Chapter 33

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Kie decided to drive us to the Wreak. When we got there is was super late and we're all very tired. Pope and Kie pushed to tables together and got enough pillows and blankets for all of us. Me and JJ did the same thing and pushed to tables together, then we layed down and cuddle each other. "Goodnight babe I love you" I whispered to JJ. "Night baby I love you too" JJ said the we fell asleep.

The next morning me and JJ were the first ones up. We watched as the cop cars drove pass. I had my head laying on JJ's shoulder and he had his arms wrapped around me. Then Pope woke up and walked over to us. "Their pinched for, man" JJ said talking about Char and JohnB. "No. They wouldn't still be patrolling if they caught them" Pope said.

"Let's hope" Me and JJ said in snyc. "You know, we were in that car. They're probably looking for us, too" Kie said. "I hope not" I said looking over at Kie. "Well, if we're going to be outlaws, we might as well help JohnB and Char" Pope said and grabbed JJ's dirt bike keys and stood in the doorway. "So, find them before they do" JJ asked. "Yes" I said.

"I'm gonna get gas for the boat" Pope said. "Hey, you be careful" Kie told Pope. "I will, love you" Pope said. "I love you too" Kie said and Pope walked out and a few seconds later we heard JJ's dirt bike start. Oh yeah I forgot to mention that Pope confessed his feelings for Kie and she had the same feeling so their dating now.

All of a sudden we heard a loud noise coming from outside so we went outside. We looked to the sky to see a helicopter flying over us. "Who the hell is that" JJ asked. "My guest would be more back up" I said.

We walked back inside and Kie pull out a cardboard box and me and JJ started to fill it with food that Kie handed us. "Is that going to be enough food for them" Kie asked. "I mean, for a couple of weeks, and that's all they need" JJ said. "Steph, can you grab that case of water while I go get my car keys" Kie asked. "Yeah" I said and picked up the case of water. Me and JJ walked out of the kitchen together and meet Kie at the door the we walked out.

As me and JJ put the food and water in the trunk of the car Kid's mom walks up and she's super mad at Kie. "Where you been" Kie's mom asked. "I'm fine. I slept here" Kie said. "Well, we were up half the night, scared to death, lookin for you. We're you even going to tell us" Kie's mom asked. "Well, I'm telling you right now" Kie said. "What the hell are you three up to" Kie's mom asked. "I'm sorry Miss Anna, we gotta go" JJ said. "No. I'm sorry. Absolutely not. Have you heard what's going on? Steph, I help you out a lot tell me what's going on" Kie's mom said.

"I'm sorry Miss Anna" I said as JJ closed the trunk and lead me to the other side of the car and we both got in the back seat. Kie was getting in the driver's seat. "Have you seen the storm coming in? This is not safe" Miss Anna said. "I'm sorry, mom. I have to go" Kie said. They continued to argue for a few seconds more the Kie drove off.

Next we drove to JJ'S house to get the phantom's keys. "Home sweet home" JJ said. "Do you want us to come" Kie asked. "No" JJ said. "I'm coming with I don't care what you say, your not going in there alone JJ" I said. "Please stay I don't want to get hurt" JJ said. "No, I don't want you to get hurt either. I'm coming" I said. "Ok just stay close to me" JJ said and we got out the car and walked into his house.

"Dad" JJ called out when we entered the house but he got no answer. We walked into the living room and found JJ'S dad pass out on the couch. "Dad, I need keys to the Phantom. Dad" JJ said but he still got no answer. JJ looked at the coffee table and saw a bottle of pills, he picked them up to read it, they were sleeping pills and his dad took half the bottle.

JJ then noticed the necklace chain around his dad's neck. He gently picked it up just enough to see what was on the chain. The Phantom's keys were. Of fucking course. JJ grabbed a pencil and a pair of tweezers and slowly picked up the chain. Then JJ'S dad opened his eyes. Oh shit!

"I didn't expect to see you. You're back" JJ'S dad said sitting up. "Yeah, no, I just checkin in" JJ said back up as he pushed me behind him. "School out already" his dad asked. JJ looked at me confused, I was confused to. "What" JJ asked. "Did you and your friend there ditch. It's all right. You can tell me" JJ'S dad said. "Yeah. We hit the break, you know" JJ said as he squeeze my hand trying to calm himself down. "I hated school too. My boy" JJ'S dad said and stood up and placed his hand on JJ'S shoulder.

"Hey, look, I know I'm hard on you sometimes. But sometimes, I see your mother in you, and it gets me a little tweaked, you know. You're a good boy. And I love you, son. Come here,I love you. I love you son. And you take care of him for me" JJ'S dad said pointing at me then pulled JJ into a hug." I will. I promise" I said. I could see JJ fighting to keep his tears away and so was I, this is all JJ wanted and needed from his dad. "Love you too, dad. I'm sorry" JJ said. "You ain't got nothin to be sorry for" JJ'S dad said as he passed out again. JJ lowered him back down on the couch. Then JJ ripped off the necklace chain off his dad's neck.

We both walked out of the house. When we got outside I pulled JJ into a hug. JJ quickly wrapped his arms around me and buried his head in the crook of my neck. "It's ok, I got you. I love you JJ more than anything and everything in this world" I said tighting my arms around him. "I love you the same way Steph" JJ said. We pulled out of our hug and I wiped away a few tears that ran down his cheeks. Then JJ pulled me closer and kissed me gently. Then we walked back to Kie's car and we got in the back seat together.

"How'd it go" Kie asked. JJ held up the keys to show her. Then I grabbed JJ's hand and held it tightly as Kie drove us to the Phantom.

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