrapped around my waist. "JJ" I said in a soft voice. "Baby girl" JJ said picking his head up and looking at me. "Did you mean it when you said you were going to marry me" I asked. "Yes. I wanna spend the rest of my life with you. Do you wanna spend the rest of your life with me" JJ asked me. "I am yours till the end JJ" I said. Then JJ kissed me passionately. "I am yours till the end Steph" JJ said. Then we walked into the chateau and climb into bed and cuddle for the rest of the night.

Yours till the end/JJ Maybank storyWhere stories live. Discover now