Chapter 25

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We went back to the chateau sadly without Char and packed up everything we would need to get the gold. When it got close to dark we loaded up in the twinkie and headed to Mrs. Crain's house.

JohnB is driving, Sarah is in the passenger seat and Kie, Pope, me and JJ are sitting in the back. "You got rope" JohnB asked. "Got it" Pope said. "Grappling hook" JohnB asked. "No grappling hook. We're not Batman" Pope said. "Pulley" JohnB asked. "Check" Kie said. "Dark clothes" JohnB asked. "Yes" me and Sarah said. "Flashlights" JohnB asked. "Yup" JJ said. "All right good. We're ready" JohnB said getting out of the twinkie.

"Let's go get rich, guys" JJ said. "Hell, yeah" I said kissing JJ's cheek. JohnB opened the side door of the twinkie. "Wait. I wanna say thank you, guys. Seriously. It means a lot to me that you're here tonight" JohnB said. "Always" Kie said. "Of course man" Pope said. "Your my brother JohnB but not by blood. I will always be here for you" I said. "What she said" JJ said pointing at me causing all of us to laugh.

"All right, we done with this circle jerk? Can we go do this" JJ asked. "Let's get that wheat in the water" Pope said getting out of the twinkie. "Weed? I'm up for weed" JJ said. "Same where's the weed" I asked. "Wheat. I said wheat" Pope corrected. We all climbed over the fence and began to walk to the house. When suddenly a light came on. "Shit" we all said and dropped to the ground. "Flashlights" Kie whisper yelled. "It's on strobe" JJ said. "Give it to me" I told JJ. When JJ gave it to me I turned it off.

"Okay, so she has motion sensor lights" Pope said. "We could, uh... move really slowly maybe" JJ said. "Babe. That's not how it works" I said trying not to laugh. "Oh, shit. Let's throw a rock at it" JohnB said. "Did you leave your brain at home? Oh wait, I forgot you don't have one" I whisper yelled at JohnB. "That's a really good idea. Let the axe murder know that we're here" Kie said sarcastically. "Throw a rock at it" Pope asked. "You have a better idea" JohnB asked. "JohnB. JJ's idea was better" I said in a duh tone.

"Literally anything but that" Kie said as Sarah just started at her idiot boyfriend. "What about the breaker? In the circuit box on the porch. We used to play hide and seek here as kids. And if we were brave enough, we'd go all the way up to the porch. I've seen it" Sarah explained. "No. You're not going in that house alone" JohnB said. "Watch me" Sarah challenged. "Crain chops people into pieces" JJ said. "If you believe that, but she's like what, 85" Sarah said. "Here. I'll go with you" Kie offered.

"I'll go to" I said. "No. You will not. Steph you been through enough and I want you safe, no"" JJ said. "Ok I'll stay" I said. "We'll wait for your signal" Pope said. "Hey! Be safe" JohnB said. "We will" Sarah said and walked off with Kie. "Be safe" JJ said as he held Pope's face. "I'll be so safe. I'll be safe for you" Pope said causing me to laugh. "Can you guys stop? Stop! I'm gonna kill you" JohnB threatened. "But how would that keep us safe" I said. "Really you too" JohnB asked. "Yes me too" I said. "That's my girl" JJ said. "Always" I told JJ.

A few seconds later the lights shut off and we made our way to the basement. When we get in the basement, we start setting up. "Holy crap, you know what this is? It just hit me. Pope. Look. This is C. H. U. D. Full C. H. U. D" JJ said. "What is he talking about" JohnB asked. "Canniblistic humanoid underground dwellers? Have you guys not seen that film" JJ asked. "No" JohnB and Pope said. "It's an okay movie. I watched it with JJ" I said. "It's about cannibals that live in the sewers and under New York City, and it's like" JJ said then JohnB cut him off.

"Shut up! Shut up. How deep do you think this is Pope" JohnB asked. "I don't know" Pope said. As we started to lower JohnB down the well he stop us. "Hey, guys. I have one request" JohnB said. "Yeah" we asked. "Don't drop me" JohnB said. JJ let's the rope go causing JohnB to drop a little before he grabbes the rope again. "Whoa" JJ said. "Okay. You're gonna die first, for sure" JohnB said. "Got ya" JJ said. "All right, just keep payin it out nice and slow like that" Pope said. "Wait, hold on one second. I'm gonna get situated" JJ said from in front of me.

"You good" I asked JJ as he puts the rope behind his back. Then JJ slips and falls on my feet cause me to stumble. I grabbed the rope and help Pope stop JohnB as he drops. "JohnB" JJ calls. "I told you not to drop me" JohnB yells. "You good, man" Pope asked. "What the hell was that" JohnB asked. "Little technical difficulties" Pope said. "Keep going, slow" JohnB said. "Okay, we're gonna start paying you out again, all right" Pope said as we started paying out JohnB. "Hey. Hey we got 15 feet lefted. Are you getting close to the bottom" Pope asked.

"I can't tell" JohnB said. "Whoa. Stop. I'm hangin over some sewage water lookin shit" JohnB said. "You want back up" Pope asked. "Keep goin, I guess" JohnB said. "I'm at bottom" JohnB said. "How is it down there" Pope asked. "It's worse than I thought" JohnB said. "You find any gold" JJ asked. "Uh, nothin yet" JohnB said. "You okay down there" I asked. "Yeah" JohnB said, then a few seconds later. "JJ! Hey, pull me up! Pull me up! Come on man! Go" JohnB screamed. "Pull him up! Come on, pull him up" Pope yelled at us. "Wait, wait, wait, wait. Hey, I think I found something" JohnB said.

"What'd you say" Pope asked. "Just give me a minute. Hold on" JohnB said. "Guys, guys" Kie and Sarah yelled running to us. "What's going on" Pope asked. "Mrs. Crain! She's up there. She tried to kill us with a fire poker. We gotta get the fuck out of here" Kie said. "We locked her in the parlor but we gotta go" Sarah said. "Okay code red" JJ said. "JohnB. Get back on, man" JJ yelled. "Three, two, one, pull" Pope said then we all fell to the ground. "Where the hell is he" Pope said. "JohnB" we all yelled. JohnB yelled something but we couldn't make it out.

"What's he saying" JJ asked. "I don't know" I said. "JJ. Steph. Pope. Kie" JohnB yelled. "Yo, he's drowning! We gotta pull him up" Kie said. As we are pulling up JohnB a gun shot rung out. We all started cursing. Pope jumped to the side, JJ ties the rope to a post then pulls me down with him next to Pope as Sarah and Kie hide. "Climb up" JJ yelled to JohnB. "She's blind" Sarah said as another gun shot goes off, Sarah and Kie run out of the basement. A bullet hit next to me and JJ's heads. "Go, go" Pope yelled.

"I don't care if she's blind, that's buck shot" JJ yelled grabbing my hand, we ran out of the basement. We ran outside and jumped over the fence. JJ jumps into the driver seat, I get into the passenger seat, Pope, Kie, and Sarah jumped in the back. "Where's JohnB" Kie asked. "Come on, start the car. Go" Pope yelled. "Come on! JohnB run" Kie yelled. "Why are we always getting shot at" Pope asked as JohnB jumped in the twinkie. The twinkie was filled with oh my gods as JJ drove away from the Crain house.

"Are you okay? Are you shot" JJ asked JohnB. "I'm good" JohnB said. "How about you baby girl" JJ asked me. "I'm great" I said smiling at JJ. "I think I'd know if I was shot, right" Kie asked. "Yeah" Sarah said. "God, you smell like ass" Kie told JohnB. "All time Pogue Hall of Fame, baby" JJ said. "Hell yeah" I said. "That bitch is possessed" Kie said. "That bitch can't aim" Sarah said. "What is that" Kie asked. "No you didn't" Sarah said. "We did it baby" JohnB yelled. "I did it" JohnB yelled. "Oh my God" JJ yelled. "Holy shit" I said we all started screaming.

"That's gold" JJ yelled slamming his fist into the roof of the twinkie. "We got the gold" I screamed. JJ took one hand off the wheel and grabbed my chin and kissed me passionately. "We did it baby" he said. "Yeah we did" I said kissing him again then he went back to driving and yelling in excitement with the rest of us. "Guys we're gonna be rich" Kie said. "Like Kook rich" Kie and Sarah said. "Full Kook! Full Kook! Full Kook! Full Kook! Ay, ay, ay" we all chanted as he drove back to the chateau.

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